
When Huang Baitao's army was besieged, why did the reinforcements not come? These 2 people have bitterness to say

When Huang Baitao's army was besieged, why did the reinforcements not come? These 2 people have bitterness to say

If we look at the various materials at that time, we will know that Chiang Kai-shek was not helpless to such a subordinate as Huang Baitao, and he also fully understood the situation of Huang Baitao's corps. What's more, if Huang Baitao's corps was wiped out, xuzhou's two wings would be cut off and the defense system would collapse, which Chiang Kai-shek was also fully aware of. Therefore, when Chiang Kai-shek knew that Huang Baitao was surrounded, he ordered his subordinates to rescue Huang Baitao.

When he first received news of Huang Baitao's siege on November 10, he explicitly instructed Gu Zhutong to "definitely relieve the siege of the Yellow Army." When he decided to re-send Du Yuming to Xuzhou as a commander, he said to Du Yuming: "When you come to Xuzhou, you must relieve the siege of Huang Baitao. I've got the plane ready for you, you'll go tonight, every second counts. ”

When Huang Baitao's army was besieged, why did the reinforcements not come? These 2 people have bitterness to say

After Du Yuming arrived in Xuzhou, the first major thing he considered in his mind was how to rescue Huang Baitao. First of all, this is a necessity for the entire war situation, if Huang Baitao's corps is finished, the Xuzhou defense system will be cut off by one wing, and it will greatly shake the hearts of the army. Second, this is the instructions of Chiang Kai-shek and Gu Zhutong. Third, du Yuming did not pay attention to many people in the Kuomintang military circles, but he had a good feeling for Huang Baitao, a general who had not entered the Huangpu miscellaneous brand, in addition to Huang Baitao's consistent bravery in battle, when he was trained in Lushan, he and Huang Baitao were bunk beds, and the two sides talked about many military issues with the same feeling, so the two had a harmonious relationship, although they did not explicitly say it, but in their hearts they admired each other. With the above factors, Du Yuming really did his best to rescue Huang Baitao.

After some discussion, Du Yuming decided to garrison Xuzhou with Sun Yuanliang's Sixteenth Corps and the Seventy-second Army directly under the "Suppression Of The General" as the general reserve, while Qiu Qingquan's Second Corps and Li Mi's Thirteenth Corps immediately marched east to the Nianzhuang area to rescue Huang Baitao's corps.

When Huang Baitao's army was besieged, why did the reinforcements not come? These 2 people have bitterness to say

Li Mi's corps was originally in the area east of Xuzhou, and Qiu Qingquan's corps hurried from the Yanshan area west of Xuzhou to the southeast of Xuzhou. On the morning of November 13, Qiu Qingquan's corps and Li Mi's corps completed their preparations for the attack, and with the support of the air force, launched an attack on the East China Field Army, which was holding between Nianzhuang and Xuzhou. From north to south, Li Mi's Ninth Army attacked from the Yangzhuang area, the Eighth Army from the Gushan area, and Qiu Qingquan's Fifth Army from the Dam area, while attacking eastward. The combat area of Qiu Qingquan and Li Mi's corps is bounded by the Longhai Sea, with Li Mi in the north and Qiu Qingquan in the south. Later, Qiu Qingquan's Seventy Army also attacked eastward from the Pantang area to the south. Our East China Field Army, on the other hand, is in the north with ten columns from Jia Wang, seven columns in the middle, the Northern Jiangsu Corps moving north from the south, and the eleventh column in the south, respectively, to block the enemy.

When Huang Baitao's army was besieged, why did the reinforcements not come? These 2 people have bitterness to say

Qiu Qingquan and Li Mi's troops all belonged to the Jiang family lineage, were well equipped and had strong firepower; as soon as the battle was opened, there were bombing and strafing from the air force, and heavy artillery such as mountain artillery, field artillery, and howitzers were fired at the ground, and the villages under the artillery fire were basically blasted into rubble. However, under the stubborn resistance of our officers and men in Huaye, the first day only advanced less than 7 kilometers, and the next day there was basically no progress. At night, the powerful firepower did not have much effect, and many places were taken back by Huaye, who was good at fighting night battles. After two days of fighting, Qiu Qingquan's arrogance was suddenly defeated by Hua Ye, knowing that this battle would not bring him any benefits, and the progress slowed down, so that the air force complained to Chiang Kai-shek, saying that "Qiu Qingquan was afraid of the enemy and was afraid of fighting, and he did not move according to his troops."

When Huang Baitao's army was besieged, why did the reinforcements not come? These 2 people have bitterness to say

After that, judging by the situation on the battlefield, our army judged that the encirclement and annihilation of Huang Baitao's corps was already assured, and the blockade of Qiu Qingquan's corps and Li Mi's corps was also successful. In order to strike at the enemy's living forces, the original method of "blocking aid and fighting yellow" was changed to "encircling yellow and fighting aid."

On November 17, Su Yu took a bold action to lure the enemy deeper, and he ordered three reinforcement columns to deliberately retreat eastward from the Shuanglou, The Front Field, and the Wolf Mountain line, giving the enemy the illusion that our strength had been weakened and had to retreat. Use this illusion to pull the Qiu and Li corps forward and away from Xuzhou's old lair, so that our army can eliminate them more while blocking the reinforcements.

This retreat of our army really deceived Liu Zhi and Du Yuming, mistakenly believing that Qiu Qingquan and Li Mi had already won a decisive victory and mistakenly believing that their rescue plan was about to succeed; on the one hand, they reported to Chiang Kai-shek the "good news" of the "great victory of Xu Dong," and on the other hand, ordered Qiu Qingquan and Li Mi to launch a "full-line pursuit." However, in accordance with Su Yu's instructions, our army made full preparations in advance to annihilate the enemy in pursuit, lured the enemy to go deeper, fought fiercely with the enemy in the movement for a day and night, retreated to the line of Xiaotashan, Daxujia, Xiaozhuzhuang, and Baita, and then built a position, and without taking another step back, we once again launched a blockade war.

When Huang Baitao's army was besieged, why did the reinforcements not come? These 2 people have bitterness to say

In this day and night battle, more enemies were destroyed than in the previous four days, and in less than a week, the front-line troops of the enemy's two reinforcement corps had suffered more than half of the casualties. Qiu Qingquan could not advance, Li Mi was even more unable to advance, these two corps fought until the collapse of Huang Baitao's corps, and they could not cross the line of the Daxu family, and the Distance between Them and Huang Baitao's corps was only less than 15 kilometers, and the sound of guns and artillery was heard, but they could only watch as Huang Baitao's corps was wiped out.

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