
Wheelbase 3 meters 1, is expected to sell 398,000 or so! The latest information about the ideal new car is exposed

Recently, some media have exposed some configuration information of the ideal X01 model, the standard price of the car will be about 398,000 yuan, and the price of the premium version is estimated to be about 450,000 yuan. According to the plan, the car is expected to be released around April 2022, no later than June, and will be delivered in the second half of the year. By 2023, Ideal Will also launch MPV models.

Wheelbase 3 meters 1, is expected to sell 398,000 or so! The latest information about the ideal new car is exposed

Judging from the previous road test spy photos, the front face of the new car is a closed grille design, which looks more like a pure electric model. New cars will also continue to feature through-line light strips, but the size of their light clusters will increase compared to the ideal ONE.

In terms of body size, the new car is 5200/1998/1800mm in length, width and height, and has a wheelbase of 3100mm, positioning itself as a full-size SUV. In terms of configuration, the new car will use Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car machine chip, and is expected to use OLED in-car screen, of which the control screen can synchronize mobile phone information in real time. The sound system will be provided by Shangsheng Electronics, while the car will be equipped with a HUD head-up display system, and the second row will also have screens.

Wheelbase 3 meters 1, is expected to sell 398,000 or so! The latest information about the ideal new car is exposed

In terms of smart configuration, the X01 model will be equipped with intelligent driving services, including super smart parking, urban smart driving, remote summoning, smart driving, and OTA upgrades.

For smart driving, the car will have L4 level highly automated driving hardware, including ap controller horizon J3+J5 chip and SP controller customized Orin-X chip, installed 1 128-line lidar, 1 DMS, 5 mmWave radar, 12 ultrasonic radar and 12 8M cameras.

In terms of power, the new car still adopts the extended range electric vehicle route, its 1.5T four-cylinder engine has a thermal efficiency of 40%, and the driving motor comes from the Great Wall Honeycomb Power. The car has a battery capacity of 44.5kWh, a pure electric endurance of 155km under WLTC conditions, and its fuel tank is 65L, with a total cruising range of more than 800km. In addition, the Ideal X01 will be equipped with the German Wyback air suspension.

Wheelbase 3 meters 1, is expected to sell 398,000 or so! The latest information about the ideal new car is exposed

In terms of interior, the new car does not adopt an in-line design, but uses a suspended central control screen. At the same time, the area under the center console will also have different layouts, and the air conditioning control panel may be integrated into a smaller screen.

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