
6-minute metaphor animation brush screen circle of friends: what is the root of a person's pain

6-minute metaphor animation brush screen circle of friends: what is the root of a person's pain

What you think is a shortcoming,

It is likely to be an unseen flashpoint.

Author: Insight Annabésu

I saw a short film two days ago, which was quite meaningful.

In a clean and bright room, there lived a small clay figure.

It looked at the beautiful room, and then looked at its dirty self, and couldn't bear to look directly.

So it went to get a towel and water and tried to wipe itself clean.

But no matter how it was scrubbed, the mud marks on the ground never disappeared.

6-minute metaphor animation brush screen circle of friends: what is the root of a person's pain

It fell and got up, and even put on clean clothes and shoes and socks for itself, but after a while, it fell to the ground again because of its imbalance, completely becoming a pool of mud.

6-minute metaphor animation brush screen circle of friends: what is the root of a person's pain

Annoyed and angry, it picked up the bucket and smashed it against the wall.

A small hole in the wall was cracked, and from that little hole, it saw the life of another clay man.

The clay man also lived in a mud-heeled environment, but he wore headphones, held paint in his hand, and dressed his little house in a unique style.

6-minute metaphor animation brush screen circle of friends: what is the root of a person's pain

At this time, the little mud realized that the same body of mud, it only wanted to bother to wipe, but there were also people who operated this shortcoming to add some diverse colors to their own world.

In life, we may sometimes be this little clay man.

We may stay in a position that does not belong to us, our talents and talents will not be brought into play, or we may suffer from our own shortcomings, but we are powerless to change.

There is a saying that when you can't know yourself correctly, you have the most troubles and are most prone to anxiety.

Finding your own position and blindly staring at your own flaws is the root of a person's pain.


If you can't find the right place, it will be painful

I've seen such a story.

There was a lily seed that was brought to the wheat field by a bird.

From spring to autumn, the seeds of the lilies also take root, branch and blossom.

Lily believes that wheat is despicable and vulgar, and cannot be compared with its own nobility and elegance, so she dismisses them.

One day, a farmer walked into a wheat field.

Lily was full of joy, imagining how she had been praised by the farmer and held in the palm of her hand, but the farmer did not hesitate to reach out, uproot it, and throw it on the side of the road.

Lily prides itself on being fragrant and pure, but it is abandoned by farmers.

Because for farmers, wheat is the real crop, and lilies are beautiful and amazing, but they are useless weeds.

Our lives are actually the same.

A piece of gold, falling into the mud, it is difficult to find someone who appreciates its value, a person, who stays in an inappropriate position and can never achieve outstanding achievements.

There was a Lu opera performer who was ostracized and depressed in the troupe in his early years.

The good drama is not her turn to line up, and some of her ideas about the drama are not cared about.

Enraged, she left the troupe to seek development in other places, and after many years, she finally found her own place in Jinan, and soon became a famous Lu opera performance artist in the country.

This artist is Lang Xianfen.

Her masterpiece "Li Erjie Remarried", once the arrangement came out, immediately caused a national sensation.

There is a saying that goes, "If you are a horse, do not circle around the pot table, but gallop on the vast grassland; if you are an eagle, do not get used to wandering low under the eaves, but fight for a long time." ”

Staying in an inappropriate position will only lead to pain and entanglement.

Recognize your own value, find your own advantages, and have a different hole in life.


Your position determines your value

Let's talk about the story of two young people.

There was a young man who was keen on starting a business in his early years.

He ran timber and mining and invested in typewriter projects, but all ended in failure.

Later, he became a publisher, but because he did not understand finance and management, the company eventually collapsed and the debt was high.

In desperation, he had to give up business and write and speak full-time to pay off his debts.

Unexpectedly, this start was out of control, and later, he not only paid off his debts, but also saved a savings.

In the following years, he worked tirelessly and wrote a number of well-known novels, which were well-known all over the world.

He is the famous American writer Mark Twain.

Another young man, as opposed to Mark Twain, was expected by his parents to be a writer at an early age.

However, his literary achievements caused the teacher a headache, and the teacher even said bluntly: "Although he is very hardworking, he is too rigid in literary creation, and he cannot make great achievements in literature." ”

The parents were helpless and sent him to learn to paint, but they soon found that their children had no talent for painting.

