
Children do housework age comparison table! Kids who can do it won't be too bad in the future!

The "Guidelines for the Development of Children Aged 3-6" put forward clear and specific requirements for children's self-care ability. In addition to the daily education and teaching activities of kindergartens, the cultivation of children's independent self-care ability is also inseparable from the strength of the family.

But in fact, many parents in life are not willing to let their children do housework, thinking that doing housework is the business of adults, and children will help more and more. But in fact, doing housework is a way for children to build self-confidence and help them develop good living habits.

Today, Xiao Mu will share a children's housework age comparison table for everyone, and quickly transfer it to the parents around you!

Children do housework age comparison table! Kids who can do it won't be too bad in the future!

Age comparison table for young children doing housework

2 - 3 years old

Will use the toilet themselves;

Can brush their own teeth;

You can water the flowers yourself;

You can throw your garbage in the trash yourself;

Be able to help your mother hang clothes on hangers;

You can organize your own toys before going to bed.

3 - 4 years old

Put used towels, toothbrushes, and washbasins away;

Put your dirty clothes in a dirty clothes basket;

After the meal, put the dishes and dishes in the kitchen sink;

Learn to wipe the ash;

Be able to put your toys and books back in place.

4-5 years old

Prepare tableware according to the number of people before meals;

Wash your own socks and other small things;

Wipe the table after meals;

You can prepare your own clothes for the next day;

Arrange and stack dry clothes and pants neatly.

5 - 6 years old

Learn to clean up your room;

Sweeping the floor and taking out the garbage;

Learn to fold quilts;

Learn to make your own cot;

Will prepare a small school bag to go to kindergarten the next day;

Let children fall in love with labor;

Children do housework age comparison table! Kids who can do it won't be too bad in the future!

How should parents guide?

Give your child choices and do the housework as much as they can

Parents should discuss with their children what he or she can do according to their child's age characteristics and actual abilities. What do you want to do? and make a plan.

Teach your child relevant labor skills and reap a sense of success

Doing housework requires mastering relevant labor skills, and parents should patiently and carefully explain the demonstration so that children understand how to do it and why they do it.

Do housework with your children and experience the happiness of parent-child labor

Working with mom and dad can improve your child's interest, close parent-child relationship, and foster a spirit of collaboration. Families should develop an atmosphere of mutual praise for the fruits of labor, such as delicious dishes made by mothers, so that children realize that they are doing beneficial things as part of the family to take on part of the housework.

Children do housework age comparison table! Kids who can do it won't be too bad in the future!

How to make children fall in love with labor?

In order to make children take pleasure in doing housework, it is recommended that parents can make a housework report card, score each item, and give appropriate rewards, so that children can slowly develop a good habit of doing housework.

1. Be more encouraging and patient

Children's housework may be rough at the beginning, and parents should not be too demanding and give their children some positive encouragement. You can try to say, "Sweep the floor clean today, that is, the corner forgot to sweep, tomorrow you will definitely sweep the floor cleaner." ”

2. Multi-point game elements

It's in children's nature to like games, and moms and dads can try to make their kids think of housework as games. For example, peeling beans with children, you can compete to see who peels more, and during the game, parents can deliberately lose, so that children can experience the joy of victory.

3. Multi-point reward method

A child's favorite toy, a good book, will make children further appreciate the joy of labor. But material rewards can not be abused, so the reward methods should be diversified, and spiritual encouragement is more desirable, such as the child is seriously responsible for completing a housework, so that all members of the family can appreciate the fruits of their labor together, so that the child has a sincere sense of pride; and like a hug, a sentence "You are doing awesome!" ", a high-five...

4. Lead by example

Parents themselves should have a correct attitude towards doing housework, and do not let children perceive from their parents' words and deeds and behaviors that doing housework is a nasty thing. Transmit more positive emotions subtly and imperceptibly affect children.

Children do housework age comparison table! Kids who can do it won't be too bad in the future!

The family educator Elizabeth Bondery said that assigning housework to children is the best way for children to build a sense of self-worth and believe in their own abilities, and that people who are accustomed to doing simple housework have a more pleasant life than those who do not do things as children, because children not only gain talents in labor, but also realize their social value.

Education is never limited to classroom learning, and various exercise opportunities in family life can bring more to children. Seemingly meaningless housework, the independence, confidence, happiness and ability that children bring are the wealth of their lives.

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