
When the child feels that the mother is eccentric, how to solve such a problem?

Before the second treasure, the big treasure was the center of the family. Got the full love of the family. For this reason, I also said to my husband, it is good not to have a second child, so that you will not be jealous, and you will not feel that we have a second child and ignore the boss. If I had two kids, I probably wouldn't have been able to do it fairly.

Dabao on the side heard it and said, I don't think that having a brother or sister will compete for my love, but I will give her my love, because I have been pampered for so many years. I am willing to share my love.

Hearing Dabao say this, my husband and I were particularly surprised. Because there are too many examples around, when it comes to having a second child, many children do not agree, thinking that if they want the second treasure, they will get less love from their parents, and in order to take care of the second treasure, they may not have time to take care of her. So this is also a no-go zone for some kids.

When the child feels that the mother is eccentric, how to solve such a problem?

For my family, the child's answer surprised me, she said that the classmates in the class have brothers and sisters, and she is one of herself, talking about younger siblings, she can't interject. And when I get home, I'm bored, and when I'm done, it's electronics. Classmates can play with their younger siblings.

We listened to the child's appeal and thought that what the child said was also reasonable. The only child is too lonely. I had the idea of having a second child.

When we told Dabao about this idea, she flew up happily. At the same time, we also said that we would definitely not let Dabao feel that if we had a second treasure, we would care less about and love her. The two children must be treated fairly.

Until the arrival of the second treasure, I found that I could not take care of the second treasure.

When the child feels that the mother is eccentric, how to solve such a problem?

First of all, there is less care for Dabao in life

In the past, she would prepare her favorite breakfast every morning to achieve nutritious matching. But now, every morning is a meal, and sometimes I go to school without breakfast. After such a long time, the body will definitely not be able to eat.

She fainted during a recess exercise last summer, and the school teacher called to inform her dad. Dad immediately took a leave of absence to go to school, saw her pale face, and took her back to see a doctor, who said that she had suffered from heat stroke.

After listening, Dad said that he did not eat breakfast, lacked nutrition, and could not keep up with his physical fitness. Dabao is also more sensible, knowing that every day we take care of my sister hard. So he didn't complain to us.

Later, when my sister was asleep, I prepared the ingredients for the next morning in advance. This way Dabao can eat breakfast.

When the child feels that the mother is eccentric, how to solve such a problem?

Secondly, there is not so much patience for dabao's study

Dabao has been learning since the first grade. From the time she was pregnant to now, it was in the hands of my father. Including homework checks and tutoring. During this time, Dad did quite well.

Once my father had to work overtime for work reasons and came back late. When Dabao is writing homework, he writes and plays at the same time. When I saw it, I yelled at her, and it was very loud, and then I saw Dabao crying in grievance.

He muttered that since he had a sister, his mother had become less gentle, or his father was good, and nothing had changed. Mom is fierce now. Then I called and complained to my dad. Not only did I not comfort him, but I also said that she didn't understand things.

Mr. Evening came back and said that since I had the second treasure, my concern for the big treasure had become less, and she did not have the joy of being a sister in the first place. He also said that I should take a moment to have a good chat with Dabao. The child's heart gap is too big, and he will not be able to accept it for a while and a half.

I think Erbao is too small and needs more love and care. The love for Dabao has not decreased, but the way has changed.

When the child feels that the mother is eccentric, how to solve such a problem?

Third, there is less companionship for Dabao

Erbao is only a few months old, and he is more clingy to his mother. My husband said that I was used to being a mother' treasure. As long as I'm not at home, Dad can't take the second eldest. Unless she was asleep, she cried.

Because of this, the parent-child activities in Dabao School are accompanied by dad. In the past, due to my husband's busy work, all the activities were fully participated by me, and at that time, Dabao was particularly envious of other children who were accompanied by their fathers.

Now that her father has time to accompany her, she feels that her mother is still with her.

There is also less time to hang out on weekends, right on the doorstep all day. Or just nest at home. Instantly feel that with the second eldest, the space has become smaller. This is not the case when there is a big treasure! Don't want to go out, too troublesome, too inconvenient.

Although Dabao felt that my love and companionship for her had become less, her love for her sister was full. I can't wait to play with all the things I like to my sister, which is the so-called sisterhood

The first thing I did when I came back from school was to hug my sister first, and my sister also liked to hug my sister. Sometimes when I had to cook, my father was not at home, and my sister would sit next to my sister and watch my sister write her homework.

Before each break, the two sisters would interact and play, and the sister would make the younger sister giggle.

Every day is such a warm picture

When the child feels that the mother is eccentric, how to solve such a problem?

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