
To prepare the sausage shrimp lotus leaf rice

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
To prepare the sausage shrimp lotus leaf rice

Practice steps

1. Preparation. Mix glutinous rice and rice together and soak one day in advance. The whole dried lotus leaf is soaked in warm water, and the water does not have to be too hot, otherwise the leaves will be too hot.

2. Start cooking. In order to make the lotus leaf flavor of the rice heavier, you can cook the rice with lotus leaf water. Instead of using a new lotus leaf, tear off the lotus leaf edge a little, soak it in hot water, and use it to cook rice after the water has cooled. The water used to cook rice is less than usual, otherwise after steaming, the rice will be too sticky.

3: While cooking rice, cut the ingredients. Cut the ingredients into small pieces, pellets and slices. Shrimp are fishy with cooking wine.

4: Heat the oil pan, sauté the onion first, add the rest of the ingredients except the shrimp and fry together, stir-fry the shrimp after the aroma. Stir-fry twice and add to the rice. Add soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar in turn, stir-fry, taste the taste, according to their own situation, what to add, appropriate seasoning. After frying, wrap them in lotus leaves and put them in a steamer basket.

5, put the steamer into the pot, steam for about 20 minutes, you can get out of the pot, you can also sprinkle some green onions!


1. The spices in the lotus leaf rice should be added according to their own situation. 2, this time the shrimp bought quick-frozen, shrimp line pick is not very clean, it is recommended to buy their own shrimp to peel. 3, dried lotus leaves bought in a treasure, 20 pieces of a large bag.

Mood story

About lotus leaf rice. There are many kinds of ingredients for lotus leaf rice, and you can add what you like, not necessarily according to the ingredients in the square. It's relatively simple, and the young chefs who are cooking for the first time will also do it!

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