
JinWantong Group won the "2021 Qilu AutoMotive Oscar Annual Selection - Integrity Enterprise Award"

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Li Jingyao

It's another year of wind and rain, and 2021 is also an extraordinary year for Autobots. Compared with 2020, this year's entire automotive industry has been affected by the epidemic environment, and then once again fell into the industry lack of "core" state. In such a double pressure environment, Shandong Jinwantong Group, as one of the well-known automobile group enterprises in the province, bears an unprecedented operating burden like other automobile dealers.

In such a challenging year, Shandong Jinwantong Group sought new development under the steady operation of Chairman Xing Wen, and after a year of hard work, finally delivered a satisfactory answer sheet to the regional automobile market. Therefore, Jin Wantong Group won the title of "Integrity Enterprise Award" in the 2021 Qilu Automotive Oscar Annual Selection Activity.

JinWantong Group won the "2021 Qilu AutoMotive Oscar Annual Selection - Integrity Enterprise Award"

In 2021, JinWantong Group as a whole achieved a turnover of 2 billion yuan, contributing about 14 million yuan in tax revenue to the country; the group's new car sales totaled 13,000 units, an increase of 18% year-on-year. The group's annual insurance volume of new car sales reached more than 10,000 times, the renewal of annual insurance reached more than 20,000 times, the annual premium amount exceeded 100 million, and the cooperation with insurance companies and banks and finances achieved full system coverage, the group's annual customer holding customers accumulated up to 240,000 batches, the number of annual active members was 60,000 batches; the annual after-sales entry platform was 130,000 times, and the annual output value of after-sales service exceeded 140 million yuan, an increase of 26% year-on-year. "Judging from the operating results of this year, it can be said that the target set by the group at the beginning of the year has been basically achieved." Mr. Xing said, "At present, the biggest difficulty we are facing is still the supply of goods caused by the shortage of chips, many customers have not mentioned new cars, the order waiting cycle is as long as three months, but most dealers are facing the same situation as us, so this year for us, we must deal with the test of the car market." ”

JinWantong Group won the "2021 Qilu AutoMotive Oscar Annual Selection - Integrity Enterprise Award"

For Jinwantong Group, in response to this year's auto market test, it is still around the user car life, deep ploughing the automotive market, to achieve more comprehensive and professional automotive services.

First of all, the reform and optimization plan carried out by the Group is to integrate the used car business of each store in combination with the current development of the used car market. Integrate the original traditional in-store used car replacement business to create a platform cooperative management model. The purpose is to improve the residual value of users' old cars and enhance the service experience of users in the new car replacement business sector through professional and standardized evaluation operation processes. In addition, combined with the policies of various brand manufacturers, the brand's second-hand car sales business was launched, providing more purchase and sale solutions for new and old users, and expanding the diversified forms of customer service of the Group's own brand.

Secondly, with the rapid development of the field of new energy vehicles, coupled with the introduction of various favorable policies by the state and local governments in recent years, Jinwantong Group has also followed the development trend and started its own new energy promotion pace. In addition to focusing on the sales trend and proportion of new energy models in various brands, it has also actively obtained the authorization of independent brands of new energy and contributed to the new energy vehicle market in the future. "This year, we can clearly feel the shortage of chips in the automobile market, and the smallest impact is in the field of new energy vehicles, which is inseparable from the national policy of actively developing new energy vehicles." Sun Wei, brand director of the group, said, "We have also been paying attention to the development of the new energy field, and it is also expected that in the next few years, the company's internal new energy sales share will increase significantly. ”

In addition to the development of the new energy field, Jinwantong Group also began to vigorously develop the automobile travel business this year. From traditional car sales to car sales + car life services. Typical new businesses involved are online ride-hailing sales business and driving service business. Liu Xingliang, brand director of the group, said about the online ride-hailing part: "This year, our group established Jinwantong Online Ride-hailing Company, vigorously promoted and improved the online ride-hailing sales service system, helped online ride-hailing drivers complete their business settlement, and established a long-term and stable cooperation and development model. ”

JinWantong Group won the "2021 Qilu AutoMotive Oscar Annual Selection - Integrity Enterprise Award"

When it comes to the business philosophy, "integrity, rationality and sustainable development" is the business philosophy that Shandong Jinwantong Group has been adhering to. In the "2021 Qilu AutoMotive Oscar Annual Selection", Ciccum Vantone Group won the "Integrity Enterprise Award", which is nothing more than the most powerful praise for Jin Wantong Group, which has always adhered to the "integrity management, honest service" as the primary operating principle. Also this year, Shandong Jinwantong Group also won the title of "National Integrity Maintenance Enterprise" issued by the Automobile Maintenance Association. Among the subordinate stores, Jinan Jinwantong Kia won the title of "Jinan Integrity Maintenance Enterprise", and Shandong Desheng won the title of "Regional Integrity Maintenance Enterprise". These awards are undoubtedly an encouragement and affirmation of the integrity of Jinwantong Group. "From business operation to personal communication, honesty is the most basic professional ethics of every store and every employee within our company." Group Chairman Xing Stressed. There is a saying circulating within the Jinwantong Group, "There are three kinds of people who must not be in arrears in their payments, first, the wages of employees must not be owed; second, the supplier's payment must not be owed; third, the payment of the corporate partner must not be owed." Jin Wantong said this and did the same.

In practicing corporate social responsibility, Jin Wantong Group has never forgotten the phrase "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility". In the past two years, during the outbreak of the epidemic, no employees were laid off and wages were in arrears in the large and small stores of the whole group, ensuring the stable income level of more than 700 employees within the group, and the company and employees to tide over the difficulties. Secondly, every year, the Group organizes special children care activities in welfare homes, condolence activities for the elderly homes, material donation activities and poverty alleviation actions in the southern mountainous areas. In addition, this year, In response to the jinan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Jinwantong Group carried out the "Golden Blue Collar" training project in the maintenance industry, and at the same time carried out the new apprenticeship training within the enterprise, implemented the local strategic measures with practical actions, and contributed the light and heat of Jinwantong Group to the society.

When it comes to the future, both the CEO and the grass-roots employees are full of expectations and enthusiasm for the future development of Jinwantong Group. "The corporate logo of JinWantong is a wheel that never stops," Mr. Xing finally said, "We will always be committed to the automotive field and intensive cultivation." Based on the national environmental protection, safety and other development strategies, vigorously invest in the new energy field and safe travel field market. Finally, creating a better life for customers through cars will always be our corporate mission. ”

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