
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

"Choose a book of poems, and read it with children from spring to winter"

"Choose a nature science book and go out the door with your child to read it"

"Choose an animal book and feel the animism with your child"

"Choose a book of adventures on earth, and experience profound and warm feelings with children"


At the end of 2021, the 35 hoe community collected annual reading stories from 100 families across the country, and the spirit of children's connection with books shone again, and many mothers shared not only book lists, but also flowing love, as well as help and support on the way to parenting.

The "Aha moment" shared by these little mothers and their children's book conversations together presents the power of reading in 2021 for Chinese children's families.

The community of three or five hoes has received praise, "being planted grass", "the activity is meaningful", "the book selection cheats are very useful", and so on, and the response is enthusiastic.

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

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Sharing is still relaying, thanks to all the little moms:

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

In the first two weeks we have shared many great moments for parents and children in reading:

Annual Reading Stories for 100 Families | In the face of verbal threats, children respond with wisdom

We were collecting annual reading stories from 100 families, and the first wave was moving

Today, we will show you the family's 360° parent-child reading chart, which is shared by the mothers of 5-year-old children, 8-year-old children and 10-year-old children, from natural science, ancient poetry, animal totems to documentary stories, presenting children's reading perspective in many ways.

Choose a book of poems and read it from spring to winter

Children 8 years old, recommended "ancient poems for children"

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

I am the mom of an 8-year-old boy and my child is now in the second grade of elementary school. When my child was 7 months old, I began to pay attention to Cangran, which started my "whale riding journey" with my child.

Most of the children's common reading before the age of 5 is done by the mother and grandmother, and the thousands of picture books in the family are read over and over again. Reading is about to become a sweet burden for us. After the age of 5, Dad participated more, and finally it was his turn to be in the world of "men" with his children, "The Legend of Narnia", "Saucer World"... The two of them read these tomes of science fiction together. No, Harry Potter, which has been booked for three or five hoes, it will be another wonderful journey.

After the child entered the primary school, he began to read independently, until the last two months he turned out the wonderful picture books of the past and looked at him, watching him obsessed with the world of books alone, although some "relief" and some "loss" at the same time... The child will one day be separated from the parents, and the old mother can slowly feel it.

Let's go to today's sharing.

Throughout 2021, one of the books I read with my children was Mr. Ye Jiaying's "Ancient Poems for Children".

In the spring, I took him to the field, standing by the fence of the field, watching the butterflies flying around the canola field and the new shoots coming out of the trees. Smelling the fragrance of the earth, we read "Overnight stay in Xugongdian in Xinshi";

On a thunderstorm summer night, we lay at the head of the bed and read "Mountain Pavilion Summer" and "Chang'e" together;

In the autumn we read Autumn Words by the rice fields and sparkling rivers where they were harvested.

The poems selected by Mr. Ye are read from spring to winter, from joy to sorrow. There's always a song for us in the moment.

Through these readings, children's understanding of poetry has become more and more profound, and poetry is no longer a boring and awkward text, but a vivid display of life in front of them.

I usually like to plant flowers, and one day I suddenly wrote a poem about the moon season, although the level is very average, but the child is surprised to find that we can also write poetry.

He carefully copied the book and prepared to go to the school to show it to the teacher, so that the teacher could guess the author. Although in the end he did not dare to ask, but every time he learned ancient poems in the textbook, he was very happy to tell me. These are the feelings that reading has brought me.

One day I was chatting with a friend, and she said that her child could not read a book quietly for a minute, which was a headache, but she immediately said that she rarely read books, so she could not drive her children to read.

If we hold our phones most of the time, how can children calm down and enjoy reading?

Natural science popularization, read at home, but also go out the door to read

Children's kindergarten, recommend "Sophie's Natural Exploration of Ants"

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

It is a great honor to participate in the small book recommender activity of three or five hoes. I am Wanna, Senior Reading Instructor, Mom of a 5-year-old girl.

We have been reading picture books since our daughter was born 6 months ago and have read more than 1,000 books so far. The daughter is currently in kindergarten class, with 2000+ literacy, and can read independently.

The children's book I want to recommend today is "Sophie's Natural Exploration of Ants". There are thousands of popular science books, and this set is fresh and interesting.

We have many sets of popular science books in our family, DK, Little Newton, etc., but my daughter, who is about to enter primary school, regards this set of "Sophie's Natural Exploration of Ants" as a treasure.

This set of books, by Stefan Kastad, a member of the Swedish Academy of Letters and winner of the Lindgren Prize, and the eighty-year-old nature painter Bu Mosberg, presents towering trees, brilliant flowers, delicious berries, wonderful mushrooms, flowing seasons, as well as insects and small animals living with plants, which will open the eyes of children.

What is even more memorable is that the realistic pastel paintings are not as out of place as the photos, highlighting the characteristics and taking into account the whole and part, like a fresh and unworldly handbook. The language of introduction to each plant is concise and childlike.

Some time ago, the epidemic once again enveloped Dalian, and I had the opportunity to take my daughter who was suspended from school to go for a walk in nature. That day, we picked a lot of pine towers under the pine trees, and we hugged them in a full embrace, and she suddenly asked, "Mom, why does the pine tower look like this?"

I can't answer, but I also think it is a good science popularization opportunity. "Go to the book and find the answer!" A few days later, she held up the leaves in the book and told me that this was the seed of a pine tree.

Little ant Sophie runs through it, this industrious little guy is always exploring everywhere, playing in nature wearing a hat carefully designed for her by the painter, or sitting on the elm money wandering, or stringing berries with dog tail grass, or being pricked by the thorny nettle to the ass and screaming in pain...

This book is just the right amount of humor, not exaggerated, but it can be exchanged for the corners of your mouth, and it is a comic that children can read and understand.

