
Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

High-value, delicious and nutritious steamed cake, suitable for a one-year-old baby.

By ヾ (^. ^*) 蛋蛋酥


Apple 1/3 pcs

Iron stick yam 10cm long a short section

Half a carrot

1 egg

Low gluten flour 40 g

Warm water 100ml

Corn oil to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

1: Peel and slice carrot, yam and apple.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

2: Steam in the pot, put it in after the pot is boiled, about fifteen minutes.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

3: Put the steamed ingredients into the food supplement machine, add 50ml of water, and beat delicately.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

4, play this degree can be.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

5, take a large bowl, beat the egg, pick off the white flocculent inside the egg, beat it.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

6: Pour carrot yam apple paste into the egg mixture and add 50ml of water.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

7: Whisk well clockwise with an egg beater.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

8: Sift in 40g of low gluten flour.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

9: Continue to beat the whisk clockwise.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

10. Beat into a delicate batter.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

11, brush a little corn oil on the dry mold, this step is to get rid of the mold after cooking.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

12: Put the batter into a framed flower bag.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

13, squeeze the forest mold, eight points full can be, because the steaming process will expand.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

14: Close the lid.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

15: After the pot is boiled, put it on, steam for 15 minutes on medium heat.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

16, out of the pot, slightly let cool, off the mold, beautiful and fluffy, the baby is very fond of eating.

Carrot apple yam steamed cake does just that, and novices can also have zero failures

17, look closely, is not very beautiful.


The vegetables used inside can be mixed according to the situation, purple potatoes, pumpkins, dragon fruit can be.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of apples</h2>

1. Lower cholesterol: Keep blood sugar stable, but also effectively reduce cholesterol.

2. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: reduce the risk of lung cancer, prevent lead poisoning, proanthocyanidins can prevent colon cancer.

3. Vascular cleanser improves respiratory system and lung function, protecting the lungs from pollution and soot.

4. Promote gastrointestinal peristalsis: assist the human body to smoothly discharge waste and reduce the harm of harmful substances to the skin.

5. Maintain acid-base balance: Apples are alkaline foods, eating apples can quickly neutralize excessive acidic substances in the body (including acids produced by sports (sports food) and acid metabolites produced by fish, meat, eggs and other acidic foods in the body), enhance physical strength and disease resistance.

6. Weight loss: Apple will increase satiety, eating before meals can reduce the amount of food, to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

7. Beauty products, can make the skin smooth and soft. The nutrients in apples are soluble and easily absorbed by the human body, so it is called "living water", which is conducive to dissolving sulfur elements and making the skin smooth and tender. Apples also have copper, iodine, manganese, zinc, potassium and other elements, if the human body lacks these elements, the skin will be dry, cracky, itchy.

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