
Does lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy feel the same as dysmenorrhea?

If there are no accidents, pregnancy is a stage in a woman's life. There are many places to pay attention to after pregnancy, but many friends who are pregnant for the first time do not know much about pregnancy knowledge, and it is inevitable that anxiety and worry will occur when encountering small abdominal pain in the early stage of pregnancy, which will also affect the baby in the abdomen while bringing mental pressure to themselves. Next, let's learn about the causes and solutions of lower abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy

Abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy is one of the normal reactions that occur in the first trimester, which is caused by the enlargement of the uterus of pregnant women and the stimulation of bones, and pregnant mothers usually feel a vague pulling pain in the abdomen. If the condition is mild, it will relieve itself after rest. Professional doctors said that the small abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy does not have symptoms of vaginal bleeding and water breakdown, and if the baby's fetal movement is normal, pregnant mothers do not need to be too nervous and worried, because this is a normal uterine contraction.

However, if the pain in the lower abdomen is a burst, or the pain in the lower abdomen continues, just like the fall pain before or during menstruation, accompanied by vaginal bleeding, this is likely to be a pathological phenomenon during pregnancy, common is threatened bleeding or ectopic pregnancy, at this time pregnant mothers must go to the hospital in time to treat the symptoms to prevent aggravation of the disease or miscarriage.

Causes of lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy

Early pregnancy small abdominal pain, different pregnant women will appear at different times, although the doctor said that this situation is a normal reaction in the first trimester, but if pregnant mothers understand the cause of small abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy, this can not only better alleviate the worries of pregnant mothers, but also better prevent abdominal pain, once the problem can be treated in time.

The causes of lower abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy, professional doctors said that there are three main aspects:

1. Physiological abdominal pain: uterine enlargement

Most of the small abdominal pain of pregnant mothers begins from the time of 2-3 months of pregnancy, and experts point out that most pregnant women at this time have lower abdominal pain, most of which are caused by the enlargement of the uterus. Therefore, with the gradual development of the fetus, the pregnant mother's uterus will also enlarge, and the enlarged uterus will continue to stimulate the lower edge of the ribs, resulting in the pregnant mother having a faint dull pain in the lower abdomen.

Abdominal pain due to uterine enlargement in the early trimester is a normal physiological phenomenon and does not require special treatment, and pregnant mothers do not need to worry too much.

2, Pathological abdominal pain:

a. Threatened miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

Pregnant mothers with threatened miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies in the early stages of pregnancy will also lead to pain in the lower abdomen, which is mostly sustained lower abdominal pain, accompanied by vaginal bleeding, at this time pregnant mothers need to go to the hospital in time for treatment.

b. Caused by stomach pain or other diseases

If a pregnant mother eats spoiled food or food that is too frozen and stimulating, it will cause intestinal spasms, which can cause pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, acute gastritis, gastroenteritis, acute pancreatitis, uterine fibroid degeneration and other diseases may also be one of the causes of small abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant mothers with these conditions need to go to the hospital in time for symptomatic treatment.

3. Placental flaking

Some pregnant women are prone to placental abruption during pregnancy, which is also one of the reasons for the appearance of small abdominal pain in pregnant women, although this condition generally occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, but clinically there are also placental peeling in the early stages of pregnancy.

Pain in the right lower abdomen early in pregnancy

Small abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy If the possibility of ectopic pregnancy and precursor bleeding is ruled out, this situation is very normal, basically most pregnant women have had this experience in the first trimester of pregnancy, because as the uterus enlarges, the enlarged uterus will continue to stimulate the ribs, and the uterine round ligament is pulled, so that the pregnant mother feels slight abdominal pain. This pain is mostly caused by pain on the left side of the abdomen, because the pregnant egg is implanting.

However, some pregnant mothers will have pain in the right lower abdomen in the early stage of pregnancy, and it is recommended to go to the hospital for a routine blood test and test the blood phase to see if there is inflammation.

What should I do if I have lower abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy?

Although the abdominal pain caused by the two conditions of threatened miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy is excluded, pregnant mothers know that small abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy is a normal pregnancy reaction, but whether it is for the sake of relieving pain or for the sake of the health of the baby, pregnant mothers want to know what to do about the small abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy.

1. If you feel waist soreness, heavy feeling in the abdomen, etc., you should stop the activity in time, rest more, pay attention to observation, and if you can't alleviate it, you should seek medical examination in time;

2. In the early stages of pregnancy, there will not only be small abdominal pain, but also within 3 months of pregnancy is a high incidence of miscarriage, so pregnant mothers must avoid overwork and strenuous activities, and must not have sexual life.

3. If abdominal pain is accompanied by vaginal coffee-like and brown blood flowing out, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time and carry out fetal protection treatment according to the doctor's instructions.

4. If the abdomen is severely painful, accompanied by vaginal bleeding or fainting, the pregnant mother should pay attention to it, which may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy or threatened miscarriage, at this time, you must immediately go to the hospital for treatment.

Does lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy feel the same as dysmenorrhea?

Abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy is not the same as dysmenorrhea. In the early stages of pregnancy, some pregnant women have lower abdominal pain, have a sense of defecation, which is a normal physiological phenomenon and generally does not affect normal life; and when the pain is not serious, it is felt that the navel is falling pain (not diarrhea), and severe dysmenorrhea is unable to walk, covering the stomach and bending over.

Abdominal pain in pregnant women is caused by a variety of conditions, which are divided into two conditions: physiological and pathological. Physiological abdominal pain is mostly due to the enlargement of the uterus, uterine ligaments implicated caused by dull pain, do not need to worry too much.

Causes of pathological abdominal pain:

Ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, uterine fibroids, or ovarian tumors.

Pathological manifestations of lower abdominal pain:

1. In the first few months of pregnancy, paroxysmal lower abdominal pain or low back pain and pelvic pain occur;

2. Severe pain in unilateral lower abdomen, accompanied by vaginal bleeding or fainting;

3. Accompanied by vaginal punctate bleeding or obvious feeling of falling abdomen.

There are 7 major symptoms in the first trimester, namely menopause, fatigue, frequent bathroom visits, nausea, morning sickness, mood and high body temperature. During pregnancy, attention should be paid to rest, maintain a good attitude, and do not overwork. If there is discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy, especially lower abdominal pain, the complications of pregnancy reactions should be considered first, and if severe pain occurs, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time to avoid delaying the condition.

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