
Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

"Confinement" is a unique "traditional habit" of Chinese maternity and has been left behind for thousands of years. Although there is not much scientific to speak of, there are many exquisite and taboos during confinement.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

The girlfriend who is about to give birth to a confinement, after searching for the taboo of confinement on the Internet, complained: This can not be done that can not be done, even washing hair, bathing can not, the long 42 days [confinement period] how to spend it?

The difference between confinement women who wash their hair every day and those who wash their hair again for 42 days is obvious

In the reality show "Wife's Romantic Trip", Xie Na and Yuan Yongyi, two mothers, once talked about their experiences in the confinement period.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

Yuan Yongyi broke the news in the program: she washed her hair on the first day after giving birth to her child, and she washed her hair every day during the whole confinement period. There are two reasons: one is that she can't stand not washing her hair; the other is that the doctor told her that she can wash her hair every day.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

Today's Yuan Yongyi frankly said: her physical health is far less than before, she used to be in good health, and she didn't catch a cold for a year. Now I often have a cold, and I have a headache when I get a cool breeze in the morning and evening, and it is likely that I did not sit well at the beginning of the month.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

Xie Na, who is very different from Yuan Yongyi, endured for 42 days after giving birth to her twin daughters, and waited until after the confinement before washing her hair and bathing with ginger water. At the same time, Xie Na also admitted that it is really difficult to endure not washing her hair and not bathing during the confinement period, and the "smell" is so unbearable that she can't stand it.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

But after enduring the torment of not washing her hair during the confinement period, Xie Na now basically has no confinement disease, and her physical condition is as good as before giving birth. Yuan Yongyi said that she had colds and headaches, and she almost didn't have them.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

During confinement, can I wash my hair?

During the postpartum confinement period, the mother's body is weak, all kinds of sweat, milk, lochia flow non-stop, if you have to endure 42 days without washing your hair, do not bathe, it is really a collapse. In this regard, the Chinese medicine doctor clearly stated: during the confinement period, you can wash your hair, and you should also wash your hair!

01, from the objective conditions: you can wash your hair!

Whether it is a vaginal birth or a caesarean section to produce a child, it will bring trauma to the mother's body, consume a lot of mental and physical strength, resulting in the body in a weak state, if not paid attention, it is easy to cause various diseases due to wind and cold. Therefore, the ancients warned future generations: pregnant women should not wash their hair during confinement.

But now the living conditions are better, even in the winter, the room also has heating, hair dryer, wash your hair without worrying about the wind chill due to doors and windows leaking. Therefore, during the confinement period, washing hair is no problem. It is worth noting that the first shampoo is best to wash again about 1 week after childbirth.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

02, from a medical point of view: should be washed

Maternal metabolism is strong, the body, the head is easy to sweat, do not pay attention to cleaning, not only uncomfortable, but also prone to infection, so after childbirth should wash hair.

It is just that when pregnant women wash their hair at home, they should pay attention to not getting colds and colds, try to simplify the process, and dry their hair with hot air in time after washing their hair. At the same time, the environment at home should not be too ventilated, so as not to get cold after washing the mother's hair.

What problems do I need to pay attention to when washing my hair during confinement?

During the "confinement" period of the mother, although she can wash her hair, she is not unscrupulous, and she washes her hair every day after giving birth like Yuan Yongyi. Especially in the washing time, place and water temperature should be carefully chosen.

Two actresses, one is a confinement child who washes her hair every day, one who endures for 42 days, and now the physical gap is obvious

1. Time: It is generally recommended to take 1 week after childbirth

For women who have a normal and smooth labor journey, they can generally wash their hair about 1 week after delivery. It can keep clean and hygienic, but also allow the mother to rest adequately.

After a number of studies, it has been studied that washing hair 1 week after childbirth is conducive to the physical and mental health of pregnant women, but the shampoo time is best controlled within 10 minutes, and it can be washed once a week.

2. Location: windproof and coldproof bathroom

During the confinement period, if the mother does not pay attention to keeping warm, after letting the wind and cold invade the body, it is easy to cause low back pain, shoulder and back pain, rheumatism and other "confinement disease". Therefore, pregnant women should also pay attention to windproof and cold washing, and pay attention to closing doors and windows when washing their hair.

3, water temperature: control at 35-37 °C is appropriate

The water temperature of maternal hair washing is generally controlled at 35-37 ° C, which is the same as the human body temperature.

What do women need to do during confinement?

To take a bath: Generally speaking, you can take a shower after you have been born in the hospital, and you can take a shower after the caesarean section has healed.

When bathing, you need to control the water temperature at about 35 ° C -37 ° C, and immediately after washing, dry it with a dry towel and wear clothes to prevent cold. At the same time, the bath time should not exceed 30 minutes, so as not to lose physical strength.

Brush your teeth: during the confinement period, the number of times pregnant women eat frequently, there are many types of food, if you do not pay attention to brushing teeth and rinsing, it is easy to make bacteria in the mouth multiply and oral diseases occur.

Therefore, during the confinement period, the mother should brush her teeth after meals, and in the choice of toothbrush, it is advisable to choose a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently.

Exercise: There have been maternal confinement periods, lying still in bed, lack of appropriate exercise in the limbs, resulting in the formation of venous thrombosis in the lower limbs. Whether it is a vaginal or caesarean section, exercise should be done as early as possible and appropriately.

Generally speaking: normal mothers can get up and move slightly within 6-12 hours after giving birth, and can walk around freely the next day after childbirth. Mothers who have a caesarean section should also get out of bed as soon as possible according to their own situation.

All in all, for their own physical health, pregnant women must sit scientifically [confinement], for the "traditional habits" left by the ancients, we should "take its essence, go to its dross", listen to the doctor's advice, scientific confinement.

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