
Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are many indestructible monarch-vassal relationships. For example, Zhou Tai has sacrificed himself many times to protect Sun Quan, and Sun Quan is also very precious about the injuries that Zhou Tai suffered in order to save himself.

Such a feeling of monarchy is really touching. The relationship between Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang was also extraordinary. In order to repay Liu Bei's kindness, Zhuge Liang can be said to have bowed down and finally died in the journey of the Northern Expedition, and until his death, he tried to fulfill his promise of "reviving the Han Dynasty".

Sima Hui once said: "Wolong Fengchi can be safe in the world." "But they all turned to Liu Bei, but Liu Bei failed to settle the world." In fact, Sima Hui also predicted this result long ago, but it was only passed by in the book, so few people knew.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

The mysterious Mr. Water Mirror

Sima Hui is an extremely mysterious figure in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and there are not many descriptions of him, but he is a very key character. It was this hermit of Mr. Water Mirror who led to the three heavyweights of Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang, and Pang Tong.

The encounter between Liu Bei and Sima Hui is also very dramatic, Liu Bei, after going to Jingzhou to defect to Liu Biao, in a conversation with Liu Biao, he attracted the envy of cai because he did not choose his words. Cai Shi planned to kill Liu Bei, but Liu Bei got help from Yi Yuan, and when he got the news, he immediately fled on horseback.

However, there was a Tanxi obstacle in the middle of the escape, and Liu Bei had to wade across the river. In the process of crossing the river, the Lu horse that Liu Bei was riding still lost its front hoof in the water, causing Liu Bei to fall into the water. At this moment, Lu Ma rode Liu Bei up and jumped three times, and Liu Bei came to the other side.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

After the crisis was lifted, Liu Bei met a shepherd boy by chance. Under the guidance of the shepherd boy, Liu Bei came to Mr. ShuiJing's residence. During the conversation, Liu Bei learned the names of Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang, and Pang Tong. It was this conversation that gave Liu Bei a specific goal in recruiting talents.

Not only that, Mr. Shui Jing kept Liu Bei to rest in his home, and that night Xu Shu came to Mr. Shui Jing's house because he was disappointed with Liu Biao, and after some points from Sima Hui, Xu Shu switched to Liu Bei's account. When he first arrived in the camp, he made a miracle for Liu Bei.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

Since then, Liu Bei has obeyed Xu Shuyan and regarded him as his right and left arm. Xu Shu also remembered Liu Bei's trust, and as a result, the occurrence of an incident broke the close cooperation between the two of them.

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Ge

After Xu Shu defeated Cao Shu's army for Liu Bei, Cao Cao detained Xu Shu's mother and simulated Xu Shu's handwriting, tricking Xu Shu from Liu Bei into his command. When Xu Mu saw Xu Shuzhong's plan, she was indignant and committed suicide. Since then, Xu Shu has not made any plans in the Cao camp.

Before going to Cao Ying, Xu Shu recommended Zhuge Liang for Liu Bei, which led to the subsequent Three Gu Maolu. After Xu Shu left, Sima Hui met With Liu Bei for the second time, and it was during this meeting that Sima Hui made an accurate prediction of Zhuge Liang's fate.

After Xu Shu left, Sima Hui came to Liu Bei's camp to visit Xu Shu. After learning that Xu Shu recommended Zhuge Liang when he was leaving, Sima Hui smiled and said, "Yuan Zhi wants to go, he has gone since he went, why should he provoke him to come out and work hard?" ”

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

From Sima Hui's words, it can be seen that Mr. Shui Jing does not seem to agree with Xu Shu's recommendation of Zhuge Liang for Liu Bei. In his opinion, Xu Shu's behavior was somewhat redundant.

Under Liu Bei's questioning, Sima Hui gave Liu Bei a detailed account of Zhuge Liang's situation. When he heard that Zhuge Liang was comparing himself to the pipe music, Guan Yu, who was familiar with "Spring and Autumn", was greatly dismissive, thinking that he was exaggerating.

In Sima Hui's eyes, Zhuge Liang's words were not very accurate, because there was still a gap between the abilities of these two people and Zhuge Liang, and Jiang Ziya, who had been in the eight hundred years of The Zhou Dynasty, and Zhang Zifang of the Four Hundred Years of Wang Han could be compared. As soon as these words came out, the crowd was stunned.

