
A letter to parents and friends throughout the county

A letter to parents and friends throughout the county






A letter to parents and friends throughout the county

A letter to parents and friends throughout the county
A letter to parents and friends throughout the county

Dear Parents and Friends,


We are the procurators of the Lixian People's Procuratorate's Gesang Meiduo's auspicious flower bud uninspected case handling team.

The winter holidays that children are looking forward to have arrived! Our concerns and expectations have added a little more. Years of experience in handling cases tell us that the winter vacation is a high incidence of children's safety. To this end, we hereby send you a letter, hoping to hold the hand of safety education with you, and do our duty to teach and help children spend a safe, healthy and happy winter vacation.

A letter to parents and friends throughout the county

I. Earnestly perform guardianship responsibilities

As the first guardian of their children, parents must first ensure the safety of their children's holidays. During the holidays, it is necessary to strengthen the daily safety education and management of children, and take the initiative to cultivate children's good safety habits. It is necessary to pay close attention to the whereabouts of children, and to know the whereabouts, contents, companions, and returns of children's daily outings, so as to strictly prevent children from being injured or accidents. At the same time, it is also hoped that parents will lead by example, practice what they preach, and give their children a good role in safety and leadership.

Second, put an end to the erosion of bad networks

The increase in the number of holiday arrangements has increased, and many children will incarnate as "network control". It is necessary to reasonably control the children's online content, prevent children from mistakenly entering bad games and bad websites, and avoid children being harassed by malicious netizens. Teach children the most basic knowledge of the Internet, so that they have the consciousness and ability to resist bad information. Accompany more and communicate more, guide the child reasonably, and let the child use the Internet in moderation. More importantly, we must lead by example, not immerse ourselves in mobile phones and the Internet all day, give children a good example, and provide more happy ways for children to spend the winter vacation.

Third, stay away from places that should not be entered

Children should be taught not to enter and leave casinos, Internet cafes, bars and other places where minors are prohibited or inappropriate to enter; Prevent children from being exposed to pornography, drugs and gambling; Guide children to recognize the harm of drugs and gambling, and educate children to consciously stay away from pornography, gambling and drugs.

Fourth, pay attention to traffic safety

Strictly abide by traffic rules, do not run red lights, do not ride in violation of regulations; Cross the street and take the crosswalk. Pay attention to traffic safety, do not play around the car, do not play on the road, especially do not use skateboards, roller skates and other sliding tools on the road. Refusal to take drunk-driving vehicles, unlicensed and unlicensed vehicles, and irregular operating vehicles. Pay attention to the safety of taking a taxi, try not to sit in the passenger seat, and inform family and friends of vehicle-related information at night, and do not disclose your own information to the driver. At the same time, it also reminds you not to drink and drive, and not to forget and lock your children in the car.

5. Prevent unlawful infringement

In recent years, cases of sexual assault and indecency of minors have occurred from time to time, causing serious trauma to the physical and mental health of adolescents. It is necessary to strengthen targeted education, warn children to beware of bad intentions, private parts should not be viewed and touched by others, and any form of physical contact (hugging, touching, kissing). If you encounter infringement, you should deal with it calmly, wait for the opportunity to escape, and seek help from parents and teachers in time.

Sixth, strengthen emotional communication

The holiday is the best time for parents to communicate emotionally with their children, to make full use of the winter vacation time, talk to children more, understand children's thoughts, enter children's hearts, make up for the lack of time communication between children and parents brought about by the rhythm of modern life, and effectively let children, especially left-behind children, feel the warmth of the family.

Safety is no small matter, countless vivid cases tell us that the family is the fertile soil for the healthy growth of children, and the first line of defense against infringement. Lixian People's Procuratorate is willing to work together with you to create a better and healthy future for children!

Finally, I wish the majority of primary and secondary school students in the county a happy holiday, and I wish parents and friends a smooth work and all the best!

Photo: First Prosecutor's Office

Edit: Political Department

Producer: Lixian People's Procuratorate

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