
Why do children never take revenge after being yelled at? Knowing the real reason, you regret it

The issue of children's education has always been a topic of great concern to parents. As a father of two children, I have had a profound experience with many problems in the process of growing up.

In the process of children's growth, due to the child's own ignorance of the unknown world and the parents' difficulty in controlling emotions, there will often be a situation where parents yell at the child or even scold the child. In most cases, however, it is often the child who will take the initiative to show weakness: crying and asking for a hug. In the face of this scene, many parents are also full of remorse and feel that they should not scold their children.

Why do children never take revenge after being yelled at? Knowing the real reason, you regret it

So why do children never take revenge after being yelled at or even scolded?

1, parents are all the dependence of children

I have seen such a saying before: In the entire biological world, human cubs are the most useless. This sentence actually sounds like a rough sentence. From the moment of birth, babies must be carefully cared for by their parents to thrive. From the child learning to speak, toddler, and then to thrive later, in this process, parents provide all the possibilities and necessities for their children.

Although the child may not be able to express it because of his young age, he knows in his heart that his parents are his own. When scolded by parents, the child's heart is afraid. On the one hand, he will be frightened by the anger of his parents, and on the other hand, he will feel that his parents must not like me in this way. Coupled with children's ignorance of this unknown world, many times they simply do not know what they have made wrong, and their hearts are afraid of losing. So at this time, the first reaction of many children is to cry and throw themselves into the arms of their parents.

Why do children never take revenge after being yelled at? Knowing the real reason, you regret it

Therefore, often scolding the child will make the child in a state of fear for a long time, so that the child has a sense of insecurity, which is very detrimental to the child's physical and mental growth.

2, children love their parents more than you think

The child's most contact from the moment of birth is his parents and fathers, and in the process, he can also deeply appreciate the love of his parents for him, so he will also return all his love to his parents. When he is happy, he can share his joy with you, and when he is sad, he hopes that his parents can comfort his young heart. In the eyes of children, mom and dad are not only elders, but also their friends.

When a child is scolded by his parents, there are grievances in his heart in addition to fear, and he needs to pour out this grievance to the person closest to him. So, there will be a situation where you cry and throw yourself into the arms of your parents, because you are the most important person in his mind.

Why do children never take revenge after being yelled at? Knowing the real reason, you regret it

Everyone has been more or less scolded by their parents in the process of growing up, which will also cause some subtle changes in their inner world, which has led to different personalities and tempers after growing up.

In fact, almost all parents know that in the process of their children's growth, this way of educating children is not right, but they cannot control this emotion. One second you are still scolding the child, and the next second the child will take the initiative to show you kindness. Seeing this kind of scene of children not remembering revenge but asking for hugs, I believe that most parents are full of remorse in their hearts.

Therefore, parents must pay attention to the way they educate their children, learn to control their emotions, and communicate with their children calmly and rationally, so that children can have a happy childhood. Otherwise, after the child grows up and develops an extreme personality, or even after entering puberty, he will go against his parents, and then it will be too late to save it.

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