
Wang Qinglian, the last female secret agent of the mainland: In fact, Dai Kasa is very decent, and the anti-Japanese dramas are all fake

In the past few decades of the Republic of China, although wonderful but also tragic, it is only a few who can have their own ideas and hold their fate in their hands, and more people can only sink and float with the monstrous waves of the chaotic era. Wang Qinglian, a former military interpreter and telegrapher, was such a straw that could only "go with the flow" during the Republic of China period.

Wang Qinglian, the last female secret agent of the mainland: In fact, Dai Kasa is very decent, and the anti-Japanese dramas are all fake

Born in 1928, Wang Qinglian is a native of Jiangshan, Zhejiang Province, and later came from the same place as her immediate boss, Dai Kasa. Of course, this is just a coincidence, Wang Qinglian's family has nothing to do with Dai Kasa, but she was able to be elected as a member of the Military Command Bureau because she was born in Jiangshan.

Wang Qinglian's family was quite poor, and to the family's embarrassment, her father died when she was 1 year old. Wang Qinglian's mother took her back to her mother's house, and the three women survived the chaotic world without male support, and also sent Wang Qinglian to primary school for 6 years.

Wang Qinglian, the last female secret agent of the mainland: In fact, Dai Kasa is very decent, and the anti-Japanese dramas are all fake

However, Wang Qinglian's family was really poor, and when she grew up to be 15 years old, her family was always unable to open the pot for three days, which coincided with the Military Command Bureau's recruitment in Jiangshan County. In order to make a living, Wang Qinglian's mother let her sign up. Wang Qinglian originally thought that she would not get the job, but her six years of primary school study allowed her to pass other competitors and become one of the few women who passed the test.

However, there is another very important reason why Wang Qinglian was able to pass. She joined the military command in early 1943 and was assigned to the headquarters of the bureau, and in order to prevent the treacherous from mixing in, most of the people here came from the same place as the "big boss" Dai Kasa - Jiangshan County.

Wang Qinglian, the last female secret agent of the mainland: In fact, Dai Kasa is very decent, and the anti-Japanese dramas are all fake

Wang Qinglian only stayed here for 3 years, leaving in 1946. Talking about this section of Manager Li, people feel that she is more like an uninformed participant and has not thought about the meaning of this job. She sat in her office every day, translating telegrams, never firing a shot, not killing a single person.

In these 3 years, her salary is relatively very rich, not only can she dress herself, when she receives her salary, she can also go to the dance hall to dance, complete her vision of changing from an ugly duckling in the countryside to a white swan in the city, and she has the remaining money to send home to her mother and grandmother.

Wang Qinglian, the last female secret agent of the mainland: In fact, Dai Kasa is very decent, and the anti-Japanese dramas are all fake

In addition, Wang Qinglian did not have a higher consciousness, even though she was called a "secret agent", but she only wanted to make her life better. And these 3 years of good life also brought great disasters and setbacks to her later life, even though she only quit after 3 years of work and did not participate in the civil war, she was still subjected to quite severe interrogation.

Wang Qinglian felt aggrieved, because he really hadn't killed a person. Wang Qinglian even chose to jump into the river to commit suicide, fortunately, after she was rescued, she suddenly had the determination to live. In the end, Wang Qinglian also became a soldier with meritorious service in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and was commended.

Wang Qinglian, the last female secret agent of the mainland: In fact, Dai Kasa is very decent, and the anti-Japanese dramas are all fake

Today, she is a 92-year-old man and the only female translator and telegrapher with military command experience on the road. She looked back on her life, and she was most impressed by her original job, but when she saw the image of her boss Dai Kasa portrayed in the film and television drama, she was also dissatisfied, thinking that it was smearing the image of Dai Kasa.

As a direct subordinate of Dai Kasa, Wang Qinglian had a lot of contact with Dai Kasa. In her memory, Dai Kasa was a person who treated his subordinates very harshly, but also strictly disciplined himself. Dai Kasa prohibits subordinate women from wearing heavy makeup, and the requirements for everyone are very strict, and they usually eat with everyone.

Wang Qinglian, the last female secret agent of the mainland: In fact, Dai Kasa is very decent, and the anti-Japanese dramas are all fake

However, Dai Kasa's Zhongshan suit is always meticulously buttoned tightly, paying considerable attention to his own image, never as sinister and vicious as the performance in the TV series, and it is impossible to show a sinister smile. Wang Qinglian also believes that Dai Kasa is a decent person, but his position is different. On this point, people who have experienced different experiences do have different views, what do you think?

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