
Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

If it comes to the best lord, there may be many people who will immediately think of Liu Bei, because in history, only Liu Xuande and King Wen of Zhou can be a real corporal of courtesy, with great courage and the most humble posture to invite out counselors.

Especially Liu Xuande, when Sangu Maolu created the first of all generations, so that later all the literati were looking forward to meeting a man like Liu Xuande like Zhuge Liang.

Recognized by this impression, we are likely to think that Liu Bei is a real discerning talent, known as a talent harvester. However, in the real historical records, although Liu Bei did invite the best Zhuge Liang, he was not so discerning. Why? Because when he invited Zhuge Liang, he also missed quite a lot of talents, especially a high-ranking person, and it is estimated that Liu Bei will regret it until death later.

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

In history, Zhuge Liang's status is very high, on the one hand, he represents the highest achievement of the courtiers, on the other hand, Zhuge Liang has become a representative of Chinese wisdom because of various literary works. Therefore, while admiring Zhuge Liang, people often feel that Liu Bei is really a wise and discerning talent, and this alone far exceeds Cao Cao and Sun Quan and others.

However, although Zhuge Liang's birth has given Liu Bei the honor of being a wise and talented person, if we really count the talents that Liu Bei missed in the past, it is inevitable that Liu Bei will sigh and even have a feeling that the loss and profit are not quite proportional. Why?

Believe it or not, we can look at the history to see what talents Liu Bei missed.

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

First of all, the first talent that Liu Bei missed was called Pulling Moves, and it was said that the two were very good friends and possibly classmates. Moreover, the history books have an evaluation of the relationship between the two of them, called the intersection of the neck. What is a neck-to-neck encounter? This means that two people can be entrusted with their lives, which has far exceeded the so-called brotherly feelings, and even reached a moral realm.

Logically, as long as nothing happens, this person will definitely become the right and left arm of the abuse, and even become a being like Guan Erye. But unfortunately, the two of them did not come together, and the trick later submitted to Cao Cao.

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

And it is worth mentioning that the development of the pull in the later period can really be a ride on the dust, the history books record: Ju Maocai was born, from the Pinghan, granted the middle to protect the army. Lieutenant Bai Pingyu, quelling the rebellion in Dong Lai County. During the reign of Emperor Cao Pi of Wei, he was appointed a lieutenant of Xianbei, stationed in Changping, and moved the right lieutenant general and Yanmen Taishou to curb the development and growth of Xianbei Kebi.

It can be said that the security of the northern side of the Cao Wei regime was all wrapped up by him alone, whether it was the fierce Xiongnu or other ethnic minorities, they trembled when they heard his name. This person later became the Marquis of Guannei, a myth of the northern border of Cao Wei.

A figure with such a bull fork was sent away by Boss Liu in vain, which is a pity for this neck-and-neck friendship.

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

Of course, this is only the first talent that Liu Bei sent away, followed by the second talent, the super martial artist Tai Shi Ci.

According to historical records, Tai Shi Ci was a very capable warrior, and when Kong Rong was in crisis, this person stepped forward and swore to defend the city. What is more interesting is that just when Liu Bei also rushed to help the field, Liu Xuande's integrity conquered Tai Shi Ci. But unfortunately, when Liu Xuande asked the other party to submit to him, the other party refused because his mother could not travel far at home.

After that, Tai Shi Ci came to Eastern Wu, completely broke out, and became a generation of famous generals. I wonder how Liu Bei felt after learning the truth?

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

However, compared with the above two martial general-type talents, Liu Bei's worst loss was the loss of a Gai shi Wenchen, and even this person's achievements were stronger than Zhuge Liang's in politics, this person was Cao Wei's famous wenchen Chen Qun.

According to historical records, in order to help Tao Qian resist Cao Cao, Liu Bei was the family to desperately help each other, which gained a large wave of people's hearts Tao Qian, and even regarded Liu Bei as his own life-saving straw, so he was happy to elect him as the assassin of Yuzhou.

Originally, this was an honorary title, Liu Bei did not have any real power at all, but the heavens gave him a chance, a position of assassination history that had no real power, and actually sent him a deputy of the immortal level, this person was Chen Qun.

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

The history books record that Chen Qun was Liu Bei's other driver at that time, so when the two met, Liu Bei felt that the other party was very great, so he drank and discussed life events every day, and regarded the other party as his confidant.

Logically, the next development is naturally that Liu Bei is not willing to be useless as a hero, and then Chen Qun is willing to drive for it. Moreover, in history, Chen Qun was a descendant of the Yingchuan Chen clan, and at that time had a very powerful family power, which was not even comparable to Sima Yi, and if properly used, it would certainly bring great political benefits to Liu Bei.

But at that time, Liu Bei did not realize that his little brother was so powerful that on the question of whether to take over Xuzhou, he ignored his brother's persuasion and must go to Xuzhou.

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

At that time, Chen Qun repeatedly told him that Xuzhou was a fragmented powder keg, and Liu Bei could never control the field in the past, and even be used as cannon fodder by others. However, Boss Liu wanted a hero too much, so he did not listen to the opinions of his subordinates, and even quarreled with Chen Qun once.

After that, we all know the history, Chen Qun soared to the sky, came to the side of the Cao Wei regime and became a legend of a generation, and even created the Nine Pins Zhongzheng system that influenced the course of Chinese history. If you want to talk about the influence on the Cao Wei regime at that time, even Sima Yi had to call him a big brother.

As for Liu Bei, he later ran to Xuzhou with excitement, and then there were various tragedies, first by Lü Bu stabbed in the back, and then by Cao Cao, and in the end he was naked and lonely, and even his family could not be taken away, so he could only flee to Jingzhou alone.

Liu Bei did not expect in his dreams that he got Zhuge Liang in three places, but missed another high-ranking person

This is the talent that Liu Bei abandoned at that time, and it should be said that these talents were all important figures in the Three Kingdoms period, and even influenced the course of history. However, if you want to say that Liu Bei missed the most important high person, then there is no doubt that it is Chen Qun.

Although Zhuge Liang became a continuation of the Shu Han regime and a representative of wisdom in Chinese history under the Three Gu Maolu, Zhuge Liang and Chen Qun were still far behind in terms of political spheres and family power.

If Liu Bei could have left Zhuge Liang and right hand Chen Qun, then the direction of history would probably be really unusual, at least it would never become the later political model of the pioneer army, and the good villains would also be able to turn the Shu Han regime into a normal country. Therefore, Liu Beihui is right to recognize talents, but he also missed a lot of talents, which is also a fact.

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