
Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

Illuminate yourself, illuminate others, and the education of love is the future

With the winter vacation coming, many parents are starting to worry about how their children's holidays will be arranged.

Because of the "double reduction" policy, the burden of coursework is indeed less, but the interest class cannot be less.

But what interest class the child has instead of a headache and what specialties are more popular in the future should be made more popular, and what should be made more obvious to the child is actually this.

Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

01 Life, there is always some bitterness you can't hide

Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

In the documentary "18-year-old assembly line", the director followed several factories in the Pearl River Delta for 3 years, and finally presented 30 minutes, but said that he had exhausted the hardships of life.

A supervisor in the film said that more than half of the main force in the factory is now a post-90s in their 20s.

Most of these people have a primary education and have no culture.

Are you saying these people aren't working hard? It's a lot of hard work.

An "old man" who has been in the factory for 10 years said that he entered the factory without graduating from junior high school, working 11 hours a day, sometimes working overtime under the order of the supervisor, often returning to the dormitory until late at night.

If you want to pay a high salary, you have to work night shifts and overtime, but when you are older, your body can't eat.

But even then, life doesn't seem to have changed.

The monthly salary, paying the rent, settling the meal, and gathering with friends a few times is gone.

But I want to get out of here, but I don't know where to go. Because it will be all assembly line work, there is no skill outside.

In his 20s, his life seems to have come to an end. Don't dare to stop, can't stop, like a spinning top. And the epidemic is getting tougher at the moment.

Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

In 2009, there was a reality TV show "The Rich and the Poor", in which one of the experiencers was the big boss Tian Beichen, a Harvard graduate with a net worth of over 100 million.

At the beginning of the show, he vowed that as long as a person has a fighting spirit, he will definitely succeed.

But I didn't expect to quit recording in less than 3 days because I couldn't stick to it.

As he said it himself: I felt like a cog of a machine, spinning constantly, unable to see the direction ahead.

In such an environment, even if the body can eat and can persist, the heart will be depressed and there will be no fighting spirit.

What's more, in such an environment, many times, choosing a maverick is a very difficult thing.

There used to be a saying: If you're going to ruin someone, get him busy.

Yes, when we use all our strength to cope with the life in front of us, how can we have the spare strength to see the future.

As parents, we are the same when it comes to our children.

Instead of letting children get involved in seemingly fulfilling activities such as interest classes and mobile games, it is better to take advantage of the holidays and let children learn to face the real life.

When he understands the truth of life, he can naturally appreciate the value of learning. Work hard when you should work hard, and you can eat the pain of learning, so that you will not always suffer from life.

02 Let children experience life and know that learning is valuable

Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

At the end of last year, the Qianjiang Evening News reported that a junior high school student shouted that he "wanted to go to work and not go to school" because his parents did not let him play games, and the child had not gone to school for 9 days.

Later, the parents helplessly called the police, and the police officer Lao Ding took the child to the yard after understanding the matter and said: I don't want to study, I can, go to the yard to pull grass.

Unexpectedly, after the child passed the freshness of the initial pulling of grass, at noon, he whispered, can you not pull it. The police did not agree.

In the afternoon, the weeds were continued, after which the sun was shining, and new work of disinfection was arranged.

The child finally cried and said: I don't want to work, I want to go back to school.

After the news came out, many parents who attracted it resonated very much. It's too difficult to communicate with children, and I really want to send my own children to pull grass.

In fact, there are many such scenes in life, children do not want to learn, do not want to work hard, in fact, sometimes think about it, after all, parents are too soft-hearted, always want to arrange everything for their children, reluctant to let children eat the hardships of life.

But in the final analysis, whether it is in the factory because of the compulsion of life, or because of the labor of pulling weeds, it is an external force after all.

In the same environment, there are always people who are depressed and lost in the whirlpool, and there are also people who counterattack and take different paths.

03 Effort is not a moment, but a lifetime

Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

Some time ago, #Tsinghua Cleaning Auntie Played My Chinese Heart # Rushed to the hot search, and one of the comments of Gao Zan said this: Peking University's security uncle, Tsinghua's cleaning aunt.

Yes, although these ordinary people are extraordinary and have environmental influences, it is more their own efforts.

This cleaning aunt, 55 years old, has no foundation in piano, does not know musical score, does not understand music theory.

Being able to play is entirely based on their own efforts, groping a little bit in their spare time.

Each note, all by feeling, is tried out little by little by humming the tune.

As mentioned earlier, in the assembly line factory, there is also a "different" person.

Master Zhang is a technical worker in the factory, because the technology is in hand, so compared to other people's confusion and chaotic days, he is very calm, because no matter where he goes, he does not worry about work. Even the boss must respect him three points.

In fact, in the beginning, he had no education.

The difference is that others play cards and K songs after work, but he understands early on that under the trend of automation, it is necessary to learn higher technology.

In my spare time, I learned the technology by myself, and I had an iron rice bowl of "technology".

Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

What is the difference between these people and ordinary people?

Just like the days of working in the factory, people will always think of adapting to the environment for safety, but insisting on 1 month can be, insisting on 1 year, you will always feel uncomfortable and unfree.

And this kind of discomfort and not freedom is the original intention of your efforts. It's just that some people choose to change when they see the status quo, and some people choose to continue to escape.

We treat our children the same way, and the parents' beloved sons are far-reaching.

As long as the parents' way is appropriate, let the child try the hardships of life, the beginning may make the child uncomfortable, but after learning it is the skills of life, it will make the child see his own ability and value.

04 Write at the end

Winter vacation is coming, more important than interest classes, it is more important to cultivate children's understanding

If you're an adult, don't relax at the age of learning and don't concede defeat when it's time to make an effort.

As parents, what we should do more is not to prevent children from interfering too much when they learn to live.

Zhang Jiamei once wrote in her message at the end of the year: Remember that at any moment when you are not aware of it, including now, the opportunity to change your destiny through action has always existed.

Yes to parents, yes to children. Share.

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