After saying goodbye to Liu Bei, Sima Hui uttered a very important sentence: "Although Wolong has his master, he must not be at the right time. And this sentence is exactly the prophecy of Zhuge Liang's life's fate, and it is also a judgment of Liu Beixinghan's great cause.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

Why Wolong is "out of time"

Judging from Sima Hui's words, he expressed his approval of zhuge liang and Liu Bei's combination of monarchs and subjects, believing that Zhuge Liang's assistance to Liu Bei was "the master of the dragon", and Liu Bei was the person zhuge liang deserved to assist. The four words "not in time" show that Sima Hui is pessimistic about the cooperation between these two people.

Mr. Shui Jing's words are to say, "It is very good that Zhuge Liang can assist Liu Bei, but the time is not right, but it is a pity!" So, what is the meaning of Mr. Water Mirror's so-called "untimely"?

First of all, Liu Bei had not yet formed his own power before the Battle of Chibi. Cao Cao unified the north after the Battle of Guandu, and Eastern Wu was already dominant in Jiangnan through the painstaking management of Sun Jian, Sun Ce, and Sun Quan's father and son. The rest of the princes, such as Liu Biao, Liu Zhang, and Ma Teng, all had their own spheres of influence.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

Liu Bei, on the other hand, seemed a little embarrassed at this time. After several turns, Liu Bei still did not have his own sphere of influence, others were already strong and strong, and the only thing he could get his hands on was the identity of an empty emperor after King Jing of Zhongshan.

At this time, Zhuge Liang followed Liu Bei, so it was tantamount to starting from scratch. However, "it is difficult for a woman to cook without rice", with Liu Bei's current strength, even with Zhuge Liang's assistance, it is difficult to make a difference.

Secondly, Liu Bei's heart at this time was not strong enough, which was another reason why Sima Hui said that he was "not timely".

In that era of the weak and the strong, only those who were strong enough in their hearts could survive, and Liu Bei's previous practices showed that he was too benevolent and neglected to do what was most beneficial to himself at the best time, and such a character was very unfavorable to a person who wanted to do great things.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

Because of this, Zhuge Liang was greatly constrained in the process of assisting Liu Bei later. Liu Bei regarded reputation as extremely important, refused to accept Xuzhou and Jingzhou, and even did not approve of Zhuge Liang's plan to capture Yizhou, which Zhuge Liang had already planned for him.

In this way, even if Zhuge Liang had more wisdom, it would be difficult to exert it.

Finally, Sima Hui's saying "not up to date" has another meaning, that is, regret for the pair.

At this time, the Han Dynasty was already dying, and Cao Cao controlled the government and blackmailed the Son of Heaven to order the princes, but also implemented many reforms, including the promotion and reuse of the scholar class. In this way, the contradiction between the scholar class and Cao Cao was also alleviated.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

To put it simply, Cao Cao's plan to buy people's hearts and minds has begun to bear fruit, the elite's obsession with the Han Dynasty is no longer so deep, the emperor's surname is Liu or not, and the scholars and doctors are no longer so concerned.

In this way, Zhuge Liang's slogan of "rejuvenating the Han Room and returning to the old capital" will also greatly reduce its appeal. In Sima Hui's view, Zhuge Liang was helping Liu Bei block the advance of history, and such a move could naturally be imagined.

If the confluence of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang could have met a few years in advance, when people's sense of identification with the Han Dynasty had not been weakened, then Guangwu Zhongxing might have re-staged under the joint efforts of the two of them, and the dream of continuing the Han Dynasty might not be out of reach.

Wolong Phoenix Chicks can be safe in the world? In fact, Sima Hui also said 4 characters, breaking the mystery of Liu Bei's failure

At this point, Sima Hui could only sigh "not at the right time".

History is always moving forward, and when people's consciousness begins to slowly change, no one can modify the direction of history.

Although Zhuge Liang was a competent minister, even Wolong could not prevent the demise of the Han Dynasty.

The so-called "Wolong Phoenix Chick can be safe in the world", this statement is not wrong. It's just that "An Tianxia" does not necessarily have to be an An Liu family's world, and "not being able to time" is probably also the biggest helplessness in Zhuge Liang's life.

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