
For children with big internal heat, drink more black bean yam to clear away heat and eliminate accumulation, and the child will grow tall and strong!

author:Chinese medicine pediatrics Leqin
For children with big internal heat, drink more black bean yam to clear away heat and eliminate accumulation, and the child will grow tall and strong!

I have been a doctor for more than 40 years, and every time I meet a parent who comes to me because of spleen and stomach problems, I can't help but nag a few more words. The spleen and stomach are not good, most children are not fed properly, and the internal heat is too great.

Internal heat in the liver: the child has dry eyes, a lot of eye feces, red tongue on both sides, dry and loose stools, easy to cry, irritable, hyperactive, and inattentive;

Internal heat in the heart: the child's eyes are red, the face is red, mouth ulcers are easy, there are red spots on the tip of the tongue, he is active, he can't sleep steadily, he cries when he falls asleep, he wakes up crying in the middle of the night, and sweats a lot;

Internal heat in the lungs: the child has heat in the mouth, dry nasal passages, nosebleeds, rhinitis problems, cough, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, and red spots on the tip of the tongue

Internal heat in the stomach: the child is easily hungry, eats a lot, has breath in the morning, grinds teeth, has stomach pain, sleeps on his stomach, sleeps on his knees, loves to kick the quilt, and has a high stomach temperature.

For children with big internal heat, drink more black bean yam to clear away heat and eliminate accumulation, and the child will grow tall and strong!

Internal heat is a common disease, so how to get rid of internal heat?

Let's take a case of a child as an example.

A child surnamed Yang, a boy, is 5 years old this year. I have been treated here for half a month. The main appeal of parents is to regulate their children's spleen and stomach.

This is actually caused by spleen deficiency and indigestion, as well as poor sleep and internal heat in children.

In view of this situation, it is also very easy to regulate, and he was prescribed a few pieces of traditional Chinese medicine, mainly to strengthen the spleen and dispel fire.

Later, he instructed the parents to boil some for their children at home and let them drink a little every day. There is a record in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" of black beans: "Beans have five colors, but black beans are cold and water...... Controlling wind and heat and invigorating blood and detoxifying", black beans have the effect of tonifying liquid and clearing heat and dispelling evil.

For children with big internal heat, drink more black bean yam to clear away heat and eliminate accumulation, and the child will grow tall and strong!

The method is also very simple, black beans, Huai Yam tablets, half an apple, put it in a health pot and boil water to drink. The taste is sweet and sour, and children love to drink it.

In the past half a month, when parents brought their children to follow-up yesterday, the problem of children's spleen deficiency and internal heat has been solved a lot, and the original red tongue coating is now gradually returning to normal. The mother said that the child has normal bowel movements now, his appetite is better, and his stomach is not bloated.

This is actually the child's spleen and stomach functioning ability, so when eating the food in the stomach, the spleen and stomach can decompose, absorb and transport them well. If the whole body is unobstructed, the child will not often complain that his stomach is upset and he does not want to eat.

Of course, this is only one of the solutions to internal heat, and each child's specific situation is different, so the idea of conditioning is also different from the Chinese medicine prescription prescribed. Does your child have a poor spleen and stomach and a strong internal fire? You can tell me the specific situation of your child, and I will tell you how to adjust it!

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