
Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees and fifteen acres of land, is he still a Qing official? The answer is obvious

Zhuge Liang, a famous military, thinker, and writer of the Three Kingdoms period, was originally a hermit who cultivated Nanyang, and was invited out of the mountain by Liu Beisan Gu Maolu, and thus began to repay the favor of zhiyu.

Zhuge Liang formulated the strategy of "Longzhong Pair" for Liu Bei, and based on this, he began to unite with Sun Quan of Eastern Wu, defeated Cao Cao at Chibi, harvested Jingzhou, entered Yizhou, seized power in Hanzhong, and created hegemony. Especially after Liu Beibai's white emperor entrusted him to the orphan, Zhuge Liang was more conscientious and worked for the country.

The newly enthroned young emperor Liu Chan did not understand anything and relied on zhuge Liang, the "father of xiang". "Everything is big and small, salty is determined by the light", whether it is the internal affairs of the Shu Han or the war, Zhuge Liang can handle it, and Liu Chan generally only manages the matter of sacrifice at the end of the year.

Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees and fifteen acres of land, is he still a Qing official? The answer is obvious

In 234 AD, Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty, became ill with overwork, and his body was worse than a day, and he collapsed on his job and died suddenly on the front line of Wuzhangyuan. What he originally wanted was to exert his residual heat before his death, lay a piece of land for Shu Han, and solve the problem of Sima Yi, a fierce enemy of Shu Han. However, Sima Yi adopted the "turtle tactic" and could not fight to the death.

In order to lure Sima Yi into the army, Zhuge Liang used various methods, such as giving Sima Yi women clothes to wear, mocking Sima Yi for not daring to go to war, and it was better to be a woman and go home to see her children. However, Sima Yi, who was good at concealing patience, gladly accepted Zhuge Liang's gift, and not only did not get fooled, but also put out the words of the emissary, knowing that Zhuge Liang's life would soon be over.

Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees and fifteen acres of land, is he still a Qing official? The answer is obvious

Sima Yi could afford to consume energy, but Zhuge Liang's body could not afford it. Before his death, he entrusted Li Fu to Li Fu, the emissary of the rear lord Liu Chan. Zhuge Liang said: "After my hundred years, Jiang Huan can entrust him with heavy responsibilities and take charge of major state affairs, and after Jiang Huan, Fei Yi can also manage state affairs." Li Fu hurriedly asked again, so after Jiang Huan and Fei Yi, who can still shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the state. Zhuge Liang did not answer, indicating that he did not know either.

Before Zhuge Liang entrusted the major affairs of the state, he reported his family property to the rear lord Liu Chan, how many acres of land and a few trees. So why did he truthfully report his family's details?

Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees and fifteen acres of land, is he still a Qing official? The answer is obvious

Some people say that this is what the later lord Liu Chan requested, stipulated in the national law, to carry out the construction of honest and diligent administration? The entire major state affairs are managed by Zhuge Liang, the prime minister, and most of the systems are decided by Zhuge Liang, and he does not stipulate the system of reporting family property. At that time, the rich and powerful officials of the Shu Han Dynasty would not be very cooperative, truthfully reporting how many acres and acres of land they had.

Zhuge Liang himself took the initiative to declare his family property, in fact, for the sake of building a clean and honest government. He knows that whether a country can prosper depends mainly on whether the country's officials are honest and honest. "The roof leaks down, stops at the top, leaks up, and can't live down." In order to do a good job in building a clean and honest government, Zhuge Liang took the lead in building a clean and honest government, put up a banner of clean officials, and first reported his family property. Zhuge Liang was the head of the hundred officials, and he reported his family property and set an example, and his officials would naturally follow suit. Only when officials' assets are transparent can we prevent some people from enriching themselves and becoming corrupt.

Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees and fifteen acres of land, is he still a Qing official? The answer is obvious

So, how much property does Zhuge Liang have? Is he a clean official?

In the "Biography of Zhuge Liang in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms", it is recorded that in the beginning, Liang Zihou said: "Chengdu has eight hundred mulberry plants, fifteen thin fields, children and clothing, and their own surplus." As for the ministers who are in foreign posts, there is no other dispatch, they carry food and clothing, they are all dependent on the officials, they do not rule others, and they are long in size. If on the day of death, there shall be no surplus within, and no wealth shall be gained outside, and His Majesty shall be defeated. "and pawn, as he said.

Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees in Chengdu and fifteen hectares of land, enough for my children and grandchildren to have no worries about food and clothing. As for my northern expedition, there is a state supply, and I don't need other luxuries. If I die, I will have no extra money to live up to the emperor's trust. After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan sent people to investigate Zhuge Liang's family property, which was really what Zhuge Liang said, and there was nothing more to it.

Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees and fifteen acres of land, is he still a Qing official? The answer is obvious

In Zhuge Liang's letter to the later lord Liu Chan, he indicated that he only had fifteen hectares of land and eight hundred mulberry trees, and whether the family property was more or less?

Eight hundred mulberry trees looked like a lot, and fifteen hectares of land looked very much. Because the Three Kingdoms period is very far away from now, it is not known how much eight hundred mulberry trees are worth, and the fifteen acres of land are equivalent to fifteen hundred acres according to the weights and measures system of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but one acre in the Eastern Han Dynasty is about equal to the current 0.5 acres, that is to say, Zhuge Liang's fifteen acres of land is about the current seven hundred and fifty acres, that is, 499,500 square meters, which is indeed not small. Some readers also think that Zhuge Liang occupies such a large area of land, should not be a Qing official, right?

Zhuge Liang has eight hundred mulberry trees and fifteen acres of land, is he still a Qing official? The answer is obvious

Whether Zhuge Liang was a Qing official or not, his land area was known by comparing it with other officials. Referring to the land area of Western Jin officials in the "Records of Food and Goods in the Book of Jin", we can compare one or two.

The book records: "The first product occupies fifty acres, the second product is forty-five acres, the third product is forty-five, the fourth product is thirty-five, the fifth product is thirty-five, the sixth product is twenty-five, the seventh product is twenty,the eighth product is fifteen, and the ninth product is ten. ”

Zhuge Lianggui was the Shu Han Chancellor, and he was definitely a member of the Yipin Dynasty, with only fifteen hectares of land, which was only as much as the land of the eighth pin official. Isn't he a great cleanser? The answer is obvious, Zhuge Liang was a rare Qing official in the Shu Han And even the entire Three Kingdoms period.

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