
The charm of Bao Ma embodies the high-level transformation of human beings, and the reason behind it is very profound

Many girls will have great differences in appearance and temperament after marriage and before marriage, and these differences are indeed clearly visible to the naked eye. After marriage, women have more maturity and intellectuality, and exude unique charm between their hands and feet. Therefore, people generally praise the change of women after marriage, and even make it one of the benefits after marriage. However, women who have given birth to children often give me the impression that their posture has become bloated, people lack spirits, and they circle around their children every day. If you really pay attention, those women who have given birth to children, after a long and arduous recovery, the change in body shape and temperament deserves the word "qualitative change". The feminine charm they show truly interprets the high-level transformation of human beings.

The charm of Bao Ma embodies the high-level transformation of human beings, and the reason behind it is very profound

This high-level transformation is mainly gradually produced from the following aspects, and with the help of the magic hand of the years, it is properly reflected in their bodies.

First, physical and psychological maturity

Marriage can fix a woman's body, form a new family, and have a new place to live. And what really sets a woman's heart and God down is the process of pregnancy and childbearing. From the early preparation for pregnancy, the arrival of various anxiety emotions, to various physiological symptoms during pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, mobility difficulties, and then to the moment of entering the delivery room, the experience of uncertain life and death, a woman from pregnancy preparation to the final birth of the child, the various ups and downs experienced by a woman are themselves the highest level of transformation that human beings have experienced under normal circumstances. Each of these steps is accompanied by pain and suffering. And when the child fell to the ground, all the tribulations experienced, finally cultivated to the right fruit, looking back at the previous scars, has long been a thick scab, unconsciously the body and mind to become indestructible, in order to meet the next heavy responsibility of parenting.

From the pearl in the palm of her parents' hands, to the bird next to her husband, to the mother who is now a mother, the child makes the woman completely reshape herself, and completely forget her past self. She became more planned, more gentle and considerate, more gentle and focused. In this moment, her world is a child. When the child grows up slowly, the woman begins to recover herself, throwing away the extra flesh during pregnancy, wiping away the tears of contractions and pains, and truly beginning the physiological transformation. It is a painful and long process, but it is also a process of psychological re-experience and maturity. When a woman with a well-restored posture and a face full of intellectuals and love stands in front of you, as a human being, you will instinctively appreciate the "work of art" created by this natural law. Charm and charm naturally arise from the inside out, and infect everyone who comes into contact with her.

The charm of Bao Ma embodies the high-level transformation of human beings, and the reason behind it is very profound

Second, the mysterious power of maternal love

When a woman is raising children, the transformation is still in progress. While giving children the necessary nurturing and care, their own personality and mind are evolving and changing every day. This change is happening as the child ages and constantly, and adapts to the child's parenting needs at different ages. From the child's partial physiological emphasis in swaddling, to more psychological adaptive changes after the child has autonomous consciousness. Patience, intellectuality, harshness, gentleness, empathy and other personality traits will gradually form in the child's repeated crying, willfulness, naughtiness, greed and other turning events. Some women will be slower, some will be faster, but they will eventually integrate into the body, and finally unconsciously form a personality. So when you talk to a mom, most of the time you can feel her empathy, her patience and intellect. All this is actually because of the new abilities that the child acquires as she grows up. And this is actually the magical power behind maternal love.

The charm of Bao Ma embodies the high-level transformation of human beings, and the reason behind it is very profound

Third, the change of temperament

With the previous physical and psychological maturity and the change of personality given by maternal love, the change of temperament is naturally a natural occurrence. These moms dress more maturely and match the age of the children around them. When the child is in infancy, these mothers tend to focus on loose and comfortable clothing in solid colors. When children have a certain degree of consciousness, they gradually begin to wear some slightly colorful costumes. When children have a sense of independence, they begin to wear some mature and more resistant clothes. The supporting packages are also mostly of the types with strong applicability. The most distinctive thing is that most of the clothes of the baby brought out by the mother will be very compatible with the mother. Walking in the crowd, the child walks with the mother, which can better reflect the excellence of the mother, because she is naturally showing her works to the world.

The charm of Bao Ma embodies the high-level transformation of human beings, and the reason behind it is very profound

Women's lives are actually constantly changing, and the change of women's roles affects the future and destiny of a family and even a nation. Nowadays, the times are progressing, and Women in China are becoming more and more mature. We can always see the different charms of women at different stages. As a woman, no matter what stage you are at, you don't have to be inferior and be brave enough to make changes, because at which stage you are, the laws of nature will have different gifts.

Dear readers, if you have different opinions on the transformation and charm of women, please leave a message in the comment area. I am a Nick mortal, taking you to read life and feel life every day.

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