
After 37 weeks, do more midwifery exercises and prenatal breathing exercises

Do more midwifery exercise after 37 weeks

Although the reason for the occurrence of the post-term pregnancy is not clear, most obstetricians believe that this is related to the constitution of the pregnant mother herself and whether to do moderate exercise in the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, in the third trimester of pregnancy (especially after 37 weeks), if everything is normal (including the fetal weight of more than 2500 grams, the pregnant mother has no pregnancy complications, etc.), the pregnant mother should be prepared for the imminent delivery, and can do the following exercises:

Walking for more than 30 minutes a day is suitable for all pregnant mothers.

Slowly go up the stairs several times a day, suitable for pregnant mothers who do not breathe too much and do not cause abnormal contractions.

Prenatal breathing exercises

Proper breathing methods during childbirth can help pregnant mothers relax their bodies and relieve pain. Pregnant mothers can practice from the 4th month until childbirth. Do this exercise by lying down, bending your legs, or placing your legs slightly apart on a chair, or sitting cross-legged without a chair.

After 37 weeks, do more midwifery exercises and prenatal breathing exercises

breathe deeply

Slow, deep breathing has a relaxing effect and can also provide a lot of oxygen to the blood, which will bring you comfort and relaxation.

At first, take a slow, deep breath through your nose while inflating your stomach, then exhale from your mouth in a long, steady way to maximize your retraction. When exhaling, the facial muscles are relaxed and the limbs are relaxed at the same time. Do this very slowly and repeat it a few times.

Pregnant mothers can also assist in deep breathing through imagination: imagine the air rising along a line in the uterine course. When you inhale to the maximum, start exhaling, and at the same time, imagine your exhaled breath along your spine all the way to the perineum and cervical opening. Eventually, the breath forms a circle that surrounds the uterus and your baby. Imagined circulation is very helpful for the circulation of breathing.

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