
Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

To say that this year's more frustrated models, the new generation of Nissan X-Trail is definitely one. Before the new car was launched, even the old X-Trail, which had an old product force, still had a sales level of more than 10,000, providing stable sales for the brand. However, because the new generation of X-Trail is too thorough, not only the appearance and interior have all changed, but also the power system has undergone a major change, and the three-cylinder engine has not been recognized by consumers, so the sales volume after the listing is flat.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

Although from my point of view, the new X-Jun three-cylinder engine has made great progress over the old 2.0L and 2.5L engines in terms of power performance and technical level, but Chinese consumers do not want to see 3-cylinder engines, and the guidance price of The new X-Jun is not lower than that of Japanese competitors at the same level, plus there are problems in marketing, so it has been rebounded a lot, and sales have been discounted.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

In order not to let its own market be cannibalized by competitors, Nissan is ready to resume sales of the old X-Trail, which will be listed in China on December 22, and officially named X-Trail Glory, and sold in the same hall as the new X-Trail.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

I have to say that the listing of the X-Trail Glory Edition is a helpless move by the manufacturer, but it is also a wise move, after all, the suspension time of the old X-Trail is not long, and there are still many riders who have a relatively deep affection for this model. And the old X-Trail in terms of space, comfort are in line with the needs of the Chinese car, four-cylinder engine although the power is average, but the smooth and fuel-saving driving experience is still in line with the current market requirements.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

So, can the resumption of the X-Trail Glory Edition bring the sales of the car series back to the previous level? I think how to price is the most important thing for manufacturers to consider.

Judging from the pricing of the listing of New Qijun, consumers are very dissatisfied. Because the CR-V of the same 1.5T four-cylinder is priced cheaper than the three-cylinder version of X-Jun, the starting price of Toyota Rongfang is only 175,800 yuan, and the Veranda is only 171,800 yuan, which is directly lower than the new Qijun. Therefore, Nissan must learn a lesson in the pricing of the new Qijun and give full sincerity in terms of price.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

The launch of the X-Gun Glory Edition and the launch of the previous new generation of X-Gun have more obvious weaknesses, the new X-Gun is a three-cylinder engine, and the X-Gun Honor Edition is the previous generation of models, and its competitiveness itself has a large gap in product strength with the vertical replacement of Rongfang and CR-V. Therefore, the X-Trail Glory Edition must give consumers a certain sincerity in pricing, and one step in place.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

Therefore, I personally believe that if the Qijun Glory Edition can be priced at the price of 150,000-180,000, it can still attract the attention of consumers.

Because the old X-Trail at the end of the sales, its preferential range has been about 35,000 yuan, combined with the pricing of 188,800 yuan, the starting price of the entry-level model is about 154,000 yuan, and if the new model can come up with sincerity, set a starting price of 149,800 yuan, it will definitely attract a group of consumers who pay attention to cost-effectiveness. And at this price point, the competitors encountered are mostly average, the price is similar, The Jun is small, the Odd Jun is large, and the brand power is poor.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

If the pricing of the X-Trail Glory Edition is still on the high-end route, the price of 160,000-200,000, then the resistance encountered will be quite large. Take Toyota's Veranda, for example, the same use of 2.0L + CVT power combination, model and platform updates, the design is more fashionable, the current discount is also about 160,000 yuan. The Qijun Glory Edition will not be immediately discounted after listing, so it is difficult to have a popular market.

Qijun wants to turn around by the Glory Edition? How you price it is key

Therefore, when The X-Trail Glory Edition is listed, how to price it is a key factor. Grasp well, reshape the glory, grasp it badly, and ignore everyone.

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