
China's electric vehicles are developing faster than expected, and the second half is more focused on intelligent development

China's electric vehicles are developing faster than expected, and the second half is more focused on intelligent development

On December 16-17, the 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Conference with the theme of "Zhixing and Driving New Chapter" was held in Nansha, Guangzhou. At the opening ceremony of the 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Conference, a number of experts and scholars shared that China's electric vehicle development speed is much faster than expected and has entered an explosive stage of rapid market growth.

The development of electric vehicles in China has entered a new stage

"This year is a milestone year for the development of our intelligent new energy vehicles, our production and sales have grown by leaps and bounds, and the market has flourished." At the 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Conference on the morning of the 16th, Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an expert in new energy power systems, said that according to the statistics of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, by the end of November, the production and sales of china's intelligent new energy vehicles were close to 3 million, which showed that new energy vehicles have entered a new stage of market-driven and also entered an explosive stage of rapid market growth.

"The first half of new energy vehicles is electrification, and the second half is intelligent." Ouyang Minggao agreed with this sentence. He believes that when large-scale breakthroughs are made in the sales of new energy vehicles, more attention should be paid to the development of intelligence. For future intelligent cars, intelligence is not only intelligent in handling, such as the Internet of Vehicles, intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, etc., but also a revolution in the automotive industry in an all-round way, including the intelligence of power and the intelligence of manufacturing.

China's electric vehicles are developing faster than expected, and the second half is more focused on intelligent development

Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and expert of new energy power system, shared

"Electrification also needs to be intelligent, and without intelligence, electrification cannot be upgraded." Ouyang Minggao said that the intelligent battery revolution is very important, from the need for battery safety to rely on intelligent monitoring to find and warn of accidents, to the need for intelligent drive control of the three-electric system, and then to the need for intelligent application of charging and replacing to promote the final formation of the core foundation of intelligent energy for electric vehicles. In the future, new energy vehicles will be used as the largest distributed energy storage system, and so many vehicles must be integrated with the application of intelligent networks.

"I hope that everyone can extend the concept of intelligent cars to the broad sense of automobile intelligence, and push the revolution of intelligence to a deeper and all-round popularization." Ouyang Minggao said that intelligence is the most important weapon for the next step of all-round innovation of automobiles. Under this trend, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, as an active place for scientific and technological innovation, has obvious advantages in the field of intelligence.

L2 passenger car penetration rate has reached 21.4%

As the development of electric vehicles enters a new stage, intelligent "getting on the car" has become more and more popular. According to Liu Yan, executive deputy secretary general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, at the meeting, at present, the market penetration rate of L2 level autonomous driving functions in China is increasing year by year. In the first three quarters of this year, the sales volume of intelligent network L2 passenger cars was 3.186 million units, with a penetration rate of 21.4%, compared with the data of the same period in 2020, sales increased significantly, and the penetration rate of L2 was significantly improved.

China's electric vehicles are developing faster than expected, and the second half is more focused on intelligent development

Liu Yan, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers

Liu Yan said that at present, "software-defined cars, data-driven cars" has formed an industry consensus, industry enterprises for software, operating systems, data security concerns, investment continues to increase, and the integration with ICT-related technologies continues to deepen. With the continuous integration and breakthrough of technology, a number of world-class enterprises and products have emerged in the fields of high-end assisted driving applications, intelligent cockpits, vehicle specification-level chips, and central computing platforms, which continue to inject new vitality into the fields of intelligent driving and V2X, and help promote and apply the intelligent networked vehicle program with Chinese characteristics with "bicycle intelligence + network empowerment" as the core.

However, Liu Yan also pointed out that although with the joint efforts of government, industry, academia and research, China's intelligent networked automobile industry has achieved positive results, but in the face of international competition, the development of China's intelligent networked automobile industry still faces problems and challenges in the formulation of standards and regulations, research and development of core components, industrial safety and security, and business model innovation.

For example, in terms of core components, chip shortage is a pain point and hot spot in the industry recently. Liu Yan said that this year, almost all automotive industry forums must talk about chips. Liu Yan pointed out that the lack of investment in basic scientific research related to early chip manufacturing and the lack of accumulation of vehicle regulation processes have led to 90% of The import of chips for automotive products in China, and most of the key system chips are foreign monopolies. Import channel risks have a fatal impact on the auto industry and the national economy. In addition to chips, automotive operating systems are another challenge. At present, the operating system kernel is the weak link in China's on-board software industry chain, and the more widely used operating system kernels are all foreign products.

In terms of industrial safety assurance, Liu Yan mainly pointed out that intelligent networked vehicle products need to meet relevant requirements such as functional safety, expected functional safety and data security. For the safety of automatic driving, Liu Yan said that China is filling in the relevant gaps, for example, it is expected to take the requirements of the automation level for drivers and vehicles as the standard, clarify the responsible subjects, and solve the contradiction between the rapid development of technology and the backward formulation of regulations.

