
Delaying your time with your child? You have delayed your child's life!


"My dad loves to look at the phone, every time he has time he will take out the phone to see" "My dad is in the toilet to defecate, also looking at the phone, dad after the defecation, do not know to come out, still look at the phone inside ..." Although the computer, mobile phone brings us too much information, information, but the child's growth is only once, do not delay the child's life because of your little entertainment time!

Delaying your time with your child? You have delayed your child's life!

What is a parent? A salutation? A natural power? Yes, but... Parenting is a profession!

You think you're with your kids, but your kids find out that their phones have robbed their mom and dad!

Don't think that you are looking at your phone and sitting next to your child while you are with your child.

Don't think that if you open the computer and play, verbally supervise the child, it is to manage the child.

Delaying your time with your child? You have delayed your child's life!

Spending time with your child delays your time, but you delay your child's life.

American psychologists have found that 20% of a person's ability to achieve success depends on acquired efforts, and 80% depends on the teaching of the father.

As an "important person" in a child's life, the same affirmative word, if spoken by the father, will have 50 times more influence on the child than the mother.

The influence of the mother on the child is whether the child can become an independent person; the father is to shape the child's view of life; it is related to the formation of personality.

Who is more important in family education, father or mother?

The answer is that both matter.

Whether a person's relationship with the mother is harmonious will affect whether the child's future marriage is happy; whether the relationship with the father is harmonious will affect whether the child's future career will be successful.

Delaying your time with your child? You have delayed your child's life!

Give your child 15 minutes a day, you can't do it?

Establishing a close parent-child relationship with children requires the accumulation of bit by bit every day, not overnight. The establishment of high-quality relationships requires a dedicated 15 minutes of companionship with children every day. The so-called high-quality companionship is that when accompanying the child, the father or mother is wholeheartedly interacting with the child, without distraction, without distraction, without thinking about work, without thinking about pressure; although these are all there.

Companionship: Finding things to do together

It can be reading and telling stories with children;

It can be playing with children or playing ball;

It can be listening to a piece of music singing together;

You can sit on the beach with your child and listen to the sound of the waves and explain the knowledge of nature.

It can be climbing mountains with children, sitting on the ground together to study nature, observing small animals, small flowers, small grass and trees.

Companionship: Listening + physical contact

Contact can be unjudicated, without accusation, without contempt, without blowing, without interruption. Just very simple, very appreciative, very focused, very happy, quietly listening to the child. In the process of listening, parents can have: um, oh, wow, yes, and then what? What else? What's next? and other responses. In the process of companionship, as much physical contact as possible: pat the child's shoulder, touch the child's head, put the child's small hands in their own hands, hug the child, and so on. Also, an appreciative look is also important. There are many more ways, and the most crucial thing is whether you are a parent in that moment or not – the presence of your whole body.

Believe it or not, parents need training the most but lack it the most.

The characteristics of this "profession" of parents are: the most need for training but the most lack of training! Maybe you have a successful career, but the success of your career can't make up for the failure of family education. Regardless of the children, the child is not the mother alone, the child's growth education, you only have one chance, do not miss!

Delaying your time with your child? You have delayed your child's life!

Mobile phones can accompany you for 50 years, and time with children and intimacy will never return

Words to parents: Please put the phone aside, if we are 35 now, if we go all the way to 80, we still have 45 years to be with the phone; as long as we pick it up, it is always around us; listen to us call.....

If our child grows up, if they grow up to be 13, 16, 18, you will find that they will gradually need their own space more and more; they will no longer "pestering you"; they will no longer "make unreasonable trouble" to let you accompany him; they will no longer stick to your arms like when they were children; they will no longer pull you to the bedside, they will no longer beg you to tell a story to sleep with him as they did as a child; you will find: in children, many of the most intimate times with you, once missed, never come back...

Dear Mom and Dad, please spend more time holding your baby in your arms; slowly taste it, and truly have a baby these years!!


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