
Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

French cars, can no longer afford to be wrong.

The huge car market has never lacked dark horse models, but some are only short-lived, and some have since become benchmarks and classics. Created countless classic French cars, and recently brought a new model, known as the new species of Versailles C5 X, the whole series of Aisin 8AT gearbox, known as the end of the top of the plate under the situation, listed for two months, it is indeed the best-selling French car.

Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

But is this a flash in the pan, or is it a life-saving straw for the French car to turn over? It also depends on these 7 points.


Is Versailles really a "no competitor" model? The Versailles C5 X is indeed a difficult to define type of product, from the positioning point of view it is a hatchback, but it is also like an RV, combining the characteristics of sedans, SUVs and station wagons to create a unique B-class car with crossover coupe SUV style.

If from this point of view, it is indeed a new species, for many consumers, although the shape is still quite pleasing, it is more like "four different".

Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

You say it has no competitors? More inclined to this is the wishful thinking of the French car, after all, whether it is a coupe or a hatchback, in the mature car market is a big grasp, mainstream car companies have a series of models on sale, even if it is an RV is not the only one, the recent marketing is in place Baojun Valli the first disobedience.

What's more, most people buy a car is not to look at the type, but to see the price, Versailles C5 X no matter what the car, its final price must be implemented to 14.37-18.67 million this price range, this price span is not large, but there are too many strong competitors, so from this point of view, although the mainstream competitors directly target the model is not much, but Versailles C5 X is still facing market shock.

However, for now, the competitors in this price range have not yet formed a direct competition for Versailles. If competitors also develop such products, it will look good.

Historically, French cars did have hits

No one has ever doubted that the French car has the strength to build a good car, and the difference between the French car is only a blockbuster that can really open the market and show sincerity. After all, french cars have launched many explosive models in history, such as Beverly Wilshire, Elysée, 308 and C4 Sega, etc., which have accompanied many families through many years.

It is also the existence of these classic benchmark models, although they have withdrawn from the stage and faded out of the field of vision, they still rely on their excellent strength to impress the audience and become one of the fixed audience groups that are still willing to follow the French car.

Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

However, the glory of French cars has long ended, from the market that the French car is not suitable for the hot spot of the call is getting louder and louder, the French car still did not give a response, the French car was replaced by the fate of being "eliminated" has laid the groundwork.

Peugeot 508L began, the French car wanted to turn the tide, but obviously the consumer demand was not responded, the enthusiasm was constantly consumed, to versailles C5 X, we saw that the French car may be revived, but if Citroën makes a mistake, Versailles will also die a miserable death.

Whether the quality is reliable

Quality is the key to becoming a hit to stand firm, at present, this Versailles C5 X should not be too off the chain, after all, the French car in the Chinese car market has also been sold for many years, whether it is the previous classic hit, or the current new model, there are few negative storms and scandals, otherwise it will not let a lot of car owners still swear to follow.

Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

Although the C5 X is a new model, from the past performance of the French car, this is still not to worry, which may be the most confident place for the Versailles C5 X. Although it is currently revealed that there are problems with individual models in Versailles, it is believed that this does not represent the absolute value of Versailles quality.

Whether to reduce the price in time

It is not difficult to see that in the current car market, selling well is not a skill, and selling well is not a real ability. After all, the general environment is sluggish, various external factors sometimes impact the automobile market, even the BBA price has also been explored, although this year due to various reasons the price is firm, but this situation can not last long. Who dares to do the opposite, no big car market, Lexus only one.

Price reduction is sometimes also a reaction of car companies to market control and clear cognition of their own positioning, such as Cadillac, often reduced by nearly 100,000, does it not know that this will damage the brand tone and height, but it knows more that once the decline is narrowed, it means that sales decline, sales decline is likely to be related to the problem of brand survival, so although the price reduction is helpless, it is indeed the most effective solution in a short period of time.

And versailles C5 X where the Citroen brand, or the entire French car are obviously not aware of this, once also known as the French car to turn over the hope of the Peugeot 508L listed for more than three years, the terminal decline is less than 10,000 yuan, the same price to buy accord Camry is not fragrant? Versailles C5 X is now a new car on the market, and it is reasonable that the terminal has no preferential treatment, but whether the subsequent adjustment of the terminal price and reduction in time is the key to victory.

Can the heat be maintained

To be honest, when the Versailles C5 X was first exposed, it was indeed a lot of heat, after all, the French car was not short of time in China, there were also classic hits, the national degree was still there, there was a good passerby, and it could even be said that even if it was not a fan of the French car, it always had a glimmer of hope for the French car - it can make some big moves. Coupled with the Internet buzzword versailles, the French car that has no sense of existence has rubbed a lot of heat.

Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

Therefore, the arrival of C5 X is based on geographical advantages and people, and the heat is not worried. But to maintain its own heat, Versailles has a lot to do.

There will be no mistakes with the upgrade and the change

For the car, the replacement is no less than a new life, through the modification and upgrading of the exterior interior and configuration, enhance product strength and competitiveness, but also stimulate consumer enthusiasm and demand growth. Especially for some products that do not have a good start, the change is a new life in another sense.

Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

At present, the name of the Versailles C5 X explosive model is only relative to the French car itself, from the perspective of the entire market, it is still a niche non-mainstream marginal product, and the real definition of the explosion is far from it, want to turn around and revive the French car, there is a node is to upgrade and redesign, if you can do not make mistakes on the basis of better for the market demand changes, and give a reasonable reduction range, Versailles C5 X still has a battle.

Whether the higher-class models will be launched in time will form versailles' own price advantages

Many people do not agree with the positioning of the B-class car of versailleS C5 X, because from the perspective of data or model pricing, as well as powertrain equipment, it can only be regarded as a product positioned between compact cars and medium-sized cars, and the more powerful 1.8T engine version has not appeared, so it is not difficult to speculate that Citroën may want to use C5 X as a node to build a new model system, at least the follow-up will inevitably launch higher and higher models to improve the architecture system and meet more diversified consumer needs.

Versailles of the whole series of 8AT, is it a flash in the pan or a life-saving straw for French cars? Look at these seven points

And the launch of follow-up high-level models, such as C6 X, which is also an advantage for Versailles C5 X, although at present it is first out of the high-end, and then out of the low end, but Citroen If a More than 200,000 start-up Versailles-like car, it will still play a role in maintaining versailles advantages. Of course, this is just our wishful thinking. The manufacturer's method should be more than ours.

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