
An inconspicuous piece of grass, but it is a high-quality Chinese medicine, have you usually seen it? Yin Chen is a commonly used Chinese medicine for the treatment of eczema, eczema, jaundice, and short urine, also known as Mian Yin Chen and Yin Chen Artemisia, which are outside

author:Dr. Wang Ning, Department of Dermatology

An inconspicuous piece of grass, but it is a high-quality Chinese medicine, have you usually seen it?

Yin Chen, is the treatment of eczema, eczema, jaundice, urinary shortness of commonly used Chinese medicine, alias Mian Yin Chen, Yin Chen Artemisia, its appearance as shown in the following figure, do not underestimate this small grass, Yin Chen has the effect of: antipyretic, choleretic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, lipid-lowering and so on. In the Shennong Materia Medica, it is written that the taste is bitter and flat. The main rheumatic cold and hot, evil gas, hot jaundice. Long-term service is light, and it is good for qi and resistant to aging. Its main production area is Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei and other provinces, there are friends here to see, have you seen it? What else would you like to know about herbs, see you in the comments section. #中医 #

An inconspicuous piece of grass, but it is a high-quality Chinese medicine, have you usually seen it? Yin Chen is a commonly used Chinese medicine for the treatment of eczema, eczema, jaundice, and short urine, also known as Mian Yin Chen and Yin Chen Artemisia, which are outside
An inconspicuous piece of grass, but it is a high-quality Chinese medicine, have you usually seen it? Yin Chen is a commonly used Chinese medicine for the treatment of eczema, eczema, jaundice, and short urine, also known as Mian Yin Chen and Yin Chen Artemisia, which are outside

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