
Today's children are brought up by experts

Today's children are brought up by experts

Wen | Thirteenth Sister

Official account | Grid XIII (GSSW13)

A few days ago, I was walking around the neighborhood and met the post-90s novice mother who lived downstairs in my house, who was taking her baby to bask in the sun while holding her mobile phone to watch.

Seeing me, she immediately pulled me aside and asked, "Sister, what genre did you belong to when you coaxed the baby to sleep?" Is it a guiding school, a hypnotist, or a laissez-faire school? ”

I was curious about what she was working on, and when I asked, I learned that she was studying the "Sleep Dross Sleep Guide for Under Half a Year Old".

"I asked around in the mom group, and sure enough, I learned a lot of useful sleep-coaxing skills, and today I'm going to go back and try this 'Fauvist sleep-to-sleep method'..."

Now the novice mother is really happy, full of experts, learning dry goods every day.

She also told me that in addition to sleeping, almost all of her baby skills were learned in the mom group with various "expert" old mothers.

In just a few months, she has mastered various professional theories such as evidence-based medicine, breastfeeding, pelvic floor muscles, playing power, big movements, fine motor movements, growth curves...

Another example is the N-kind formula and nutrition ratio table of calcium tablets, vitamins, cod liver oil...

Even the material of the crawling mat, what ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, chemical cross-linked polyethylene foam material... It was all written down in her little book.

Sure enough, everyone who has been a mother has more knowledge than they can imagine, they are like a think tank, an encyclopedia, a handheld computer.

As long as in the mother group, there is nothing that cannot be found, from "what to eat to prevent constipation" to "what to do if you can't climb" to "pediatric massage eighteen", "language enlightenment which is strong"...

In fact, everyone is from the first time to become a mother, who has the talent to be a mother? It's not all half by trying, half by listening to the advice of others, and crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Today's children are brought up by experts

Getting used to giving yourself "make-up lessons" is a must for new mothers.

They listen carefully among various masters and experts, copy their hands non-stop, pick up professional knowledge on various parenting platforms, brush up on experience in countless mother and baby groups, and share the skills of baby-bearing has become an emotional bond between mothers.

Every journey from a confused circle to a handy one has witnessed the miracle of mothers becoming experts with babies.

Even the mother and baby group that this post-90s new mother joined, the name is "moms help moms", absolutely.

I remember the first few months when I became a mother, I was also busy and confused. At that time, there were not so many parenting platforms, forums, what to give me guidance and confusion, and when I encountered problems, I asked experienced friends around me. Asking and asking, I found that everyone's confusion is actually similar, and the biggest trouble is probably "sleeping".

What mother has not experienced a moment of fear at night, you are sleeping soundly, and the slightest sound of "humming and chirping" in the crib next to you can wake you up like a huge thunderclap. Every mother asks herself a hundred times a day in her heart: When will my baby let me sleep a whole night?

Today's children are brought up by experts

The most crazy thing is that I don't know why the baby is crying, I have experienced this kind of madness before, the milk has also been fed, the diaper is not wet, and even some mothers still get up in the middle of the night to "artificial shake the car" to sleep, it does not work, the child is always crying and crying and making trouble, falling asleep for a while and turning over and over again, making the whole family mentally weak.

After asking a circle of mothers, I found that many babies could not sleep well either hungry or pulled, but most likely because of "itching". Later, take off the clothes to take a closer look, behind the buttocks, between the thighs, there are small red rashes, a doctor to know that it is a common eczema, there is no big trouble, it is uncomfortable.

The doctor said this: don't look at the baby's skin looks tender and slippery, in fact, it is particularly fragile, because the baby's skin barrier function is not yet fully developed, and it is easy to produce skin problems when encountering dryness or external stimuli.

The doctor said: eczema is high in infants and young children, once recruited, it is easy to repeat, "prevention is greater than treatment" is the key.

Especially in the winter, the climate is dry, and the children's clothes are layered and worn a lot, and the baby with eczema may not be able to find out in time. Later, I knew that when other people's babies were crying and not sleeping well, I would suggest that mothers check whether the baby had eczema.

Today's children are brought up by experts

But as the doctor said, eczema is more important to prevent it. Not letting eczema happen is the most important thing. The first lesson of being a mother, in addition to learning to take care of the baby's eating and drinking, but also learn to take care of the baby's delicate skin, the high incidence of eczema in the baby group, and many babies are prone to red cheeks, saliva rashes and other skin problems in winter, which can achieve prevention and improvement by "moisturizing".

So the question is, what moisturizer can be used every day with peace of mind, and can also prevent baby eczema and skin problems?

With an experienced team of mom experts, you can get straight to the point and find a moisturizer that's easy to use and inexpensive. For example, the Internet celebrity moisturizer that is rumored in the mother group - Stafu White Can, is really easy to use!

Today's children are brought up by experts

For the baby to use the things, the mother is most concerned about the safety, The Staf white can can be completely assured, do not add flavors, hormones, pigments and harmful preservatives, sensitive skin and eczema baby can be used every day with peace of mind.

Moisturizing well is the key to preventing eczema, and the moisturizing effect of the large white can is really leveraged! MOISTURE LOCK 48 Hour Water Lock Black Technology, Emollient and Moisturizing Lock Water Sync. It contains sweet almond oil, sunflower seed oil, cetyl alcohol and petrolatum, moisturizing, anti-allergy, repair, water lock, isolate bacteria, is the little guardian of the baby's skin.

Today's children are brought up by experts

Regular application of the large white jar can also help your baby strengthen the skin barrier, making your baby's fragile and sensitive skin stronger and healthier. Apply the large white can twice a day, and from 3 days onwards, you can significantly see that the skin becomes healthier and more hydrated, and after 7 days, 100% of the skin barrier is effectively repaired.

Today's children are brought up by experts

The big white can is suitable for applying the face to the body, a can can get the baby's whole body, the texture is also comfortable, moist and silky, but not oily and not sticky, the baby also likes. This is also a eczema care product recommended by many dermatologists and pediatricians, and it is also a moisturizer that many mothers personally test to prevent and improve their baby's eczema.

Stafu everyone understands, is more than 70 years of sensitive skin care experience of the international big brand, the parent company is the famous French pharmaceutical factory Gao Demei, the products are produced in GMP drug standards, this big white can is their star products, many mothers such as Zhu Dan, Zhang Jiani, Yang Zishan, Xi Mengyao, etc. are recommended, but also won countless awards, with many loyal mother users of the sincerity of endorsement.

Another reason I like this product is because the whole family can use it together! A large can of 550g capacity can not only meet the "huge" moisturizing cream dosage of eczema babies, but also protect the hydration and health of the whole family's skin, moisturize the family, and do not have to worry about dryness, roughness and dander all winter.

Daily moisturizing: 1 to 2 times a day, cleanse and apply. The moisturizing effect lasts up to 48 hours and also prevents eczema.

During the baby's eczema: the eczema skin's own water-locking function decreases. The dosage/frequency needs to be increased, and it is recommended to use no less than 150g per week.

Prepare a bucket of Stave white cans for the baby and the whole family, let the baby be comfortable for a winter, and let the mother sleep well! Buy now with a limited time offer:

Daily price 148 yuan / 550g

The limited time price is only 133 yuan / 550g

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Today's children are brought up by experts

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