
Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

The child has no friends

What to do?

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends
Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

Invited expert: Teacher Wang Bingyuan

Hello everyone, today Xiaobei invited a professor of science psychology at Inner Mongolia Medical University,

Teacher Wang Bingyuan explained to us,

What if the child has no friends?

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

We all know that people are social animals, people must live in groups, daily life, everyone has some friends, so that we can feel that life is more pleasant, more happy.

A parent was very troubled to consult with us, saying that his child has gone to primary school, the personality is more docile, learning from a young age is very good, but he has no friends around, but also wrote in the diary: My community has a total of 3 classmates in our class, every day after school, the three of them always go together, never call me, in school they do not play with me, I am all day long in addition to studying or learning, I think life is very monotonous, boring, very lonely in my heart.

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

From the diary, we can see that children feel very bad because they have no friends. It has already had a certain impact on his character formation and on his daily life, so parents will also feel troubled by this.

I have two suggestions for this situation.

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

One is to find out why this child has no friends. This is very important, we find the cause after solving, then we can make this thing can smoothly achieve the effect we expect.

According to common sense, the child's personality is more docile, learning is good, it is reasonable to say that in the class should be very authoritative, students should be very willing to make friends with him, then why is this so? In fact, it should be carefully reviewed and reflected.

It is necessary to find reasons from two aspects, one is from the parental side, is not more doting, afraid that he plays with some children, bumps, consciously limits the child's behavior, and is not willing to let him play with other children. Such words make children out of place from an early age. Elementary school children are actually in the age of playfulness. Bumping is actually very common, and if you fall down, you will get up, right? Excessive protection and restriction by parents will make children lose the desire to play with children and experience happiness.

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

This is the case in a lot of families, buying a lot of game stuff. Children often play at home alone, although they seem to be very happy, but in fact, the lack of interaction with other children, can not cultivate his behavior habits of effective interaction with other children, and some children do not like to participate in various group activities, personality is more withdrawn. There is also a more docile personality, just feel that they have a certain pressure in the group, and even some people will cause a certain sense of inferiority, which can be considered as the cause of the child's own possible appearance.

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

The second is to take the right medicine, as a parent we need to encourage children, you are a good child, you study hard, your personality is also very good, you have no friends now, of course, parents have a certain responsibility, for example, we have excessive protection restrictions on you from childhood, afraid that you play with other children, bumping, so it affects the cultivation of your communication skills. Now let's work together to change it. Use these warmer words to make himself aware that his parents understand him better, so that the words can gradually eliminate his inner troubles.

Why does my child have no friends? Parents have not done a good job in this matter, no wonder children have no friends

At the same time, parents can also provide children with some conditions to play with classmates and children, for example, children can invite students in a community to celebrate their birthdays at home, and they can also watch movies together, go to the park to play, etc. If they learn well, they can also take the initiative to help them in learning. As long as as you are a child, you are sincere and friendly. Most of the students are acceptable.

In addition, children should be encouraged to actively participate in class activities and group activities. In these activities, he can establish deep relationships with other friends and classmates.

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