
The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity


Objectively speaking, each dynasty had its own intelligence agency, the Tang Dynasty's Inspection Office, the Song Dynasty's Janissaries, the Ming Dynasty's Jinyi Guards, and the military unification organizations of the Republic of China. These intelligence groups helped the rulers of the time to a large extent consolidate their power, while also playing a crucial role in the face of foreign enemies.

For example, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the military command vigorously cultivated intelligence agents, who had perfect operational strategies and professional ethics, and stole a lot of key information from the Japanese. It was only in the later stages of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression that the military command, at the behest of old Chiang Kai-shek, began to target its own brothers, which completely discredited the reputation of the organization.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

After the end of the Liberation War, the Nationalist government had no choice but to retreat to Taiwan, and the military command, as the intelligence organization of the Nationalist army on the mainland, naturally faced the situation of dissolution, but not all the agents retreated to Taiwan with the Nationalist army.

In the final stage, there were still three military command agents left on the mainland, who had lived in anonymity for 64 years, and finally the three of them met and left a group photo of the significance of the times.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

Wang Qinglian

The first military commander who remained on the mainland was Wang Qinglian. Wang Qinglian was born in Jiangshan County, Zhejiang Province, and friends familiar with the history of the Republic of China know that this is simply the hometown of the military command, whether it is Dai Kasa, the former director of the military command, or Mao Renfeng, the later director of the bureau, are all from Jiangshan County, and half of the agents within the military command are from here.

It may be precisely because of the influence of this relationship that when Wang Qinglian was 15 years old, the military command came to Jiangshan County again to recruit people, and Wang Qinglian's mother, as soon as she heard that this was a good thing, she registered her daughter; Wang Qinglian herself was also angry, and it was not easy to enter the examination of military unification, but Wang Qinglian, who had been intelligent since childhood, really passed the examination by virtue of her ability.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

Later, because of Wang Qinglian's excellent work, the higher-level organizations began to vigorously cultivate her, and around 1944, Wang Qinglian had become a rare female translator and telegrapher within the military command.

Maybe even Dai Kasa thought that this post was too important for the military command, so in addition to his hometown Jiangshan County, he really couldn't trust outsiders, Wang Qinglian just met all the conditions for the job, and this post was like a one-size-fits-all for her.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

After Wang Qinglian took office, he assisted his superiors in cracking the intelligence that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor in the United States in advance, but at that time, the United States did not believe the words of old Chiang Kai-shek, but we cannot deny Wang Qinglian's merits in this matter.

She made great contributions to the War of Resistance Against Japan, when the military command withdrew from the mainland, Wang Qinglian did not flee to Taiwan like others, her hometown is in Jiangshan County, she was eager to go back to see her mother.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

Of course, due to the particularity of her status, Wang Qinglian was later spared for a period of time, but later misunderstood that her superiors took good care of Wang Qinglian, affirming her contribution to the victory of the country and allowing her to live a happy life on the mainland.

In her later years, Wang Qinglian confessed: She really appreciates everything our party has done for her.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

Dai Yiqian

The second military commander who remained in the mainland, Dai Yiqian, from this name we can also see that Dai Yiqian seems to have a slight connection with Dai Kasa, the head of the military command at that time.

This is exactly the case, if calculated by generation, Dai Yiqian should call Dai Kasa a tenth uncle, don't look at this kinship far away, but at that time, even if it was only a little bit of affinity, he could get Dai Kasa's protection and live in the military command.

However, Dai Yiqian is not the kind of opportunistic person, he has a strong patriotic feeling in his heart, for which he also joined the army and resisted the anti-Japanese battlefield.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

After Dai Kasa learned of Dai Yiqian's identity, he transferred him to work in the military command, and he had great trust in Dai Yiqian, after all, he was his own family, and Dai Yiqian achieved a confidential staff position in the military command and advised for the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Originally, according to such a plot, Dai Yiqian would go to Taiwan with Dai Kasa after the defeat of the Nationalist army, but we all know that Dai Kasa's plane had an accident over Nanjing, and Dai Yiqian returned to his hometown to live an ordinary life.

Later, Dai Yiqian was sentenced to 5 years for charges during the Liberation War, which was not a long time, and he repeatedly atone for his past in prison. The elderly Dai Yiqian eventually gained the tolerance of the state and sent him to a nursing home to enjoy his old age.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

Congratulations to Rinpoche

The third military command agent who remained on the mainland was called Zhu Rinpo, and Zhu Rinpo and Dai Yiqian were old acquaintances, and the two were also very good friends in the military command; but unlike Dai Yiqian's position in the military command, Zhu Rinpo's main job was to maintain the radio of military unity.

At that time, communication technology was not mastered by everyone, but Zhu Rinpo was very accomplished in the field of radio because of his brother-in-law Chen Yibai.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

Chen Yibai was once the best telecommunications expert in China at that time, and it was not too surprising that the famous teacher Zhu Rinpo was able to get the job of military command.

But to tell the truth, Shu Rinpoche's work is in great danger every day, he is not a translator who collects intelligence behind the scenes or deciphers intelligence, he needs to brave the rain of bullets and bullets to repair the radio station on the battlefield to ensure that the information can be passed out.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

Compared with the two military agents we introduced above, Zhu Rinpo has some hermit feelings of "not hearing anything out of the window with both ears and reading only the books of the sages."

He did not care about the personal contacts within the military command, even if he did not have any pity for the defeat of the nationalist army later, but devoted himself to his work, even if the military command withdrew later, he did not leave, but stayed on the mainland as an electromechanical maintenanceman.

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity


Later, volunteers heard the story of the three people, and with the help of the local department, the three former military command agents met again after a gap of 64 years, which could really make people feel a lot of emotions for a while.

Time can erase all traces, the three decided to leave a group photo in front of the door, they are the remnants of the old era, witnessing the heartache of the war years, witnessing the destruction of the national army and military unity, and witnessing the rise of the new era; but they are old, the three may be reunited, but the military unity can never come back on the stage of history!

The last three military agents of the mainland left a group photo after 64 years of living in anonymity

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