
In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

People often say that cousins and cousins are born a pair, so in ancient Chinese history, there will always be such and such cousin marriages, which is the so-called kissing and kissing, even in "The Legend of the White Snake" there is such a plot We all know that the marriage of close relatives will increase the chance of offspring mentally retarded children, but why in ancient times, cousins married cousins to give birth to very few mentally retarded children?

In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

With the development and popularization of modern science, more and more people recognize the fact that the probability of close relatives marrying and producing children with intellectual disabilities is very high. Therefore, at the national level, in the 1980s, a new marriage law was introduced, which clearly stipulated that marriage was not allowed within three generations! In ancient times, marriages between cousins were very common, such as Emperor Wu of Han and Chen Ajiao, Lu You and Tang Wan, Wang Xianzhi and Xi Daomao, and so on. So what happened to the descendants of these people?

In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

In fact, let's put aside morality and ethics, just talk about love, if two people who are related by blood can pluck up the courage to want to unite with each other because of love, is this practice right? Coupled with the limited medical conditions in ancient times, it is difficult for intellectually retarded children to live to adulthood, such as royalty and nobles, and so do folk. ????

In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

Secondly, because the ancient medical technology such as childcare is very primitive and backward, some problematic children often have a variety of situations during the pregnancy process, and may be directly aborted before they are born. According to the social medical conditions at that time, it was difficult for such mentally retarded children to survive adulthood, and most of them died of congenital diseases at a very young age, so they would not continue to pass on the disease genes to the next generation.

In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

Finally, between relatives, there is a difference between distant and near relatives, there are many relationships that may be isolated for several generations, and the blood relationship is very distant, but in the ancient patriarchal society, even if the relationship is estranged, it has become a collateral blood relative within three generations, and there is a chance of giving birth to mentally retarded children in genetic probability, but the book does not make more statements, and we are not convenient to say more.

In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

Therefore, some cousins and cousins may have a relationship with each other, but because their mother may not be the same person or there are many generations in between, so the blood relationship between each other is relatively vague and even may not exist between cousins, I don't know how many circles have been circled, I have turned more than one bend, and even those who have five clothes are still called each other by old watches.

In ancient times, most of them respected cousins to marry, so why were there very few mentally retarded children born? Scales fall from one's eyes!

In ancient times, "cousins" married, why did most of the children born were normal? There are actually too many misunderstandings and absurdities in such a statement, don't be blinded by it, remember? However, we are not advocating the marriage of close relatives, but only to dispel the concerns of couples about this kind of thing, and at the same time to avoid the tragedy caused by the breakup of couples.

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