
1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, pay attention to Ah Fei, there are more home cooking for your reference.

Tomatoes are rich in carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins, tofu is a low-fat, low-calorie ingredient, and contains a lot of plant protein, these two ingredients together, cooked into a light and nutritious tomato tofu soup, the taste is very appetizing.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

Let's start with the ingredients:

Wash three shiitake mushrooms and cut them into shiitake mushroom slices, which have a special aroma and are more suitable for cooking soup.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

After washing a few shallots, cut into small shallots.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

Take a small basin, beat in two eggs and stir quickly with chopsticks.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

Tofu piece, first divide the tofu into two, and then put it on the board and cut it into diced tofu. The tofu is cut upside down, and the cut tofu can be held down by hand without sticking to the back of the knife.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

We peel the tomatoes, and the skin of the tomatoes is boiled into the soup to affect the taste.

Boil water in the pot, after the water boils, add two tomatoes to blanch the skin, so that it is easy to remove the skin of the tomatoes. After blanching, fish out the tomatoes and rinse them with cool water, and gently pull the tomato skin is easily removed.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

Then remove the tomatoes from the roots and cut them into small pieces and place them in a pot.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

After the oil is heated, pour in the egg liquid, the egg liquid quickly solidifies, and the egg cubes are constantly stirred with a spoon. Pour out the whipped egg cubes.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

Burn a little oil in the pot, add tomatoes and green onions and stir-fry together, stir-fry the tomatoes out of the juice, the soup is fried sour, pour in the appropriate amount of water, the amount of water should be added at one time.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

Then add tofu and shiitake mushrooms, add 2 grams of salt, 4 grams of pepper, bring to a boil over high heat, dissolve the seasoning, beat off the floating powder on it, and stir the pot with a spoon.

Cook for about 5 minutes over low heat, bring the broth to a thicker and fragrant boil. Then add the scrambled eggs, drizzle with the appropriate amount of water starch, and pour in the water starch to draw a thin layer of mustard to make the soup more viscous and rich.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

Turn over the pot and put it on the plate, sprinkle with coriander to garnish it, and pour 3 grams of sesame sesame oil before leaving the pot to make the tofu soup more fragrant and the soup brighter, and you can start to pour it in the soup bowl and eat it.

This light, appetizing and nutritious tomato tofu soup is ready.

1 piece of tofu, 2 eggs, the head chef teaches you to make a light stomach tofu soup, the taste is amazing

I am Ah Fei, thank you for your support of the first food, friends who like to cook don't forget to pay attention, we have several home-cooked dishes for your reference every day.

To watch the detailed video, please click: on a hot day, come to a pot of appetizing tomato tofu soup, a few dollars of ingredients, the family loves to drink

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