
Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, why did he commit suicide by throwing himself into the river a year after his amnesty?

After the Battle of Huaihai in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek held a grand memorial service for Huang Wei, commander of the Twelve Corps who participated in the Battle of Huaihai, announcing to the outside world that Huang Wei had been martyred in the Battle of Huaihai, and at the same time, Du Yuming was also declared martyred by Chiang Kai-shek.

This woman's name is Cai Ruoshu, she has not believed that Huang Wei has died in battle, so in 1949 secretly returned to the mainland from Taiwan to find out the truth, after careful inquiry, she finally learned that Huang Wei was only captured by the People's Liberation Army, in fact, she did not die, so she waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, but after Huang Wei pardoned for a year, she threw herself into the river, why is this?

Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, why did he commit suicide by throwing himself into the river a year after his amnesty?

Huang Wei and Cai Ruoshu's marriage

In 1933, at a stream dance on the banks of Hangzhou's West Lake, Cai Ruoshu, a beautiful girl of only 17 years old, instantly attracted the attention of Huang Wei, deputy commander of the 11th Division of the Nationalist Army, who was already in his thirties, and the two fell in love at first sight and became acquainted through the dance. In fact, at that time, Huang Wei was already a father of three children and had a wife of chaff in his hometown, but he did not tell the young and ignorant Cai Ruoshu all this.

Cai Ruoshu was naïve at that time, thinking that he had met a hero, the two soon fell in love, and eventually lived together, soon after living together, Cai Ruoshu became pregnant, at this time, seeing that things developed beyond his expectations, Huang Wei finally said his hidden feelings of having married and had children, Cai Ruoshu, who learned the truth, was very angry and had a big fight with Huang Wei, but after all, she already had Huang Wei's flesh and bones in her stomach, and under Huang Wei's comfort, she finally agreed to deceive her parents into marrying Huang Wei.

They held a grand wedding by the West Lake, after the wedding, Huang Wei returned to his hometown and divorced his original wife, which caused a serious dissatisfaction with Huang Wei's mother, and the old mother who did not know the truth also thought that Huang Wei, who was seduced by Cai Ruoshu, was always dissatisfied with Cai Ruoshu and resolutely refused to recognize this daughter-in-law.

After marriage, Cai Ruoshu and Huang Wei also lived a happy life for a period of time, and after experiencing the baptism of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Huang Wei also gradually grew up, but then there was a civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. In 1948, Huang Wei was spending the summer in Lushan with Cai Ruoshu and several children born to his ex-wife, when he suddenly received an order from Chiang Kai-shek to immediately go down to Wuhan to take charge of the preparation of a new military school and serve as the principal and head of the Army Training Department.

Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, why did he commit suicide by throwing himself into the river a year after his amnesty?

After receiving the order, Huang Wei left, originally he did not want to continue to fight, and being able to quietly organize a military school was undoubtedly the result that Huang Wei had always wanted, and now that he had finally fulfilled his wish, Huang Wei was still somewhat happy. Unfortunately, at this time, the War of Liberation was already vigorously underway, and in September 1948, Chiang Kai-shek was forced to expand the former Eighteenth Army of the Kuomintang into the Twelfth Corps, with Huang Wei as commander and leading the Twelfth Corps to fight on the battlefield.

Huang Wei wholeheartedly only wanted to organize his own military academy, and had no intention of participating in the war at all, but under the pressure of Chiang Kai-shek, Huang Wei could only make a request in the end, as long as the war was over, he would come back to continue to organize the military academy, and after Chiang Kai-shek agreed to his request, Huang Wei took the Twelve Corps into the Huaihai Campaign.

After Huang Wei entered the war, his children were handed over to Cai Ruoshu to take care of, Cai Ruoshu regarded them as if they were his own, and took good care of them, even later Huang Wei's old mother fell ill, Cai Ruoshu did not care about the previous suspicions to take care of her, but unfortunately the old mother was still relatively stubborn, until the moment when she closed her eyes, she did not recognize Cai Ruoshu's daughter-in-law.

Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years

In January 1949, the Battle of Huaihai officially ended, as the commander of the 12th Corps, Huang Wei, in the process of breaking through the siege with tanks, the tanks broke out of obstacles, and were eventually captured by the People's Liberation Army, and he was also captured by Du Yuming and others.

Chiang Kai-shek hoped to infect the remaining fighters with this huangpu spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, so that everyone could fight against the People's Liberation Army with a fuller mental state, but after the Huaihai Campaign, the victory or defeat of the Liberation War was already known, and Chiang Kai-shek was just doing some pointless struggle.

Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, why did he commit suicide by throwing himself into the river a year after his amnesty?

After several subsequent wars, Chiang Kai-shek was completely defeated and could only leave the mainland for Taiwan, when Cai Ruoshu also followed, but Cai Ruoshu never believed that Huang Wei had died in battle, so Cai Ruoshu secretly returned to the mainland from Taiwan in late 1949, trying to find out the truth of the matter, after Careful Investigation by Cai Ruoshu, it was found that Huang Wei was indeed not dead, but was captured by the People's Liberation Army.

After learning this news, Cai Ruoshu immediately had hope, she went back to Taiwan to take Huang Wei's children to Hong Kong for a year to live, and then returned to the mainland to live in Shanghai, they want to wait for Huang Wei to come out and the family reunion. At that time, many people advised Cai Ruoshu not to return to the mainland, but she refused, and some people suggested that she remarry someone else, and Cai Ruoshu directly refused, she insisted on waiting for Huang Wei to come out.

