
How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share

The Magic Tower 2.0 trailer PV announced the scene of the main city of Villa Continent Mirror Capital , a beautiful cyberpunk-style futuristic sci-fi city, which has now been confirmed by players as a real game. The first stop the player makes after arriving at Vera is silver bank lab, and the triangular floating city seen through the window of the lab is Mirror Capital. Are you very curious about this main city, but you have not yet completed the main quest, and you don't know how to quickly go to Jingdu? Today, The Beet Girl will share with you the three ways to enter the Mirror Capital, which is simply to arrive through team teleportation, go to the Mirror Sentry Station by plane, and teleport through the teleportation point.

How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share

1. Team transmission

Type "Pull me to Jingdu" in the world channel in the lower right corner to get to Jingdu in a team. Of course, you need to meet a friend who is both kind to you and sees your news. However, the credibility of the player known as the "Fourth Day Disaster" can only be said to be cautious, in case it is pulled into a strange scene.......

How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share

2. Take the plane at the Jingdu outpost

As with the artificial island, you can take a plane to Jingdu at the Jingdu checkpoint, and the aircraft parking position is shown in the location of the golden indicator, and the specific coordinates are (7.0, 234.3).

How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share
How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share

3. Transmission through the teleportation point

Teleporting through a teleportation point is a common method, but it is only suitable for players who have reached the mirror and have opened a teleportation point.

How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share

Open the map, click Vera Continent in the lower left corner and select Jingdu in the upper right corner.

How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share

Find the reception on the far right and click on the airport channel teleport point to teleport directly to Jingdu. Ps: Mirrors have closed all ground entrances, and the airport is the only safe passage open to Mirrors.

How to enter Jingdu, go to Jingdu Method to share

For some more ignorant players, how to enter the mirror will be, but how to go out from the mirror will not operate, here the beet girl also mentioned a little: open the map, choose the Vera continent can be directly teleported out, or go to the mirror of the deep-port channel, where you can also go out.

The above, is the beet sister for everyone to sort out the three ways to go to the mirror capital, has not been to the small partner to try it.

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