
Guangzhou dim sum candy, fresh shrimp lotus leaf rice, salty pancakes, snow shadow bean paste

author:Jiexi is the tea powder

What is Sugar Not Thrown? To know that it is to directly cook the glutinous rice flour, rub it into powder balls, cook it in an iron pot with boiling hot syrup, then pick it up and sprinkle it with crushed fried peanuts and coconut paste, wake up the stomach without being greasy, sweet and fragrant.

Guangzhou dim sum candy, fresh shrimp lotus leaf rice, salty pancakes, snow shadow bean paste

The story about sugar is this: According to legend, during the light years of the Qing Dynasty, there were many opium addicts in the area of Dongkeng Town. On the second day of February in the early spring, due to the flood of poisons, the people did not have a good life, and rushed to Dongkeng for the "Selling Festival" to be hired by the rich men who were extremely thin and weak, most of them were yellow-faced and thin, and had little labor. Lü Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals, said that after hearing this, he made a cure for addiction, because of the bitter mouth of good medicine, and then privately went down to the mortals, which was an offense to the heavens. So Lü Dongbin hid the elixir in the cooked glutinous powder balls, cooked it with syrup into a sweet and delicious "sugar does not fling" (taking the meaning of "powdered sugar sticky dan does not separate"), and transformed into an old man who picked up the burden and sold it, from the street to the end of the ruins. After everyone ate it, they really stopped the opium poison, their physical strength and intelligence recovered, and the East Pit "sugar does not fling" and thus became famous. Later, sugar does not fling and gradually related to the marriage of men and women, located in Dongkeng, Chashan, Hengli towns of the villagers are simple and conservative, whenever the matchmaker takes young lads to the woman's home for a blind date, if the woman agrees, she will cook "sugar does not dump" reception, the man sees that the table is "sugar does not dump", he knows that this family affair "can not be dumped", so the large bowl of "sugar does not dump" after eating a bowl and then add a bowl, indicating that he is willing to do good things into pairs. If the woman does not agree with this family affair, then boil the rotten bamboo sugar water that beats the eggs, and the man sees that the stage is put on the stage with the rotten bamboo sugar water, he knows that the family affair is "scattered", and he will leave after drinking a sip of sugar water in a hurry.

In the early years, lotus leaf rice was most famous for making in Taiping Town, Dongguan, because this area was rich in lotus leaves and high-quality silk seedling white rice.

Guangzhou dim sum candy, fresh shrimp lotus leaf rice, salty pancakes, snow shadow bean paste

Every year in late summer and early autumn, during the season of rice ripening and lotus, good silk seedlings and rice are selected, plus fillings such as lean meat, fresh shrimp, fresh mushrooms and fresh bamboo shoots, and wrapped in lotus leaves and cooked for gifts for traveling to dinner or visiting relatives and friends.

Fresh shrimp lotus leaf rice is light and refreshing, with the clear aroma of lotus leaves, and has always been one of the famous dim sum recipes for tea houses and restaurants in Guangzhou. Nowadays, the filling of lotus leaf rice is more and more exquisite, in addition to fresh shrimp, there are chicken, Yaozhu, crab meat, eggs, sesame oil, flavor powder, etc., and the varieties are constantly emerging.

Salty pancakes are one of the fried small foods, and their cakes are salty and sweet, especially the Dechang salty pancakes have a good reputation among overseas Chinese, and are the most prestigious.

Guangzhou dim sum candy, fresh shrimp lotus leaf rice, salty pancakes, snow shadow bean paste

Dechang salty pancakes are famous for their bright colors and unique flavors, and their creator is Tan Zu, a pastry chef at the Dechang Tea House on Longjin Middle Road in Guangzhou. The method of making salty pancakes originates from the Hui people's oily cakes. In 1938, Tan Zu painstakingly drained his blood in the seasoning and heat, and finally made a salty pancake with fresh, crispy skin, soft heart, crispy and delicious taste. Its ingredients are flour, soy sauce, sugar, brown sugar, southern milk, baking soda, etc., and use medium heat when frying.

At that time, there were salty pancakes for sale everywhere in Guangzhou, but none of them were as good as the taste and texture of Dechang. In 1947, a Vietnamese overseas Chinese surnamed Zhao returned to Guangzhou to taste the salty pancakes of Dechang and praised them. Before he left Guangzhou, he went to Dechang to buy a few salty pancakes that had just been fished out of the oil pot, sealed them in tin cans, and then flew back to Vietnam. When they arrived home, their families still tasted crispy and soft salty pancakes. After the news spread, dechang salty pancakes became famous. In 1957, the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government held the Guangzhou Famous Dishes And Beauty Review Competition, and dechang salty pancakes won the first place in the beauty point. Today, dechang salty pancakes are still in short supply.

 There is a Cantonese dessert, which is something that guests from any country will definitely like, because its appearance and taste are very similar to the European dessert "Comb Hu Li", which is also sent with egg white, but it is more like the master's eye and quick kung fu, it is "Snow Shadow Bean Paste". This dessert tastes loose and soft like marshmallow, and the high-grade master makes it like a cloud, which has the light taste of the Japanese egg roll top realm "eating cake like a gust of wind", sweet but not greasy, although it is actually a fried substance stuffed with bean paste.

Guangzhou dim sum candy, fresh shrimp lotus leaf rice, salty pancakes, snow shadow bean paste

It does this by mixing egg whites with a little high-gluten flour, two proteins for one snow shadow bean paste, and two proteins for a snow shadow bean paste, while high gluten flour helps to coat the bean paste to make the surface smoother. Then use chopsticks to pick up a small ball of bean paste, rotate clockwise in the beaten egg white, stick a cocoon-like egg ball, and then put it into a pot with oil temperature of 70 to 80 ° C, carefully extract the chopsticks, and then use the chopsticks to quickly and clockwise fry it so that it can become a regular circle. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly pour oil on its surface to make its surface more loose. At the end of the day, sprinkle some powdered sugar on the surface of the snow shadow bean paste, and you're done immediately.

Guangzhou dim sum candy, fresh shrimp lotus leaf rice, salty pancakes, snow shadow bean paste

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