
Promote consumption and stabilize the economy| "wisdom +" add a new world of consumption

Consumption has a lasting pull on the economy and is related to ensuring and improving people's livelihood.

Many places in Zhejiang are accelerating the integration of online and offline consumption, cultivating and expanding "smart +" consumption such as smart products and services, encouraging the development of new formats, new models and new scenes, and promoting new consumption such as customization, experience, intelligence, and fashion.

Promote consumption and stabilize the economy| "wisdom +" add a new world of consumption

Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, held the Spring Car Buying Festival in March, where citizens can snap up consumption coupons online and enjoy discounts when buying cars offline.

Promote consumption and stabilize the economy| "wisdom +" add a new world of consumption

In Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, a number of "unmanned supermarkets" regularly purchase goods according to big data, saving labor input and being favored by consumers...

Promote consumption and stabilize the economy| "wisdom +" add a new world of consumption

Reporters: Wang Yiwen and Li Tao

Video source: Jiaxing Radio and Television Group, Yiwu Rong Media Center

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

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