
Cuscuta seeds with yams, blood into the stems! Middle-aged and elderly people must be hardened, delay time, and avoid taking the wrong road

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Cuscuta seeds with yams, blood into the stem! Middle-aged and elderly people must be hardened, delay time, and avoid taking the wrong road

For the problem of hidden diseases in men, we not only have to make up for the deficiency, but also need to dispel the evil, only know to make up but do not know that it will not be good to go to the disease, but because the more you make up, the more evil qi will prevail, but it will aggravate the condition. Therefore, the more many people make up, the more they feel that the scrotum is moist, the stool is not formed, and the cavernous tendons are even less flexible.

Cuscuta seeds with yams, blood into the stems! Middle-aged and elderly people must be hardened, delay time, and avoid taking the wrong road

Therefore, the correct handling of the relationship between deficiency, dampness and stasis can better solve this problem. When dampness and stasis are more serious, the tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are many petechiae, we need to invigorate blood and dispel stasis, clear heat and dampness, and supplement deficiency as an auxiliary. After a few days, the tongue coating is clean, which means that the evil qi has gone down, and then we will go to the main thing to help the right, clear away heat and dampness, activate blood circulation and dissolve blood stasis. After making up to a certain extent, the tongue coating is thick and greasy, and then we remove the head and then go to dispel evil and invigorate the blood.

Cuscuta seeds with yams, blood into the stems! Middle-aged and elderly people must be hardened, delay time, and avoid taking the wrong road

This process repeatedly shows that it has been made up, and the tongue coating will be clean and thick for a while, indicating that the disease has improved. If the tongue coating is rotten and bad all the time, it means that the disease is not good at all. In the later stage, the evil qi will be suppressed to a certain extent, and you will become a pale red tongue, thin white moss, and a strong pulse, and the disease will naturally be cured at this time. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all prescription, only a prescription for syndrome differentiation and treatment, and the disease is changing and needs to be properly adjusted.

Cuscuta seeds with yams, blood into the stems! Middle-aged and elderly people must be hardened, delay time, and avoid taking the wrong road

Mr. Zheng from Shaanxi Province has had functional problems for more than many years, because of this problem, he has not had the idea of starting a family, and he is also very anxious and irritable. Faced with the urging of relatives and friends to marry, he could only put it off again and again with his career as the priority. Symptoms:

1. Muscle weakness, high sensitivity

2. The scrotum is moist and the stool is sticky

3. Oily skin with athlete's foot

4. Depressed personality, pessimistic and disappointed

5. The flank is uncomfortable, and the perineum chases up

6. Alas sighs, it feels like life is hard

7. The tongue is light, white and greasy, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

Cuscuta seeds with yams, blood into the stems! Middle-aged and elderly people must be hardened, delay time, and avoid taking the wrong road

Syndrome differentiation: deficiency of qi and blood, dampness and stasis

Treatment: replenish qi and blood, dissolve dampness and stasis

Phellodendron chinensis, Poria cocos, Sichuan rhizome, Sichuan hyssop, coix seed, yam, mountain cornwood meat, Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, Danpi, cinnamon, licorice, centipede, dodder seed. He was instructed to eat lightly, eat less sweet and sweets, and insist on abstaining from sex in his heart. After a period of conditioning, the scrotum is damp and disappears, and the tongue coating is clean. The second diagnosis is mainly based on invigorating yang qi, which can be used astragalus, atractylodes, ginseng, yam, mountain firewood meat, rehman, poria cocos, zexiao, danpi, hyssop, licorice, and dodder seeds. Tell them to continue to maintain good living habits and eating habits. After a period of conditioning, the mental state is getting better and better, and the tendons are tough and can be controlled freely.

Cuscuta seeds with yams, blood into the stems! Middle-aged and elderly people must be hardened, delay time, and avoid taking the wrong road

The road is right, stick to it, all problems will be solved, many people are often on the wrong road, there is no good start, even if you persist, the disease will not be good, but the more you make up, the more weak the body. After all, it is very open to Chinese medicine, everyone's theories and ideas are different, and the final result is naturally different, and it is very normal to be good or bad.


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