"The technological development of intelligent networked vehicles is inseparable from the safe data interaction ecology." Liu Yan said that the intelligent networked car data interaction and its government regulatory activities need to be based on the premise of real and credible data, at present, the automobile industry "data island" phenomenon is serious, need to use blockchain technology to build a data trusted depository and interaction platform, and then create an open, safe and credible data interaction ecology.

Commercialization is key to grasping demand

Under the general trend of the development of the automobile industry and the development of related policies, what are the new trends specific to the market consumption link? At the meeting, Jin Jun, PwC's China Automotive Industry Leader, shared his observations with reporters. According to PwC's relevant consumer research, the "new four modernizations" of automobiles have shown some new characteristics.

China's electric vehicles are developing faster than expected, and the second half is more focused on intelligent development

The 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Congress was launched

Among them, electrification is the fastest growing part of the current "new four modernizations" and the most influential on the drive of the entire industry, which is true in the global market. In the Chinese market, the development of electric vehicles is much faster than expected, and the original target of more than 20% by 2025 is expected to be achieved ahead of schedule. As for the sharing in the "new four modernizations", Jin Jun said that after the epidemic, consumers have put forward many different needs for travel changes, safety, privacy and other aspects, and the market demand is more directed to the aspect of smart travel.

Jin Jun said that looking back at 2021, there are two topics worth paying attention to in the entire "new four modernizations". First, in terms of sustainable development, it is not only carbon emissions and carbon peaking targets. The survey found that the public's understanding of sustainable development is becoming more and more abundant, first of all, the public's awareness and acceptance of green travel has been greatly improved, not only the use of electric vehicles, but also for how to make a comprehensive transportation mode greener in the future, and put forward more requirements, which is closely related to intelligent travel. From the perspective of employment, whether the company's concept of green, environmental protection and sustainable development can be fully implemented and implemented, and what kind of company is the most respectable and worthy of work, is increasingly affecting the recognition of employees when choosing company employment.

The second is the "back wave" coming. Jin Jun said that different new forces are constantly emerging and developing in the market, and there are several common points worth exploring. For example, they are considering the coverage of the whole value chain, attaching importance to non-one-time sales, emphasizing intelligent and efficient production, and simplifying the product portfolio. Jin Jun believes that these four aspects are not only the commonality of the new forces of car manufacturing, but also the core elements of whether they will succeed in the future.

In addition, Jin Jun also pointed out that consumer surveys have found that the trust in driverless cars has not continued to rise, especially in the minds of European and American consumers, but the degree of trust has declined, and there are still doubts about driverless technology. Consumers do not feel that driverless cars can be replaced in a large number and large number in a short period of time, and believe that the development of this technology will take time. In terms of car purchase models and more services, consumers want to see better services and more models, while the increase in willingness to pay is not obvious. Jin Jun believes that how to further enhance and package the service in the future, while enabling consumers to realize the value of the service, so that the willingness is truly transformed into payment, is very important for the embodiment of the entire commercial value.

Nansha aims to build a new 100 billion new energy vehicle industry

The 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Conference was held in Nansha, Guangzhou. It is understood that Nansha has flourished in the automobile industry in recent years, and the output value of the automobile manufacturing industry from January to November this year was 134.275 billion yuan, an increase of 13% year-on-year, exceeding the scale of 100 billion yuan for four consecutive years. On top of the 100 billion-level traditional car-making industry, Nansha will also incubate another 100-billion-level new energy automobile industry.

"The first phase of GAC Toyota's new energy vehicle production capacity expansion project will be put into operation this year, and the second phase will be put into operation next year, which will produce new energy vehicles." In the three years since Hechuang Automobile landed in Nansha, it has launched two new pure electric new energy vehicles, and the champion model launched by e-sports star EDG has become a hit. The existing new energy vehicle brands built in Nansha in recent years are also undergoing restructuring and striving to exert production capacity as soon as possible. Xie Xiaohui, vice chairman of the Nansha District CPPCC Committee and director of the Commerce Bureau, said in an interview with reporters. Xie Xiaohui also mentioned that at present, Nansha is still deeply laying out key components in the new energy vehicle industry chain, such as chips, batteries, electronic controls and other parts. In the past two years, Xiaoma Zhixing, a leading enterprise of autonomous driving, has conducted trial operation of passenger cars throughout Nansha and plans to implement autonomous driving heavy truck operations in the Nansha Expressway and port areas in the near future.

It is reported that at present, Nansha is focusing on the construction of the Huangge International Automobile City in the north, the intelligent networked vehicle innovation zone in the central Pearl Bay, and the intelligent networked automobile industrial park in the southern Wanqingsha, forming a development pattern with GAC Toyota as the leader, new energy vehicles as the expansion, and intelligent networked vehicles as the expansion. The automobile production capacity has exceeded 800,000 vehicles, and the output value has exceeded 100 billion yuan for four consecutive years, and it is accelerating the construction of a new 100 billion-level new energy automobile industry cluster.

Producer: Nandu Intelligent Automobile Industry Ecology Research Group

Written by: Nandu reporter Xu Jincong

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