As a family member of a senior Kuomintang general, originally Cai Ruoshu was unable to move in Shanghai, plus he still had a few children, the pressure of life was even greater, if it were not for the help of the Communist Party, it was estimated that Cai Ruoshu would have a hard time surviving those difficult years, under the interrogation of Zhou Enlai and others, the Shanghai Party Committee specially arranged a job in the library for Cai Ruoshu, and the state always cared about the issue of Huang Wei's children going to school, all of which made Cai Ruoshu very moved.

In 1956, after eight years, Cai Ruoshu finally met Huang Wei in Gongdelin, and she told Huang Wei how the Communist Party took care of herself and her children over the years, hoping that Huang Wei could accept the transformation well, but after many inquiries, she understood that Huang Wei had never cooperated with the transformation in the Gongdelin.

As early as when Huang Wei had just entered the Gongdelin, he showed strong resistance, often sneering at those Kuomintang generals who had accepted the transformation, and even once fought with Dong Yisan, which made people have a headache, even if the state specially asked doctors to cure him of various diseases that had affected his health for a long time, Huang Wei was only grateful, still unwilling to accept the transformation, and even began to study the "perpetual motion machine" with a mind.

Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, why did he commit suicide by throwing himself into the river a year after his amnesty?

After Cai Ruoshu learned of these things, he bitterly advised Huang Wei, but Huang Wei was never moved, even when Cai Ruoshu gave the photo of his young daughter to Huang Wei to arouse the love in Huang Wei's heart, Huang Wei was still unmoved, and hurriedly ended the meeting with Cai Ruoshu, and later when his children took some information that proved that perpetual motion machines could not be realized to Show Huang Wei, he directly threw away these materials in a fit of anger.

Huang Wei ostensibly did not care about everything and only wanted to study his perpetual motion machine, but according to Shen Wei's memories, in fact, Huang Wei often took out a photo of his young daughter to look at during his time in Gong Delin, and he always treasured that photo in the pocket of his jacket.

In 1959, the relevant departments in Beijing and the relevant departments in Shanghai informed Cai Ruoshu that she was ready to meet Huang Wei, and the central government decided to include Huang Wei in the list of the first batch of amnesty personnel, at that time Cai Ruoshu was very excited, but when she was ready to meet Huang Wei, she found that Huang Wei was not in the first batch of amnesty lists, and it turned out that Huang Wei had always not cooperated with the reform, so she was rejected by the War Criminals Management Institute for amnesty.

After learning this news, Cai Ruoshu's 11 years of waiting instantly disappeared, she could not hold on any longer, with sleeping pills swallowed in the library, fortunately someone found it in time, sent it to the hospital for rescue, only to save Cai Ruoshu's life, but unfortunately after this robbery, Cai Ruoshu began to become highly nervous, depressed, and even appeared auditory hallucinations and insomnia and other symptoms, Shanghai Longhua Hospital Psychiatric Hospital for her diagnosis, diagnosed as mental illness, the state can only handle her retirement, every month to pay her a stable retirement salary , allowing her to receive publicly-funded medical treatment.

It can be said that the state's care for Cai Ruoshu has been quite touching, but Huang Wei is only grateful for all this, he is still fully devoted to the study of perpetual motion machines, no matter how others persuade them, it is useless, Zhou Enlai after careful consideration, decided to set up a laboratory for him, let him specialize in perpetual motion machines.

Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, why did he commit suicide by throwing himself into the river a year after his amnesty?

A year after the amnesty, Cai Ruoshu committed suicide by throwing himself into the river

The state's care for Huang Wei and his family eventually touched Huang Wei, and in 1970 he finally changed and promised to study the Communist Manifesto, and has since slowly accepted the transformation. On March 21, 1975, Huang Wei finally became the last group of amnesty personnel and was able to return to Cai Ruoshu.

After 27 years, Cai Ruoshu's waiting finally had a result, Huang Weizhen really returned to his side, Cai Ruoshu thought that everything would be better, this will be a new beginning in his life. However, although Huang Wei returned home, he was still immersed in the study of perpetual motion machines, which made Cai Ruoshu and his family very worried.

They were all afraid that Huang Wei's attitude would cause him to be arrested again, so during that time, Cai Ruoshu's mental illness became more serious, often had auditory hallucinations, dizziness and insomnia were more normal, and she could no longer bear such a life. In the spring of 1976, during Huang Wei's nap, Cai Ruoshu walked alone to the moat not far from home, jumped and ended his life.

After Huang Wei learned that Cai Ruoshu threw himself into the river and committed suicide, he was so sad that he ran to the river like crazy and jumped down, but he seemed to forget that he could not swim at all, and after everyone rescued him, Huang Wei fell seriously ill. After recovering from a serious illness, he finally began to reflect on himself.

Cai Ruoshu waited for Huang Wei for 27 years, why did he commit suicide by throwing himself into the river a year after his amnesty?


Before Huang Wei's death, he promised to record a voice broadcast to Taiwan for the International Station: "I am a war criminal who committed the most heinous crimes, but after liberation, I was treated leniently and reformed...", at this time Huang Wei finally figured out something, he planned to use his limited life to contribute to the reunification of the motherland, but unfortunately it was too late at this time, on March 20, 1989, Huang Wei died of a sudden heart attack, ending a life of ups and downs!

Remarks: The picture comes from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, welcome to comment to leave interesting ideas.

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