
Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

Today, I will share a mille-feuille shortbread that is better than the dim sum store, which is not only full of aroma, but also has won praise from countless diners for its incomparable crispy and slag-free taste. Every bite seems to carry an intoxicating magic that makes people want to stop.

The best feature of this shortbread is its layered, crispy crust. The crust is carefully crafted, each layer is as thin as a cicada's wings, yet tough and elastic. During the baking process, the crust gradually becomes golden brown and crispy, giving off an enticing aroma. The sweet sugar filling between the crusts adds a bit of charm to this shortbread.

Mille-feuille shortbread

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

Ingredients & Distribution:

300 grams of flour, 5 grams of sugar, 180 grams of warm water, three tablespoons of sugar, and one spoonful of sautéed white sesame seeds

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop


1. Mix the flour, sugar and oil, add warm water and form a smooth dough and let it rise for a while.

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

2. 200 grams of flour, add 100 grams of cooked oil, mix evenly, and mix well to make puff pastry for a while.

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

3. After separating the good water and oil skin and puff pastry, knead it round, and wrap the water and oil skin into the puff pastry in the shape of a cake.

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

4. Roll out the wrapped embryo thinly, continue to roll it out after three folds, continue to roll it out after four folds, and cut it in half after rolling it up.

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

5. Put three spoons of sugar, one spoonful of fried white sesame seeds, and one spoonful of flour into a bowl and stir well to make a filling.

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

6. Then wrap the finished skin embryo into the filling and roll it up, press it into a cake shape, and fry it in a non-stick pan with hot oil until both sides are ripe and colored.

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

What's even more surprising is that this sugar shortbread tastes even better after it cools. As the crust cools, it becomes more crispy, and each bite feels like it can bite into the air, which is endlessly memorable. The sugar filling, on the other hand, becomes richer when cooled, sweet but not greasy, and perfectly complements the crispy texture of the crust.

Share how to make a mille-feuille shortbread that is crispy and delicious, and better than the ones sold in the dim sum shop

In addition, the production process of this shortbread is also quite exquisite. From the selection of materials to the production, every step is full of the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the craftsmen. High-quality flour and sugar are used, and the crust is kneaded many times to make the crust more chewy and elastic. The production of sugar filling is even more refined, and after many adjustments and attempts, the most perfect sweetness has been achieved.

Overall, this mille-feuille shortbread, which is better than the one sold in the dim sum shop, is a must, both in terms of taste and production process. It is not only a delicacy, but also a symbol of enjoyment and taste in life. Whether it's for breakfast, afternoon tea or a late-night snack, it's a great experience for your taste buds, so make it now!

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