
Sun Haiyang's attitude toward money is the best education for children


See Sun Haiyang's Weibo today:

Sun Haiyang's attitude toward money is the best education for children

Sun Haiyang expressed his gratitude to the kind netizens. Repeatedly stressed not to send gifts again, WeChat and Alipay do not transfer money, in the way to find a way to return.

Sun Haiyang not only did not have the kindness of consumer society, but also set a good example. I believe that in doing so, he also sets a good example for his children, because if people are accustomed to reaching out for money, then the family cannot really grow and grow, and the family reputation will be destroyed. A person of integrity, with normal three views and long-term vision, will not let everyone in his family become a beggar on the Internet.

Due to the impact of the 28 incidents, I have seen a lot of Sun Haiyang Sun Zhuo incident, rarely speaking, and today I have a feeling, mainly because several families have really formed a sharp contrast.

A netizen said:

"Sun Haiyang's three views and pattern throw away the wrong life for 28 years and a few streets on both sides, it is simply a heaven and an underground!" A bunch of beggars don't rub the heat every day, it's too punching in the face! The seven aunts and eight aunts of a certain family went to the battlefield to cut the leeks of the big aunt and cut them happily. ”

I have been mixing in the human world for decades, and it is really the first time that I have seen a group of people so hungry for money, completely disregarding eating, trampling on corpses, whipping the living, all for money, money, money, but also in the name of justice.

They are not like humans, like a group of vultures, swooping down from the sky and chewing on carrion, but a group of zombies worship them as gods, offering their own flesh and blood while blaming normal humans for why they do not give themselves.

Whatever happens, in the end, it all leads to:

Buy buy buy and donate.

It seems that this is the only way to call support.

How can someone be short of money and love money to this point?

Don't understand.


Before I read some people's descriptions, I vaguely felt that there is a meaning of worshipping Sun Haiyang as a god, there will always be a god-making movement on the Internet, because this will form a traffic pool, at that time there was also some worry, afraid that Sun Haiyang and his family could not resist this huge temptation, and later saw Sun Zhuo's mother deliberately closed the tip during the live broadcast, and today I saw Sun Haiyang refuse to accept money, and I felt very relieved.

In the 14 years of searching for a son, Sun Haiyang actually made a huge and arduous effort in finding a son, on the other hand, he is also trying to build his own family and take care of his career, so that he can have the economic foundation of the search for a son, at the same time, it will not let the family fall apart, I do not agree with Sun Haiyang's ability to hold the height of God, but I do think that he is a very sober and rational person, can live in a place like Shenzhen, even if it is only renting a house, but the child is well trained, the daughter is still studying in Singapore, It is really quite admirable, there are many luminous points on the body, it is worth learning.

Sun Zhuo's sister once wrote a long letter, the sentence is smooth, the expression is powerful, and it is a highly educated person at a glance. I also saw a picture of Sun Zhuo's younger brother doing housework. Sun Haiyang will not spoil the other two children because of the loss of one son, but give good growth soil, cultivate children's versatility and independence, this educational concept is actually the key to winning Sun Zhuo's return.

Many parents now, in fact, do not know how to get along with their children, some families, love their children, do not know how to love, but cultivate their children into waste materials.

I have also noticed that many people overemphasize procreation, or, in their eyes, it is actually reproduction, because they focus on "birth" and ignore "breeding", but my focus is on "family development", so I will pay special attention to observing those excellent families to see how they educate their children, of course, failed families will also pay attention, because it is a counterexample.

Good families will value their children's own abilities, at least let them be self-reliant, rather than relying on the shadow of their parents. I know some rich second generations, very hard,the family is rich and business, but they will work diligently, some only one day off a week, overtime. A friend's child works at Tencent, and the friends are distressed, saying that earning that little money is really nothing, it is really hard, but the child himself is willing.

Of course, their starting point is high, after all, they do things at will, such as wanting to start their own business, and they are not worried about funds, but even if they have such a good foundation, they can see that they are doing things seriously.

There are really a lot of excellent young people around me, no matter what the origin, they are very hard working, very independent, from their bodies, you can see a good family influence, children can surpass their parents, this family has a brilliant future, otherwise, it is very likely that it will decay in less than three lifetimes.

