
Toyota launches electric vehicle "3030" strategy Lexus will be fully electric

On December 14, Toyota held a strategic conference on electric vehicles, and planned: by 2030, Toyota will launch a total of 30 pure electric vehicles; One-third of its new cars sold worldwide will be pure electric; Luxury brand Lexus full range of products will launch pure electric models; At that time, it will only sell pure electric vehicles in China, Europe and North America.

But there is still room behind its rapid change in attitude towards electrification. Akio Toyoda said that Toyota will still adopt a multi-pronged approach to reducing vehicle carbon emissions, in addition to pure electric vehicles, it will also develop hybrid and hydrogen vehicles at the same time.

On December 14, Toyota held an electric vehicle strategy conference, which changed its previous "careless" and even quite resistant attitude in the field of electrification, and successively released a number of "bold" electric plans.

Toyota launches electric vehicle "3030" strategy Lexus will be fully electric

Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda promised that by 2030, Toyota will launch a total of 30 pure electric vehicles; One-third of its new sales worldwide will be pure electric, or about 3.5 million; At the same time, in order to achieve this goal, Toyota will invest a total of about 4 trillion yen (about 35 billion US dollars) in the development of pure electric vehicles by 2030.

Not only that, Akio Toyoda also announced: by 2030, the full range of luxury brand Lexus products will have pure electric models; At that time, it will only sell pure electric vehicles in China, Europe and North America. By 2035, Lexus' global electric vehicle sales target is set at 1 million units.

At the press conference, the matrix of up to 15 upcoming pure electric models, including Toyota and Lexus brands, covering cars, SUVs, small crossovers, pickup trucks and even supercars, was also quite shocking.

It is worth noting that although Toyota is a pioneer in the field of hybrids, it is relatively slow in the development of pure electric vehicles, and there is still room behind its rapid change in attitude towards electrification.

In contrast, as a competitor, Volkswagen's electrification transformation is more determined. It expects that by 2030, half of all new cars sold worldwide will be pure electric, while Toyota expects one-third.

Akio Toyoda also said that Toyota will still adopt a multi-pronged approach to reducing vehicle carbon emissions, in addition to pure electric vehicles, it will also develop hybrid and hydrogen vehicles at the same time.

In addition, at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference in November, Toyota also refused to sign a pledge to "phase out fossil fuel vehicles by 2040", while six car companies, Named, Ford, GM, Mercedes-Benz, BYD and Jaguar Land Rover, agreed to sign the agreement. (Compiled by Guo Yue, China Economic Network)

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