
Sugar does not fling

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Sugar does not fling

This is a dessert, a snack in Guangdong - sugar is not thrown, just heard the name, it is very interesting, must try it, after tasting, found that it is really delicious, hot eating is very warm stomach, very blood and qi, cold to eat is also good, glutinous rice soft glutinous with brown sugar sweet solution is just right, the production process is also very simple, will not spend too much time, so that women are both beautiful and relaxed. Of course, remember that glutinous rice is sticky food, but don't be greedy.

by Pomegranate Tree 2008 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】

Glutinous rice flour 120 g

Brown sugar 20 g

Crushed peanuts 15 g

Sugar does not fling

1、1. Weigh the required ingredients and spare, the peanut crush can be increased according to personal preferences, but remember that it is cooked Oh, shun is cooked to eat delicious ah, ah,

Sugar does not fling

2、2. Glutinous rice flour with warm water and into clumps, to add little by little, and finally non-stick hands non-stick container as well,

Sugar does not fling

3、3. First rub into long strips, and then divide into small doses of about 10 grams,

Sugar does not fling

4、4. Small agents one by one to round, spare,

Sugar does not fling

5、5. Use a small pot with a small amount of water, add brown sugar to a boil, change the heat to a low heat and cook until thick,

Sugar does not fling

6、6. Put an appropriate amount of water in another pot, boil the water and put in the glutinous rice balls to cook, after boiling in the middle, add a bowl of water, continue to cook, and when it floats on the water again, it is cooked.

Sugar does not fling

7、7. Put the cooked glutinous rice balls into brown sugar water and soak them for a while, so that they taste good.

Sugar does not fling

8、8. Put it in a bowl and sprinkle it with crushed peanuts on it, and you can taste it, and it is good to eat hot or cold.

Brown sugar water can also add a few slices of ginger, so that it can also get rid of the cold, is also good.

Glutinous rice taste sweet, warm, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridians; has the effect of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, anti-sweating effect, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, poor appetite, bloating and diarrhea have a certain alleviating effect; glutinous rice has an astringent effect, frequent urination, night sweats have a better therapeutic effect.

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