Just when his parents were at a loss for his future, the chemistry teacher suggested that it would be better to let him delve into chemistry, because he was very attentive in his work, and rigor was the necessary quality for studying chemistry.

Later, young people devoted themselves to the study of chemistry and made many contributions in the field.

This young man with no artistic talent is the Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Wallach.

Whether it is Mark Twain, who has embarked on the road to writing because of his debts, or Wallach, who has become a chemist by mistake, they have found their own way after several twists and turns.

The writer Mizuki Ran once said: "The value of a person depends on whether he can give himself the right positioning." ”

The ruler has its shortcomings, the inch has its strengths, what you like, is not necessarily what you are good at, standing in the wrong position, can only lead to life to do nothing.

So, if you're not happy right now, try more and find your interests and talents.

Continue to cultivate on the right track, and after a few decades, your life will naturally be different from before.

6-minute metaphor animation brush screen circle of friends: what is the root of a person's pain


Your shortcomings are also your shining point

Cui Xuan, the founder of Momself, once felt that he was a very slow person and was ashamed of it.

She was very insecure in herself and felt that she was not a good manager.

Whenever the team's performance is not good, or a colleague is about to leave, she will attack herself, believing that everything is blamed on her slowness and slow heat, and the work once fell into a bottleneck.

Until one day, the HR director came to her and said, I have been observing the executives, I think you are very powerful, there is a kind of wisdom to take a step back and take three steps.

Under hr's statement, Cui Xuan understood that his slow heat was also an advantage.

The shortcomings she thinks are actually unseen shining points, and what she lacks is only an advantageous perspective.

So she began to observe her strengths attentively: empathy, sincerity, and supportive expression, and gradually developed her own "introvert negotiation" style.

After learning to manage her own advantages, she led the team and successfully planned and published the first batch of entrepreneurial management thinking books in China, which won unanimous praise from the market.

In this world, everyone has their own unique advantages, introverts are smart, extroverts are lively, what we have to do is not to carve ourselves into the appearance that others like, but to learn to face ourselves.

In the 1980s, model agent Anderson took a fancy to a freshman girl.

The girl came from a very small state in the United States, dressed in shabby clothes, did not apply fat powder, and had a black mole on her lips.

Anderson felt that the girl was quite talented, and the mole on her lips was also very characteristic, so he introduced the girl to the major brokerage companies, but was repeatedly rejected.

Occasionally, someone would accept her on the condition that the black mole on her lips had to be removed.

The girl was in pain, she had been with this mole for a long time, and in her opinion, this mole had become an inseparable part of her.

After all the entanglement, she still refused.

What she did not expect was that this mole, which had frustrated her everywhere, would become a symbol of the world knowing her a few years later.

People compared her to Marilyn Monroe, her appearance was praised as "extraordinary", and the mole on her lips became her unique identity.

This girl is supermodel Cindy Crawford.

If she had followed the advice of others and removed the unique mole, perhaps she was still the poor girl she was, but because of her insistence on herself, the mole that was rejected finally became her unique plus point.

On the title page of "Silent Confessions", there is such a sentence: "We spend our whole lives to get rid of the expectations of others and find our true selves." ”

In life, too many people give up their exploration of themselves prematurely, complain about themselves, and stagnate, but there are also people who always believe in themselves, stick to themselves, and finally achieve a gorgeous turn.

Mr. Yang Dai said: "Take the road of good choice, don't choose the road of good, you can have your true self." ”

Do not use others as a reference, do not be swayed by the voices of the outside world, and strive to manage yourself.

One day, the shortcomings you are anxious about will also become the highlights of which you are proud.

6-minute metaphor animation brush screen circle of friends: what is the root of a person's pain

Ji Qi, founder of Huazhu Group, once said this:

For a lifetime, don't easily label yourself, especially don't measure yourself by other people's standards.

Think clearly about who you are, what you want to do, learn to talk to your future, and be yourself seriously.

In this ladder of life, some people climb up the stairs, and some people continue to slide.

We look up at our inferiority and bow our heads to be self-satisfied, and only by recognizing ourselves can we find the confidence to settle ourselves in the multiplicity of the world.

Give it a thumbs up, find your place, keep your original intentions, and play those potential advantages to the extreme.

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