
Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

During the day, Gu Xiaomeng, a military-clad officer in the Translation and Telecommunications Section, cracked intelligence from all over the country in front of the transmitter, and she would hand over the translated information to Li Ningyu, section chief, for review, and then submit it to the director of the Military Aircraft Division. That was her job, cracking codes and translating telegrams day after day. The scene changes, and after work, Gu Xiaomeng will put on his favorite cheongsam and laugh and rotate in the dance hall

This is a common clip in the movie "The Sound of the Wind", but in real life, the Translation and Telecommunications Department was once the core agency under the Military Intelligence Bureau. The elderly Wang Qinglian has never seen this movie, but she is a realistic version of "Gu Xiaomeng" and a female agent of the military command that people call her.

It's just that the organization she was in at that time was more orthodox than the Wang Pseudo Secret Service Department where Gu Xiaomeng was located in the movie, and it was the mysterious organization of the American population that was "the most powerful and most important in the Republic of China"


Kuomintang Military Command Bureau.

In 1938, the Military Intelligence Bureau under the leadership of Dai Kasa was formally established, and with the dedicated translators and telegraphers, Dai Kasa, who was extremely talented in intelligence agencies, soon extended his minions to all parts of the country.

Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

The origin of the word agent was originally an abbreviation for people who do special work. In 1946, Mao Renfeng took over the jurisdiction, and the Military Command Bureau reached its peak from then on, with the number of its agents reaching as many as 50,000. The "special operations" carried out by the assassination and kidnapping of the NTL agents are frightening and even more abhorrent. The word secret agent was also stigmatized, and the old man Wang Qinglian in ordinary clothes was the last female agent of the military command in the Chinese mainland, and she was tightly bound by the word "secret agent" for a lifetime.

Wang Qinglian, born in Jiangshan, Zhejiang Province, in April 1928, died when his father died when he was one year old, which was a disaster for an ordinary rural family. The death of his father has left the burden of life on his emaciated mother. But Wang Qinglian's mother always believed that only reading could change her destiny, and she insisted on sending Wang Qinglian to school until the sixth grade of primary school. At a time when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was tight and the people's livelihood was in turmoil, there was no extra grain at home, let alone providing Wang Qinglian with study, so Wang Qinglian, who dropped out of school at home, helped her family do some farm work within her ability.

Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

One day in April 1943, Wang Qinglian's mother happened to learn that the Military Command Bureau had come to Jiangshan to temporarily recruit people. Thinking of Wang Qinglian, who dropped out of school at home, her mother was fierce, thinking that following the army would at least not be hungry, she signed up for Wang Qinglian, who had just turned 15. The Kuomintang has always had a tradition of nepotism, and the Military Command Bureau is no exception, and its leader, Dai Kasa, is a Jiangshan person, and he who comes from Jiangshan has extra trust in jiangshan compatriots. Although the Military Command Bureau only recruited twenty people this time, Wang Qinglian, who had read books and was a native of Jiangshan, passed the Admissions Examination of the Military Command Bureau very smoothly and began her career in the Military Command Bureau.

Wang Qinglian and her party were taken to Chongqing and started a new life, and Wang Qinglian, who had just arrived in Chongqing, was assigned to a paper mill to do some simple printing work. However, because of her conscientious and responsible work, in 1944, Wang Qinglian was favored by the leadership and transferred to the South China Unit of the Translation and Telecommunications Department as a translator. Although the rank was warrant officer, the leader paid her the salary of a second lieutenant. In the life of the translation and telecommunications department, she has no worries about food and clothing.

Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

In an interview, Wang Qinglian recalled: "Life in the translation and electrical department was particularly regular, working ten hours a day. Translating the telegrams of southern China was our primary task, and there were many telegrams about the Japanese army. Translating telegrams is a particularly complicated matter, all passwords are numbers, but they cannot be translated directly, and a complete piece of information can only be translated according to different codebooks after subtraction. This job is relatively easy in the eyes of others, life is stable, and there is no need to go to the battlefield to fight. But for me, it was extremely stressful, because I had a low level of education, so I had to work harder to be qualified for the job. Although the head of the South China Unit at that time was my uncle, he was doubly strict with me, and the information I translated often failed to pass the audit and was beaten back, and I was working overtime every day during the days when I first went. ”

In this work, that is, three full years, she recalled: those three years were the happiest stages of her life. During the day, I worked hard in Corey, and since most of the translators and telecommunications departments were fellow countrymen, everyone had a good relationship. After work, I went to the dance hall with my colleagues to have fun, although the work was boring, but life was worry-free, I didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, and I was really happy at that time. The salary is not enough to spend, so he ran to find Mao Renfeng to advance his salary, and Mao Renfeng treated his subordinates very kindly, and it was very convenient to ask for leave.