The well-designed plot, which connects the popular science, is really an interesting attempt. At the beginning of "Berry Quest", Sophie invites everyone to her berry party, but finds that her friends are missing, and when she struggles to string up more than a dozen kinds of berries with dogtail grass to continue the search, the forest sounds music, and all the friends come to hug Sophie and plan a huge surprise for her.

My daughter is the age when she has a party every day, and this book is simply her confidant.

Don't think that this is a book that only pays attention to fun, this set of books has been reviewed by domestic experts to ensure the accuracy of knowledge. Of course, there are also regrets, the plants mentioned in the book are based on European background, and many tree species and flowers are not available in China.

Popular Science Books in Practice:

1, read at home also have to go out of the door to read

Spring is suitable for reading "Flower Exploration", autumn is suitable for reading "Tree Exploration", probably because of the poignant beauty of the fallen leaves, we begin to pay attention to the neglected leaves of a summer, they fly down, gently land on the ground under their feet, lying there quietly. It turns out that they have their own shapes, and compared with the illustrations of "Tree Exploration", you will get to know several old friends more deeply.

2. Do it while reading

"Berries Quest" also adds "Sophie's Berry Recipe", the dessert recipe at the party is announced one by one, the dosage and steps are very clear, if the ingredients allow, you can really try.

What your child gets:

Before writing this sharing, I asked my child which book I liked the most, and she took it from the shelf and handed it to me, saying that she knew a lot of plant secrets in the book. Also pointing to the back cover of the picture laughing, it said it was very much like my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather' grandfather...

Kindergarten and the lower grades of primary school are the stage of the transition from picture books to the whole book, the bridge book "Magic School Bus" and "Different Carmela" are loved, but this set of "Sophie's Natural Exploration of Ants" is a dark horse that has emerged, but it does not appear suddenly, because they all have common characteristics, speaking knowledge within the framework of the story, moderate length, equal proportions of pictures and texts, humor and fun.

Finally, thank you for listening and supporting, you and I are both newbies on the road to parenting, and we are willing to help each other.

Animal books, give children courage and wisdom

The child is 10 years old, recommend "Wolf King Lobo"

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

Today, I want to recommend to you that Seton's "Wolf King Lobo" series "The Complete Animal Novels of Seaton".

This set of books, I read almost in one breath, was originally read to the child, and at night when the child slept, I couldn't wait to turn it back.

Seton's observation of animals, whether it is action or inner drama, is vividly and delicately described, obviously an animal book, but wrote the twists and turns of human feelings, the protagonists are wise, heroic, amorous... People often forget that they are reading animal books.

The ending is either free or goodbye to the world, and after reading half of the book, the child stops reading it, because she is really sorry for the animals, and the child's goodness is mobilized, and the cruelty and anger of mankind are aroused.

As the story continues, she begins to look at things differently, and she says that what impressed her most about the book was that the animals went forward when they encountered difficulties, tried everything they could, and had affection for their families and children; in addition, humans in the book did not all hurt animals, and some people made great efforts to protect animals, which made her feel warm.

The author is written from the perspective of animals, and the child has a strong sense of substitution in the process of reading, and often can't help but say, "This little military horse has a good way!" "Although he is a fox, he has the same love as us and cares about people" "It's so funny, how can it be so cute!" ”......

Documentary books to broaden children's horizons

Second grade, recommend "Teddy Bear More Human Adventures"

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families
Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

My family has a second-grade Gemini baby girl, I have always insisted on family parent-child reading, and the children's book I want to recommend today is "Teddy Bear Duoduo Human Adventure", which is the work of French picture book master Tommy Wenger.

Although the child is in the second grade, we have always insisted on reading picture books and also reading bridge books. After entering elementary school, I will pay attention to the selection of works with more text, relatively deep themes or non-fiction in the local selection, so that I can maintain my interest in reading and not be too difficult or simple to understand. Good works focus on understanding and appreciation.

Tommy Wenger is a picture book master with a prominent personal style and is the winner of the International Hans Christian Andersen Awards. My children have read many of his works when they were young, especially "The Three Robbers" and "The Mylop Family of Little Pigs" have often been turned out and looked at recently.

"Teddy Bear Duoduo Human Adventure" is a book that children have read more deeply in the past week, telling the changes in the lives of two good friends during World War II, from the cruelty of war to warm friendship and reunion.

There is a large teddy bear on the cover of the book, and as soon as the child sees the cover, he asks: Who is he? Why is there a purple stain on my face? Why doesn't it look too happy? With these questions in mind, she opened the book and read it herself along the way. Good picture books have such charm.

The story unfolds in the first person "I..." by a teddy bear, telling the whole story, and the story is both wonderful and smooth to read.

In addition to the teddy bear, there are two little boys, they are good friends, they reunited many years after the war, and their families have undergone great changes. The child was very touched after reading it, and for the first time in the story, he experienced the cruelty of war and the preciousness of friendship.

The end of the story is beautiful, and Teddy Bear himself records the twists and turns of his life with a typewriter to form a story.

Before my children also read a picture book with the bear 🐻 as the protagonist, "Looking for Winnie", which tells the experience of a real bear in world war I, and the story of Teddy Bear Duoduo formed an interesting contrast, the real story and the fictional fairy tale do not know which one is more impressive to the child? You can talk to your child.

· END ·

Three-five hoe community "2021 100 small book recommenders" year-end sharing activities will last for five weeks, five times to share, as of now there have been nearly ninety parents registered to occupy, if you want to sign up to share, or want to enter the group to listen to more mothers to share, just poke the poster below to add customer service registration:

Choose a poem and read it with children from spring to winter | Annual reading stories for 100 families

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