
50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

Being cared for is the emotional desire of a person's life.

No matter how old they are, people have the right to pursue a love.

Some people have also joined the ranks of blind dates after being single for more than ten years, the root of which is that they have tasted the taste of loneliness and do not want to continue to be lonely in old age.

However, the elderly are more realistic than the young people, who not only pay attention to their appearance, but also care about the actual conditions.

Watched a pair of elderly blind dates online, really hardcore.

50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

01. Talk about privacy when you meet, and ugly words are in front

Yu Jinghua is 52 years old, she has just retired, and she wants to find an old partner to make herself no longer lonely in her old age.

She once had a failed marriage, her ex-husband did not work well, people were also greedy, and they could not save any money in a year, which Yu Jinghua also endured, so that she could not bear it, her ex-husband was looking for a woman outside.

One night, the ex-husband hid his face in the quilt and called, she could hear clearly, and a woman said on the phone: "We have been dating for several years, are you going to my side, or am I going to your side?" ”

50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

Yu Jinghua really couldn't stand it, she filed for divorce, moved out of the house with her daughter, and for a while, life was very hard, and she didn't even have the money to buy rice.

She works during the day, tutors her daughter's homework at night, saves money for people, the old clothes at home are never willing to lose, she uses her brain, she makes old clothes into slippers and other items, in her opinion, the money saved is earned.

In the busy, she spent more than ten years of single life, since her daughter got married, Yu Jinghua felt lonely, the child was brought by her mother, she could not get involved, after retirement there was nothing to do, all day at home idle bored.

Her mother advised her: "While you are still young, find an old partner, otherwise when you are older, you will be more lonely." ”

Yu Jinghua felt reasonable, he signed up for a blind date, and the man who met her was called Li Changjun, 2 years younger than her, a temporary worker, with an income of 2,000 yuan per month, just enough money to eat, a 60-square-meter house, no social security.

As soon as the two met, Yu Jinghua saw the dogs in Li Changjun's house and raised his disgust: "I don't like cats and dogs, there are bacteria." ”

50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

Li Changjun had a good impression of her and offered to say that this problem could be solved, and if the two were together, the dog could be given to his brother to take care of.

Yu Jinghua raised another privacy question: "I am pure and habitual, afraid that the husband and wife will not be harmonious together, will you mind?" ”

Li Changjun also understood her meaning, said that he did not mind, and there may be no problem in cultivating feelings.

It can be seen that Li Changjun is very fond of Jinghua and feels that she speaks softly and is his favorite character.

But the feelings can not be forced, Yu Jinghua obviously did not like the man, and proposed that he was not willing to find someone without a pension, which is Li Changjun's hard injury, although he promised to make up, but a month is so little income, where can you save money?

50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

A blind date ended in failure, from life to the economy, Yu Jinghua did not look at it, in my opinion, it is that she did not really accept the remarriage in her heart, her worries and concerns are many, what needs to be adjusted is her own mentality, otherwise, no one can help.

02. The other party's conditions are better than their own, and they have no confidence in their hearts

Li Changjun is a mind to find a partner, he has never been married, and has always followed his mother.

His mother died 2 months ago, he also continued to live in his mother's old house, talking about his life, Li Changjun said that he was introverted, had no sense of existence at work, had no academic qualifications, could only do some zero-hour work, low income, and did not have the ability to buy a house.

With his mother, he was taken care of by his mother, and before her mother died, she told him to quickly find a partner, otherwise he would be too much of a failure in his life, and no one could speak in his later years.

He felt that his mother's words were reasonable, so he put the blind date on the agenda, and it is reasonable to say that a 52-year-old man is not old, that is, middle-aged.

But his age is very embarrassing when he goes on a blind date, the middle-aged blind date market, his own conditions are very general, no one can see it, the elderly blind date market, most of the women who come are older than him.

Li Changjun did not care, he said that he could accept women older than himself, as long as they were gentle.

50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

After the failure of the blind date with Yu Jinghua, the red lady introduced wang Renhui to him, Wang Renhui is also a divorced woman, her ex-husband loves to drink, and after drinking, she went to buy a batch of wet grain, resulting in a loss of 190,000, which made her very angry, and the two separated.

Wang Renhui's first impression of Li Changjun was okay, saying that he did not mind that he had no savings and no pension, as long as he lived a solid life.

It is reasonable to say that Li Changjun should be happy, but he looked very worried with his head down, and under the repeated questioning of the Red Lady, he raised his inner worries: "I am not confident, afraid of her, will you dislike me for making less money in the future?" ”

50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

It turned out that the woman's fall was generous, but it made Li Changjun feel inferior, and he felt that he was not worthy of the other party.

I have to say that he is an honest man, although his ability is average, he is not deceitful, nor is he pompous, and he is a person who lives a down-to-earth life.

After learning that Wang Renhui did not mind, he was happy, smiled and said that he must work hard to let the other party live a stable life.

People's hearts are all mutual, and when they understand each other, the distance is much closer.

03. Acceptance requires more realistic consideration

Someone on the Internet asked: "Do the elderly want to get married again?" ”

In fact, there is no standard answer to this, some people think that a person is also very good, clean, not so many things.

Some people also believe that the most feared thing in old age is loneliness, if someone around them talks, the mood will be much better, and the body will be healthier.

In my opinion, everyone needs to be seen according to their own conditions.

50-year-old hardcore blind date, meet to talk about privacy topics, netizens: more realistic than young people

For example, people with cheerful personalities who love to be lively, have a stable retirement salary, are in good health, their children are also in other places, and they still have the willingness to remarry in their hearts, then it is completely okay to form another family.

Because in the heart of a person who loves to be lively, he longs for someone to accompany him, he can't stand the coldness in the house, if he is alone for a long time, the mood is low, but it is not beneficial to health.

And if it is a person who loves purity, there is no need at all, even if the children encourage it, they must listen to the voice of the heart.

Sometimes, a person is more comfortable living, you can arrange your own life as you want, want to go out and around, just backpack to travel for a few days, want to go shopping, just run out alone.

If there is one more person around, the difference of opinion will add to the trouble.

Therefore, whether the elderly want to find a partner, they must consider their own personality and needs, as well as their current state.

There are many ways of life, there is no one is the standard answer, you always have to find the right path for yourself, live according to your own ideas.

What do you think about that? Do you think older people should get married again?

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