
Winter break is coming, are parents ready?

The pace of the winter vacation is getting closer and closer, and the children are finally ushering in the last long holiday of the year. This year is finally over in the struggle with the epidemic, and the children who grew up happily in kindergartens are also going to return to their families, and parents are ready to welcome the "return of the god beast"!

Winter break is coming, are parents ready?

In the new year, I hope that the epidemic will pass quickly, and I hope that the children can grow up healthy and happy. How is this winter vacation going? Here are a few tips for parents and friends, prepare in advance, and spend a safe and happy holiday with your children.


Epidemic prevention and control cannot be relaxed

Recently, there have been outbreaks in many parts of the country, and new variants of the new crown virus have emerged, so the epidemic prevention and control can still not be relaxed. This winter vacation also spans the New Year, and going to relatives in the New Year is a must for many families, but when stringing relatives, we should pay attention to it and try to gather as little as possible. Many families will also arrange travel plans during the holidays, but looking at the epidemic prevention and control situation, it is still recommended not to go far away, especially not to go to medium- and high-risk areas. If you must go out, you must also do a good job of protection, wear a mask throughout the process, once there is an uncomfortable place, remember to go to the regular hospital in time, early detection and early report, early isolation and early treatment.

Winter break is coming, are parents ready?

Pay attention to your child's safety

Every year during the holidays, we must emphasize safety issues many times, and home safety, travel safety, etc. must often raise the child's ear to face life, so that the child is away from the source of danger and pay attention to safety. During the Spring Festival, children can cultivate their awareness of green environmental protection, do not set off fireworks and firecrackers, and stay away from fireworks and firecrackers to avoid fireworks and firecrackers injury accidents.

Winter break is coming, are parents ready?

Good living habits should be maintained

During the winter vacation, parents should pay attention to keeping their children in the good living habits they have developed in kindergarten. Try to achieve a balanced diet, work and rest rules, so that not only can protect the health of the child, but also let the child keep in the rhythm of life in the kindergarten, wait until the end of the holiday, the child can seamlessly connect the kindergarten life, do not have to experience painful holiday syndrome.

In the daily diet of the holidays, pay attention to letting children eat more vegetables, fruits and potatoes, milk, beans; eating a moderate amount of fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat; try to ensure that children have a light and salty diet. Ensure your child's water intake every day. In addition, the holidays are also a good time to exercise children's autonomy, let children do their own things, dress themselves, eat, organize toys, books, undertake some housework within their capabilities, such as: taking out garbage, setting dishes and chopsticks, etc., and be a small helper for parents and mothers.

Winter break is coming, are parents ready?

Adhere to daily parent-child reading

During the holidays, we should give children high-quality companionship, and insist on parent-child reading every day, which can not only cultivate a close parent-child relationship, but also let children develop good reading habits, which is a very good parent-child activity. Parents can also record such parent-child reading moments in the form of words and photos, and let the children take them to the kindergarten after the school starts, share them with other children, and cultivate their children's ability to record and express themselves.

Winter break is coming, are parents ready?

Do more outdoor sports

In the cold winter, you should also let your children participate in outdoor sports, as the saying goes: "Move in winter, make less of a disease; lazy in winter, drink more medicine and a bowl!" "For children, exercise can enhance children's lung capacity, prevent respiratory diseases, enhance immunity, but also enhance appetite, promote the secretion of growth hormone, so that children develop better, but also exercise children's willpower, so that children's personality is cheerful, lively and optimistic."

Winter break is coming, are parents ready?

During the holidays, you can let the children relax and be happy, but some of the details that should be paid attention to still cannot be relaxed, I hope that everyone can be happy to welcome the holiday and have a happy New Year.

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