
People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life
People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

"Knowledge changes destiny," Li ka-shing said.

In the film "The Shawshank Redemption", this sentence is vividly reflected.

When I watched "The Shawshank Redemption" before, I saw it as hilarious, admiring the wit and luck of the protagonist Andy, turning the crisis into safety again and again, blessing good luck again and again, and finally escaping from prison successfully, excited about this.

However, when I look at it again, it suddenly appears, which actually has another meaning.

Whatever good fortune there is, everything is nothing but knowledge that changes destiny.

As Keigo Higashino said:

All the accidents in life are actually predestined.

It is because of Andy, a graduate of the University of Maine, with excellent financial knowledge and minor in geology and architecture.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Therefore, others can only eat and wait for death in prison, but he can use his financial knowledge to win the favor of the warden, so as to get rid of those perverted prisoners.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, only prisoners, prison guards, and prisons are seen, while in Andy's eyes, what is seen is the structure of the prison and the layout of the underground pipes.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, it is a prison with iron walls, but in Andy's eyes, it is a wall that has fallen into disrepair, is seriously corroded, and is extremely easy to dig.

A person's knowledge system is his blueprint for understanding the world.

It seems that all the accidents are actually the inevitable use of knowledge.

As Dong Qing said:

The books you have read will not be read in vain, and one day, it will help you on some occasion in the future.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

There is a reading bias called "survivor bias."

I don't know when it started, "reading is useless", very loud, reading is considered nerdy, is the work of poor people, do not read can still be a big boss, make a fortune, and now are reading to work for those who do not read.

This is the concept of survivor bias, which focuses on only a very small number of probabilistic events in society, ignoring the truth and generalizing.

The truth is: the more people who read, the better they are, and the better people are, the more they love to read.

There is a set of data, you will find that those who are on the wealth list are all graduates of famous universities.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Even Bill Gates, who has countless fortunes, still maintains the habit of reading a book a week.

Bill Gates loved to read since he was a child, dabbling in various fields, and even begged his father to give him an errand in the library, without pay, just for the convenience of reading.

In an interview, I was asked: "What is the secret to achieving such a high level?" ”

Bill Gates' answer is: Read more.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Therefore, the more incompetent people feel that reading is useless; the more excellent people, the more they understand the importance of reading.

As Bill Gates said:

The curve of human life is very different, and the best way to break through the limitations of life is to read.

The height of your life is the thickness of the book under your feet.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Reading books makes you have a different state of mind in the face of difficulties.

Mr. Yang Dai once said:

Your problem is that you don't read much and think too much.

Many of life's questions can be answered in books.

History makes people wise, poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people thorough, philosophy makes people profound, finance makes people sharp, architecture makes people have a global view...

The wisdom in the book can constantly expand your cognition, give you wisdom guidance, and let you see the angle, height, depth and breadth that others can't see.

Reading more books, encountering the same problems naturally has different moods and different ideas.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

It is a book, accompanying Mr. Yang Dai, walking through one darkest moment after another in her life, whether she was framed and tortured during the Cultural Revolution, or experiencing the great grief of the death of her daughter and wife, she always maintained a calm state of mind.

It is a book that allows Zeng Guofan, the first person in the ages, to enter the career path from a poor child in a mountain village, and it is by reading books, so that when he encounters the low point of his political career, he immerses himself in Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching", precipitates and reflects on himself, and finally has an epiphany, changes his political thinking, and then has a later rise, step by step to the peak of the official.

It is a book that allows high-quality actor Hu Ge to find courage, reshape himself, and start again when he encounters a car accident and disfigurement and the low point of his actor's career, he said: If the skin bag is difficult to repair, then fill it with thoughts. There was the return of Nirvana.

So, read more books and meet yourself more and more excellent.

Maybe reading books won't give you an immediate response and give you wealth, but please believe that every knowledge point you read will give you back one day in the future.

Like Andy at the beginning of the film, the reason why he was able to survive and find the way to the door of freedom was inseparable from his rich knowledge reserves.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Reading books allows you to meet a different version of yourself.

Mr. Lin Qingxuan, a famous writer in Taiwan, said:

Third-rate makeup is makeup on the face, second-rate makeup is spiritual makeup, and first-class makeup is the makeup of life.

Reading is the makeup of life.

Born from the heart, a person's appearance is actually a composition of a person's heart.

Books can enrich your soul, enrich your heart, and make you shine with confidence.

Books can broaden your mind, purify your heart, and let you have a peaceful mind.

Books can nurture your temperament, thicken your thoughts, and let you have a calm temperament.

The books you have read are subtly sculpting your face and changing your temperament.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Therefore, there is that Talented Dong Qing, whose temperament is as beautiful as Lan, every word and deed is poetic, and every move is elegant and intellectual.

Therefore, there is Chen Daoming, who is nearly seventy years old and still charming, all of which stems from reading.

Ji Xianlin once said that Chen Daoming's literary level can be qualified as a graduate tutor at Peking University.

Beauty is a bouquet of flowers, while temperament is an evergreen tree.

Reading is the best cosmetics.

Therefore, read more books and meet more and more beautiful selves.

As Mr. Lin Yutang said: People who read books and those who don't read are far from good looks.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Reading makes your descendants even different.

We all want our descendants to be able to shine on the lintel, but do you know what kind of family those school bullies generally come from?

In the 1990s, the U.S. Department of Education conducted a "longitudinal study of early childhood" to study important factors affecting children's academic performance.

As a result, among the factors that affect children's academic performance, there are books in the family and parents love to read, which are prominently located among them.

Families with a large number of books, parents love to read, ear to ear, children naturally love to read from an early age, for children to read is a natural thing, not forced.

Moreover, for the children of such a family, reading is the greatest pleasure, and they will not indulge in video games at all.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life

Therefore, the best way to educate is not the parents' constant monitoring, sub-supervision, and daily nagging, but there are books at home, and parents like to read.

Parents are the best example for their children.

As Fan Zhen of the Northern Song Dynasty said in the "Chronicle of Dongzhai",

Those who put the game in the hands of others, the descendants are all games, and the book collectors and the descendants all read books.

This means that gamblers are naturally raised in the family who like to gamble, and the offspring who like to read naturally love to read.

As the saying goes, the family style is like a magnetic field, reading is the best education for a family, and reading is the best family style at home.

So, read more, reading is the best gift for future generations.

Loyalty has been passed down from generation to generation, and poetry has been passed down for a long time.

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life


Read books, people who read books and people who don't read books are really different even in life.

As Ji Xianlin, a master of traditional Chinese studies, said:

Reading is the best thing in the world.

Reading is the lowest threshold and most convenient way to grow yourself in the world.

So, read more, read well, read good books, read good books!!

People who read books and those who don't read books are not even the same in life


Copyright notice: Xiaomo accompanies you, warm to the sun, smile and grow.

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