
Is it easier to succeed the younger you are to do IVF?

Whether it is test tubes or natural conception, the easier it is to conceive at the optimal age of childbearing, and the success rate of ivfaction in young sisters is naturally higher than that of older sisters.

The best period for women to have children is 24 to 35 years old, during which the pregnancy success rate is the highest, but it does not mean that the younger the better.

Is it easier to succeed the younger you are to do IVF?

However, it is not enough to be young to succeed in IVF, its influencing factors are various, including the body, ovarian function, uterine environment and so on.

Is the success rate of test tubes at an advanced age necessarily low?

Not necessarily, although age is important, age is not the absolute only criterion that affects success rate.

Is it easier to succeed the younger you are to do IVF?

After all, everyone's physical condition is different, some women have better ovarian maintenance, and the success rate may be higher, so it is recommended to conduct a detailed physical examination before doing IVF, and then evaluate the success rate according to their own situation.

The elderly sisters do these points well before testing tubes

1. Physical examination is important Whether young or older couples must do preconception tests, whether male or female as they age, the quality of sperm and eggs will decline. If you are a family preparing to conceive on its own, you should also pay attention to the uterus.

Is it easier to succeed the younger you are to do IVF?

2. Physical conditioning before test tubes

Pay attention to the conditioning of the constitution before the test tube, and actively treat chronic diseases or other diseases that you have, in order to give the baby the most favorable growth environment when pregnant.

Live regularly, try to quit smoking and alcohol half a year before the test tube is planned. Avoid overeating, work and rest life needs to be regular and healthy, adequate sleep and peace of mind are easy to make the mood happy, increase the success rate of conception;

Scientific diet, balanced nutrition is also very important, during pregnancy can eat some high-protein, high-fiber foods. It is best to eat more black beans, soy milk, fish soup, etc.

3. Ovarian maintenance is recommended for women who are older or have poor ovarian function, during pregnancy or in the pre-ivy planning period, take Coenzyme Q10 to maintain the ovaries, which can regulate ovarian function and improve egg quality.

4. Appropriate exercise, enhance physical fitness Appropriate physical exercise can not only improve women's physical fitness, but also reduce the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities in eggs, and ensure the quality of eggs to the greatest extent.

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