
How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

Wen | Jing Mama said, original content.

A hot search topic seen on the hot search list is: when telling her husband that he is pregnant, what is his reaction.

There is a video of three couples, when the wife told her husband the news of pregnancy, they were all surprised and couldn't believe it, repeatedly confirming "no joke".

How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

The third husband was even more exaggerated, and when he entered the door and heard the news of his wife's pregnancy, he was even more excited and directly knelt on the ground and cried.

His wife asked him what was wrong, and he said that I had never had a family, and even my wife did not expect him to have such a reaction, and saw many people as a defense.

How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

Many husbands should be very excited and excited after hearing that their wives are pregnant.

Many netizens with similar experiences have also come to leave messages:

Netizen 1: I have the right to speak, I was tested last week to get pregnant, the result is that my husband can't understand the pregnancy test stick, and even asked me how to send a person who has been used by others to show him, and finally understood, the expression of indescribable excitement and excitement, is currently full of fighting spirit every day, trying to make money.

Netizen 2: I and my husband just happened to eat together in the restaurant, I told him, he was excited to eat a bite, said that he did not have the heart to eat, net to see me eat, in the afternoon I went out to buy crucian carp.

However, there are also more "naughty husbands":

My husband he will not read, I took the pregnancy test stick instruction manual to him, finally understood, the result he came a sentence, let's snap to celebrate it [hum] [hum] [hum]

I also saw a pregnant woman who had just become pregnant, and she was ready to tell her husband the good news of her pregnancy as a New Year's gift:

It's also too coincidental, I just measured two bars yesterday, today I brushed this one, I plan to talk to my husband on the 1st, as a New Year's gift, so nervous Wow.

How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

It is not easy to conceive a pregnant woman in October, what should the husband do well?

Although pregnancy is a happy thing, it is also a hard thing, coupled with the need to protect the safety of the fetus during pregnancy, it is even more difficult for pregnant mothers.

But pregnancy is not a matter of pregnant women alone, and the father-to-be should also be a good helper for pregnant mothers, and do a good job of "eight accompaniment" during pregnancy.

Accompany the meal

The nutritional intake of pregnant women is very important, and only if the pregnant mother eats well can the healthy development of the fetus be more guaranteed.

But "eating well" does not mean that every meal should be eaten and drunk, but attention should be paid to nutritional balance and meat and vegetarian combination.

Because pregnant women are not easy to get pregnant, during pregnancy, the father-to-be has to start cooking at home, and three meals a day, pay attention to nutrition, and eat some fresh vegetables and fruits every day.

And when cooking, try to choose a way that can be cooked, avoid giving pregnant mothers raw cold, cold, spicy, fried and pickled foods, and high-salt and high-sugar foods should also be avoided.

How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

Chat with you

After pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, pregnant mothers will have obvious emotional changes, especially pregnant women who are pregnant for the first time, often more nervous and panicked.

That father-to-be should understand that it is normal for pregnant mothers to be emotionally volatile, and when taking care of pregnant mothers' bodies, they should also take more care of the psychology and emotions of pregnant mothers, chat with her more, and try to spend every day happily.

Accompany the door

Although you should be more careful when you are pregnant, you can't be bored at home every day and will go out often.

In the first trimester, pregnant mothers will have a variety of physical discomforts due to early pregnancy reactions; in the middle and third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mothers' stomachs will become larger and larger, and their movements will be inconvenient.

Therefore, whether it is the first trimester or the middle and late stages, as long as the pregnant mother goes out, it is best to be accompanied by the father-to-be or family, and also pay attention to these points:

Try to avoid going to noisy places, such as movie theaters, shopping malls, supermarkets, etc., to avoid squeezing the pregnant belly;

When going out and encountering stairs or elevators, expectant fathers should pay more attention to the safety of pregnant mothers;

If you need to ride or drive out, pay attention to avoid too bumpy roads and ensure safe travel.

How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

Paternity check-up

From the time pregnancy is found, it may be often checked, to the first obstetric examination at 12 weeks of pregnancy, until the baby is born, the middle pregnant mother has at least 10 obstetric examinations, and it is recommended that every time the father-to-be should accompany.

Because the doctor will instruct a lot of things during the obstetric examination, these need to be recorded in detail by the father-to-be.

In the obstetric examination, it may be necessary to queue up to pay fees, take medicines, take information, etc., pregnant mothers are in the stage of pregnancy, not suitable for sitting or standing for a long time, and expectant fathers must do these jobs.

And in case the result is abnormal, the father-to-be is also convenient to discuss.

How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

Accompany the movement

After pregnancy, pregnant mothers should adhere to the appropriate amount of exercise every day, which is good for their own health and will also help to have a smooth birth in the future.

However, when exercising, you need to pay attention to safety, exercise mode and intensity, then you can let the father-to-be accompany the walk, exercise, but also maintain a good mood to ensure safety.

Accompany the preparation of items

In the middle and third trimesters of pregnancy, seeing that the due date is approaching day by day, it is necessary to prepare a maternity package, including items to be brought to the hospital, items that will be used after the baby is born, and items that the mother will use in the confinement.

At this time, the father-to-be should also participate in it, prepare the baby's belongings together, it is not easy to miss, and also understand some parenting knowledge in advance, and the pregnant mother is also happy.

How does he react when he tells his husband "I'm pregnant"? Pregnant husbands should do these 8 things well

Accompanying production

In October, pregnancy is born, and when the baby is born, whether it is a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, the father-to-be should accompany the pregnant mother, encourage the pregnant mother on the side, take care of the pregnant mother, and let the pregnant mother eat some food to supplement the physical strength between the contractions, at this time will reflect the sense of responsibility as a father-to-be, and will also reflect your full love for the pregnant mother.

Accompany confinement

After the baby is born, the pregnant mother will also go through a month of childhood, during which time the new mother will gradually recover and learn to take care of the baby.

In order to let the new mother rest and recover better, the new father should also do the responsibility of the husband and father, take care of the new mother and baby, in addition to caring about the daily life of the new mother, but also pay more attention to the mood of the new mother, accompany her comfortable confinement.

The above 8 points are the companionship that the father-to-be should do during pregnancy and childbirth, how many points do you (your husband) do?

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