
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake

author:Xiao Biao's food
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake

"Sake stuffed cake" is a traditional snack in Suzhou, and the Spring Seasonal Suzhou style is a representative food. There are historical records related to Zhang Shicheng, the leader of the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. According to legend, it began at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, when there was a Shicheng in Suzhou (1321---1367), because he accidentally injured people's lives, he took his old mother to escape, it was the cold food festival, there was nowhere to beg, and there was no food for several days. His old mother fainted from hunger, and Zhang Shicheng cried when he saw that he was about to be starved to death. An old uncle saw that Zhang Shicheng was very filial to his mother and son, and he used the only few lees in the family to make cakes for him, and Zhang Shicheng's mother was finally saved. A few years later, Zhang Shicheng rebelled in Su and became king, remembering the savior at that time, in order not to forget this matter, Zhang Shicheng ordered the cold food festival to eat wine lees cake, called "save the mother cake". Later, Zhang Shicheng was captured alive by Zhu Yuanzhang and committed suicide on the way to Ying Tianfu. At that time, no one dared to call the cake "saving the mother cake", but the people of Suzhou still had a lot of feelings for Zhang Shicheng and quietly changed the name of the "saving mother cake" to "wine cake". To this day, Suzhou people still have the custom of eating "wine cake" in spring. The main ingredients of "sake cake" are suzhou's local winter wheat and sake brewing. The filling of the sake cake is divided into meat and vegetarian, and the main varieties are rose, bean paste, mint and so on. Hot food is preferred, characterized by sweet fat, soft and tough, oily and crystalline, bright color, and distinct taste.

Features: no yeast added, natural fermentation by wine, wine aroma, sweet and mellow, soft cake, although less oil but very moist.

Ingredients: 310G of medium gluten flour, 90g of corn starch, 200g of homemade sake brewing, 100g of water, appropriate amount of red bean paste filling powder, a little cooking oil

Production: 1, medium flour and corn starch mixed, wine + water added to the flour, mixed into a flocculent, kneaded until even.

Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake

2. Put it in a silicone bag at room temperature for 1 hour and then refrigerate and ferment in the refrigerator for 20 hours.

Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake

3: After taking it out, exhaust, roll the dough into strips as an agent, each weighing about 37G, and prepare the red bean paste

Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake

4. Press the dough by hand, wrap in 17G red bean paste and knead, and the raw blank of the wine stuffed cake will be completed

Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake

5, the raw blank into a flat circle of no less than 2CM thick, the electric cake bell preheats well, brush a thin layer of oil, put in several cake blanks to bake, burned into two sides of yellow-brown, soft and emitting rice wine mellow sweet wine cake out of the pot

Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake
Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake


Adding a certain percentage of cornstarch reduces the gluten of the flour and makes the cake softer. Without the use of yeast powder liqueur brewing and noodles low temperature fermentation taste more mellow.

And the dough is softer.

When baking, brush the surface of the cake pan with a thin layer of oil, and try to reduce the oil or not brush the oil.

When using an electric cake bell, it is advisable to only open the heat, and heat up and down at the same time to affect the looseness of the cake.

It tastes better when served hot.

Suzhou traditional snack - the production of wine stuffed cake

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