
Airport New City: Love sleepless during the epidemic and do a good job as a "mother's family" for pregnant women

Airport New City: Love sleepless during the epidemic and do a good job as a "mother's family" for pregnant women

"Yesterday I had a successful birth of my daughter, and I am especially grateful to everyone in the care group." On the afternoon of January 3, Zhao Xin (pseudonym), who has just been upgraded to a mother, shared his joy with everyone in the airport "pregnant mother" care group.

Airport New City: Love sleepless during the epidemic and do a good job as a "mother's family" for pregnant women

"We learned on the morning of December 31, 2021, when we were supervising the epidemic prevention and control card point in the community in the sunshine, that some pregnant women need to go to the hospital for examination and childbirth, and if the masses need it, we must give feedback and solve it in time." At 3 p.m. on the same day, under the impetus of Ge Feng, director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of airport new city, led by Hu Weichao, an employee of the organization department, a "pregnant mother" care group of airport "pregnant mothers" jointly composed of the organization department of the party committee of airport new city, the united front work department (women's federation), the education, health and sports bureau, the leading group for epidemic prevention and control medical treatment in various streets and towns, airport new city, and obstetrics and gynecology medical staff from Beigang Hospital, Yan'an University Xianyang Hospital and other hospitals was quickly formed.

Airport New City: Love sleepless during the epidemic and do a good job as a "mother's family" for pregnant women

"People's lives are at stake, so we must quickly find out the bottom number of pregnant women, where they live, how many phones, and at the same time find ways to 'connect' existing doctors and pregnant women, and leave professional things to professional people to solve." Ge Feng introduced that at more than 4 p.m. on the same day, Yin Zhenjian, secretary of the party branch of the first community in the sunshine of Beidu Street, quickly reported the relevant situation of 22 pregnant women to the Organization Department in a timely manner, and special personnel carried out real-time statistics on the demands of pregnant mothers in the group.

"@Hu Weichao, I am placenta previa, a high-risk pregnancy, must do weekly obstetric examinations, trouble to help me coordinate."

"There is no obstetric examination in the third trimester of pregnancy, and I need to do the obstetric examination as soon as possible, what proof is required?"

"The expected date of delivery on January 7, I have to go to the hospital to give birth, how can I get out of the community and enter the hospital?"

"January 8 due date, timely testing and due delivery, I hope that pregnant women and accompanying family members can pass smoothly on the road, the current situation may go to the hospital at any time."

"Medication is needed during pregnancy, but pharmacies are closed, what should I do about this?"


Hu Weichao introduced, "After collecting the demands of pregnant mothers for obstetric examination, delivery, medication, etc., I will do a good job of labeling according to the degree of urgency, red is urgent, yellow is urgent, and green is continuous attention." At 11:00 p.m. on the same day, Hu Weichao quickly sent the prepared form into the group so that the relevant staff could understand it in time.

"If there is no such group, we have to find the community and the hospital to understand the policy, and then go to the various certificates, we are afraid of incomplete preparation, and now what we need to write clearly in the group, and even the proof that the hospital needs is also said well, and it is much easier to worry." Yin Yuanyuan, a resident of the first phase of the Sunshine Community, introduced that on December 31, he was invited into the group by liu Yue, a community worker, "Because the due date was coming, I quickly consulted what proof was needed to go to the hospital to give birth, and the staff in the group quickly replied to my relevant information, and then there was a staff call again to tell me what certificate I needed to carry, very warm, felt dependent, and not so anxious." ”

In order to facilitate pregnant mothers to understand the treatment process more systematically, Hu Weichao will also work with Wu Xinlei of Beidu Health Center, Zhang Liang and Lu Lin of the Leading Group for Medical Treatment to produce "Navigation for Pregnant Women Giving Birth and Obstetric Examination During the Epidemic Period in Airport New City" overnight, detailing the process of various situations.

"During the epidemic prevention and control period, according to the relevant requirements, the masses must stay at home, but for emergencies, we still have to respond to emergencies." Du Zhao, deputy director of the Beidu Street Office, introduced that in order to ensure the convenience of pregnant women and related relatives, the staff of the Street Office specially made a "pass", "This contains a very complete content, in the community, hospitals are common, if the masses have needs, bring a copy of the ID card of pregnant women and accompanying people, as well as a 48-hour nucleic acid test certificate, sign a letter of commitment can be handled." ”

Up to now, the airport "pregnant mothers" care group has mapped and counted the appeals of 61 pregnant women, and recorded in detail the address, contact information, due date and related appeals of each pregnant woman.

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