
Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

The article is original for Candy Mom, welcome to forward and share personally

Pregnancy diet is related to the fetus and the body of pregnant women, some pregnant women are careful not to eat anything during pregnancy, some pregnant women are assured to boldly try food, sugar mother is bold that kind. However, I am not eating and drinking randomly, but in the mother's network pregnancy app, I have found a new world of food.

The fetus needs to get nutrients from the mother's body, so special attention should be paid to the diet during pregnancy. What can be eaten and how to eat are exquisite, and the elderly are especially cautious.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

Pregnant mothers secretly drank "milk tea" and were caught by their mother-in-law: pregnant and still so hungry

A few days ago, a mother-to-be sent a private message to me to tell me about her grievances, her pregnancy reaction in the first trimester was more serious, what to eat and what to vomit, only wanted to drink sweet milk tea.

Just recently everyone was turning "the first cup of milk tea of the new year", she simply followed the trend and ordered takeaway, just inserted the straw was caught by the mother-in-law. Without saying a word, the mother-in-law snatched the milk tea and reprimanded her for being pregnant and so hungry! The husband heard the voice and hurried over, but he did not want to "pull the frame".

The husband told her directly without asking why, "My mother has more experience than you!" Don't be sharp when you listen to her, you can drink as long as you want after giving birth."

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

The mother-to-be was angry but the mother-in-law said that she was hungry, and sucked a large sip of milk tea before she was willing to give up, because the matter was very stiff.

In fact, the situation of expectant mothers stealing snacks and drinking milk tea often occurs, resulting in unpleasant endings that are nothing more than two problems - not sure whether pregnant women can eat, using the wrong way of communication, and sugar mothers are also like this in the early stages of pregnancy.

Thinking that my mother-to-be and my experience were somewhat similar, I immediately gave her the Mother's Net Pregnancy App. The expectant mother only used it a few times and sent back a lot of positive feedback. A small software can help her solve a lot of troubles, when there are different opinions, directly look at the mother's network pregnancy, professional answers let the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law both serve.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

This mother-to-be used a relatively short time, but the sugar mother used huai erbao from Huai Dabao, and over the years she has also witnessed the change of this app.

During pregnancy, you don't have to "secretly" eat, and you have a bottom in your heart

Rather than asking people around or searching the internet, it gave me these experiences when it came to eating during pregnancy and stopped eating secretly.

★ With it in hand, you can find the answer at any time

Even if a friend is a doctor, the other party can't stay in front of the phone 24 hours a day to answer our questions. With the Mother's Network Pregnancy App, we can search for the answers we want at any time at home, in restaurants, and shopping, and eat happily and with confidence.

★ Expectant mothers of different gestational ages can find recipes that suit them

Appetite changes at each stage of pregnancy, and the nutrients needed by the mother-to-be's body are also different. Women can not eat health care products casually during pregnancy, and the diet structure should be adjusted in time.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

Early pregnancy with severe morning sickness, more comfortable second trimester and appetite for the third trimester, October pregnancy every month to eat what has helped the mother-to-be to match. Enter the mother's network pregnancy click [Discover] - [Pregnancy Recipes] can be found.

★ Custom-made conditioning recipes for expectant mothers' physical condition

During pregnancy, the fetus continues to absorb the nutrition in the mother's body, the hormones in the pregnant woman's body change, the internal organs are oppressed, and problems such as constipation, hypertension, high blood sugar and puffiness occur, resulting in nothing to eat, in fact, these pregnancy conditions can be conditioned by food.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

Expectant mothers can sit in the right seat according to their physical condition, choose the appropriate ingredients, which are both delicious and good for the body.

★ The recipes are informative and easy to pick up

Don't look at its kind of recipes are particularly rich, the actual is simple and easy to do, the recipe is classified according to the ingredients, an ingredient makes a variety of tricks, and the expectant mother can quickly search for what she wants to eat. It is inconvenient for women to cook during pregnancy, and husbands and families can easily learn, and the pregnant meal has become a dish suitable for the whole family.

Sometimes families don't let pregnant women eat certain foods because they are worried about the body of pregnant women and fetuses, and if there is a software that allows pregnant women to find out if it is appropriate before eating, they will not take risks.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

Without the supervision and reminder of others, when misunderstood or restricted, the food black and white list can be directly displayed to him, reducing unnecessary contradictions and quarrels during pregnancy.

Answers from pregnancy to babybirth

It is worth mentioning that the Mother's Network Pregnancy App not only has pregnancy recipes, but also provides a black and white list of breastfeeding, confinement and infant food.

Traditional confinement is indispensable to soup and water, but in addition to the classic brown sugar millet porridge, fish soup, etc., you can also ingest a variety of ingredients. Only in this way can women's bodies recover better and the quality of breast milk improves.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

The black and white list of infant food is to help new parents avoid pits, reduce symptoms such as baby allergies and gastrointestinal discomfort, and care for babies to thrive.

Sugar Mom just confirmed that when she was pregnant, she had not yet encountered the Mother Network Pregnancy App, which was introduced to me by a bao mom friend, and after using it, it not only helped me in the diet during pregnancy, but also made me more aware of the various changes in myself and the fetus during pregnancy.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

Like many expectant mothers, I was pregnant for three years, always forgetting how many weeks pregnant I was and forgetting the day of my next obstetric check-up. Fortunately, the Mother's Network Pregnancy App has intimate obstetric reminders, so I did not miss the important obstetric examination day.

The reason why the Mother's Network Pregnancy App has accompanied me for so long is because it is rich in content and very practical, not only can be used during pregnancy, but also in pregnancy preparation and childcare. Professional knowledge points remind novices to reduce mistakes, help people correct mistakes, and stay away from superstition and mistakes.

Pregnant mother secretly drinking "milk tea" and was caught by her mother-in-law: pregnant or so hungry? Bao Dad also came to "pull the bias frame"

It is recommended that women who are trying to conceive or are already pregnant, as well as their husbands around them, can prepare this app. Learn about pregnancy preparation, symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy, and understand in advance what will happen next and how to behave.

With the correct pregnancy preparation, there is a smoother pregnancy, pay attention to various details during pregnancy, in order to give birth to a healthier baby, every link can not be wrong. Mother's network pregnancy can help expectant mothers and families to prepare psychologically, provide the answers they want, and spend the pregnancy without worry and suffering.

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