From a rural child who lacks food and clothing to the present, who has no worries about food and clothing, and often goes to and from dance parties, Wang Qinglian's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. At that time, although she was working in the Military Command Bureau, she did not see blood, did not take guns, and did not kill people. Eighteen or nineteen-year-old girls are the age of love to clean up, Wang Qinglian is no exception, she will always secretly put lipstick on herself, dress herself up beautifully, in order to go out to dance at night, she works hard during the day, and the days are simple and happy.

Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

Although they belonged to the Same Military Command Bureau, those criminal secret agents and violent agents were far away from her. Far from war, without hunger, she lived her own life on her own, and at that time she regarded the translation and telecommunications department as a paradise on earth.

During her three years at the Bureau of Military Command, she deciphered 839 codes. Japan surrendered, and the Kuomintang urgently prepared to start a civil war. At this time, Wang Qinglian was no longer ignorant and at the mercy of others, she gradually developed the idea of leaving the Military Command Bureau. Although she did not know whether it was right or wrong to work in the Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai-shek, personally speaking to her, during these three years, the Military Command Bureau did not treat her badly, but on the contrary protected her very well. She didn't want to judge what was right and wrong, she just wanted to go back to her rural hometown, be a commoner, and serve her elderly mother. In August 1946, Mao Renfeng, who was already a top official at the time, personally gave her a leave of absence, and she left the Military Command Bureau and never returned.

The civil war planned by Chiang Kai-shek broke out, and the Kuomintang army retreated to Taiwan. When her former colleague contacted her to go to Taiwan with her, she refused on the grounds of serving an old rural mother. At that time, a large part of the spies followed Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan, and only a handful of them chose to stay on the mainland, and after the washing of time, only Wang Qinglian was still alive.

Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

The glorious dance party of the previous night was a thing of the past, and she changed into a slim cheongsam and put on the coarse cloth coat of a rural woman, and she willingly returned to rural life. However, the stage of life is always thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, and the experience of working in military unification is doomed to Wang Qinglian's bumpy life after that.

After the founding of New China, Wang Qinglian, who had worked in the Military Command Bureau, was inevitably pointed out by others. At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution ten years ago, a large number of political movements came to wang, which caught Wang Qinglian off guard, and she became a counter-revolutionary in many people.

In 1951, the suppression of the counter-revolutionary movement began, and The 24-year-old Wang Qinglian, who had historical problems, was seen as the primary target of the repression. She explained to the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau about her work in the National Bureau of Statistics. She worked in the Hangzhou White Meat Market and the Grain Bureau. For eight years, she had been trembling, afraid that she would lose her job if she did not do a good job.

When the Hangzhou political cleanup movement began in 1958, Wang Qinglian was not surprisingly on the list of cleanups. Wang Qinglian and her husband, who was branded a "rightist," were sent to the town of Tangqi on the outskirts of Hangzhou. When she saw the house where they had been put down, Wang Qinglian was heartbroken, their so-called house was just a bed in the empty place between the two sheep pens, if it was two adults, it would be enough, but there was a child waiting to be fed. Hangzhou is mostly a water town, and when you go out to work, you have to row a boat. If the place is too far away, it is impossible to return on the same day, and the child can only stay at home alone, with the livestock as a companion.

Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

In 1966, when the Cultural Revolution began, if there was a peak in suffering, Wang Qinglian felt that her suffering had reached its peak during the Cultural Revolution. Casually reading a newspaper will be imprisoned for interrogation day and night, and all day long they will either be beaten or scolded, it is a living torture, and they cannot survive or die.

Physical torture has become numb, but mental torture is the most painful. The family is 100 meters away, but they are not allowed to see each other. Night after night, the desperate Wang Qinglian was encouraging herself: the president's wife was fighting next to each other, and I was a figure of what I was, so why couldn't I live! It was not until 1981 that the national policy was implemented on Wang Qinglian, and the days of rural transformation finally came to an end. In the past 23 years of rural transformation, Wang Qinglian has carried all this suffering with the stubborn temper of her own Jiangshan people.

Recalling the large-scale political movement in China, Wang Qinglian feels like a broken boat floating on the rough sea, which may sink at any time. Today, she lives happily in her old age and receives a pension from the state.

Joined the secret service agency at the age of 15, and spent half her life fighting for Dai Kasa, how did the female secret agent Wang Qinglian end up?

She said: "The Communist Party has raised me for 31 years, and I thank the party and the government from the bottom of my heart. ”

She said: "I am sorry for my mother in my life, I did not give her a pension, but I had to let her help me raise my son. ”

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