The same is true of my own children's nurturing ideas, I don't expect them to be very successful, but they must be independent.

Sambo's birthday is coming, I bought an air fryer for her, she is at home on vacation, she can study food with my sister, I hope she will learn to cook well, because cooking is not only a skill, but also a pleasure.

I myself like to read, so I buy a lot of books for my children.

I like to cook myself, and I like to buy kitchen utensils for my children and buy food.

Sun Haiyang's attitude toward money is the best education for children

Adults, if you want to let your children do, you must first set an example.

Practicing is the best education.


I can care less about the world's opinion, but about the impact on children.

For me, 28 is undoubtedly a catastrophe, if there is no certain number of fans, if there are real black spots in the past, if the desire for profit, only consider the traffic and realization, then it is really possible to be destroyed, discredited, and rebellious.

In the tsunami-like Internet violence, I can still persist because I stick to my principles, change my mistakes when I know them, live for face, and do not succumb to various crackdowns and threats. When thousands of people flocked to me and insulted me with all kinds of filthy words, even insulting my family, I still remained sober and rational, and I did not use dirty words to scold anyone, because I had not been educated in this way, and some things I did not defend, not because of a weak heart, but because I felt that they were dirty.

"Because of the dirty and unwilling to pay attention" is a kind of attitude that may not be understood, of course, this "unwilling to pay attention" is not willing to use the network to tear each other apart, if necessary to take the legal route, I believe that the moment when the network tears each other dirty words, may not be able to hurt people (after all, the other party's face is too thick or do not want to face at all), but the first hurt may be themselves, because it is equivalent to breaking through their own bottom line, I can die, but can not tolerate such a situation:

If I scold people, these words will eventually remain on the Internet, even if I delete it myself, it may be screenshotted by others, if one day, my family, especially the children, grow up to see these, what will they think of me? Will they be ashamed of me?

I have lived so hard, published 12 books, and helped countless people, I still dare not say that the children will be proud of me, but I dare not take any risks to make the children see me as a disgrace.

So, no matter how reasonable I am, I don't want to hurt people with bad words — naturally, my rational discussions, well-founded statements, will be regarded as bad words by opponents, and I am powerless to reverse their views, after all, in their eyes, I am a cyber rioter, an Internet beggar, who not only believes in rumors, but even is a rumor maker myself - but at least, if the children come to me, I can explain it with dignity, and those P figures, those who want to add to the crime, I can use the facts to smash the lies.

In the eyes of those who regard money and traffic as the supreme force, they do not believe that there are still people in this world who do not care about traffic and do not covet any unjust property. Those who tried their best to smear me and describe my three houses as only 20 square meters were also trying to create a poor image, so that it was possible to pursue heat and be bribed.

I am proud that in this process, I met the most vicious people in the world, saw the ugliest human nature, and was subjected to a variety of cruel means of internet violence, and I was not crushed by this, nor did I change my three views because of this. After 28, it is true that I will no longer participate in any social hot events, but I still firmly believe in the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, and I will not lose confidence in the world because of these scum.

I also hope that such courage and persistence is also a mirror for children.

A gentleman loves money and has a way of getting it.

Money cannot be earned, but if you live in the world, a mind is only to make money, then this life, it will be wasted.

Many parents say that they are trying to make money for the sake of their children, which sounds inspirational, but is it really useful? not necessarily.

In order to make money, and therefore lack of companionship for children, is this what children want?

In order to buy a marriage house for the child in the future, I dare not enjoy anything, and let the child lose the motivation to struggle in the future, adults are working hard, is it necessary for the child to work hard? There are readily available anyway.

I kept telling my niece that my house was mine, it had nothing to do with her, she wanted a house, she went to earn money to buy it herself, it had nothing to do with me.

It seems to be very ruthless, but I think that this is the way to truly love her, so that she will grow into an upright, upright person, a person who is useful to society, rather than a parasite that grows by sucking the blood of relatives.

I believe that Sun Haiyang's three children will be very good in the future, and there is no mistake in having such a father and such a family. I also hope that the self-media, especially the marketing number, will let go of this family, and the hype can indeed not lack hot spots, but for the sake of traffic, it is also a very despicable behavior to test the happiness of a family with huge interest temptations.

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