
Meaty sake cakes are nutritious and delicious, and the recipes are simple and convenient

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation

Sake cake is a local traditional famous spot in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, the spring seasonal dim sum, the appearance is similar to the small moon cake, the noodles are made with sake, due to the climate, often only suitable for selling one season, the best time to taste is before and after the Qingming Dynasty. There are meat and vegetarian dishes, and the main varieties are rose, bean paste, mint and other flavors. The wine cake is preferably hot food, and is characterized by sweet, fat, soft and tough, oily and crystalline, bright color and distinct taste.

Meaty sake cakes are nutritious and delicious, and the recipes are simple and convenient

When it comes to pasta, everyone will definitely think of the north, and indeed compared to the south, it is indeed very fond of eating pasta, and the methods are more diverse. The culture of pasta is also colorful, meat cakes, shortbread, baked cakes, there are many ways to make, but also has a lot of delicious fillings, today to talk about the sake of the cake.

【Sake Cake】

Ingredients to be prepared: 250 grams of ordinary flour, 50 grams of corn starch, 120 grams of sweet wine, water, 1 tablespoon of corn oil, 2 grams of yeast, 20 grams of caster sugar

Meaty sake cakes are nutritious and delicious, and the recipes are simple and convenient

【Specific production steps】The first step, first of all, you need to prepare all the above ingredients, and then you need to prepare the sweet wine, which is about the amount of a bowl. It would be best if you could do it yourself, and if you wouldn't, buy a bottle from outside and come back. Then prepare a large bowl and put the flour, cornstarch, sake, corn oil, caster sugar and yeast together in the large bowl;

The second step, and then slowly add water to the large bowl, can not be put in at once, to add little by little. Stir the flour into a flocculent form during the process of adding, and you can see that it has become a piece;

The third step, then stir it well, and then knead it into a dough by hand, the surface should be smoother. Then cover it with plastic wrap and place it at a relatively high temperature for fermentation;

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The fourth step, wait until the dough becomes twice the size of the original, peel open to see, if the inside is honeycomb-shaped, it has been fermented. At this time, you can take it out, slowly knead out the gas inside, and then divide it into eight parts, the size should be similar. Knead them into a circle and then cover them with plastic wrap and let them sit for fifteen minutes;

Step 5: Flatten each small dough and roll them out into the shape of a pie, not too big. Several others do the same. Prepare a frying pan or an electric cake bell, brush a layer of oil on the electric cake bell to heat it, put the cake in it and burn it with a low heat;

Meaty sake cakes are nutritious and delicious, and the recipes are simple and convenient

Step 6: Wait until one side of the cake turns brown and you can change it, and the other side is the same state, then take out the cake and put it on the plate to eat.

It should be noted that because of the difference in wine brewing, it is necessary to pay more attention when adding water, and add a small amount of several times. You can also add filling to it, sesame seeds, bean paste can be, the taste will be better.

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